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如果这不可能,你随身携带零食和警觉到低血糖,ymptoms如紧张,出汗,偏执。如果你觉得一个低血糖事件上场,靠边立即采取糖丸或吃点东西。等待的感觉至少10至15分钟前通过继续进行。5.Follow this advice before you hit the road:Keep glucose goods close at hand. If you are traveling by plane, pack your medicat...

Hi ymptomsincludelo ofa etite,weightlo ,exce ivefatigue,feverandchills.他的症状有食欲和体重减轻、非常疲倦、发烧和发冷。Hefeelsexhaustedorfatiguedmostofthetime.他大部份时间都觉得非常疲倦。Heha eenlackinginenergyforsometime.他感到虚弱有段时间了。Hefeelsdrowsy,dizzyandnauseated.他觉得昏昏欲睡,头晕目眩和...

Why do the good horse refused to back the grass? Eat all the grass behind it 为什么大雁秋天要飞到南方去? 如果走就太慢了 Why geese autumn to fly to south to? If go you is too slow 怎样使麻雀安静下来?答案:压它一下。 原因:鸦雀无声(压雀无声)How to make a sparrow q...

范亭17632499560问: 英语的形容词变为of加名词形式的具体用法》 -
翠云区管通回答: of value, of importance (相当与valuable与important).这就是所谓名词前面加of变为形容词(一样可以作表语与定语,作定语往往在所修饰的名词后面.如:an issue of imporatance).还有一些稍微不太熟悉例子也希望大家学会,如:The ...

范亭17632499560问: symptom是可数名词吗?, the symptoms of 什么情况,有the为甚末还有s??求解 -
翠云区管通回答: 是可数的,意为“症状”,若医生为病人诊断时,会先问“what are the symptoms of you illness”.加"the"并不表示一个

范亭17632499560问: 非典型肺炎的症状用英语描述一下 -
翠云区管通回答: Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a viral respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus, called SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV).帮楼主搜了一下 Symptoms of SARS In general, SARS begins with a high fever (temperature ...

范亭17632499560问: symptoms是什么意思 -
翠云区管通回答: symptoms 基本翻译 n. 症状;症候;病徵 网络释义 symptoms:病症|症状|病征 clinical symptoms:临床特征|临床症状 positive symptoms:正性症状|阳性症状|正向症状

范亭17632499560问: We will do all we can to relieve (缓解) the symptoms of the patients:that is our______. -
翠云区管通回答:[答案] responsibility

范亭17632499560问: ...      3.参考词汇:头晕—dizzy(adj.). Dear editor I'm Li Ming of Senior Three Guangming Middle School. I'm writing to tell you about some symptoms ... -
翠云区管通回答:[答案] I am Li Ming of Senior Three Guangming Middle School. I am writing to tell you about some symptoms of anxiety among us students before exams. Most of us feel nervous whenever we're taking an important exam. Some will feel dizzy or tired some will ...

范亭17632499560问: 非典型肺炎用英语全称怎么说? -
翠云区管通回答: severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

范亭17632499560问: symptoms怎么读 -
翠云区管通回答: symptom 英[ˈsimptəm] 美[ˈsɪmtəm, ˈsɪmp-] 复数:symptoms n. 1.症状 2.征兆 名词 n. 1.症状 The doctor told her to watch out for symptoms of measles. 医生叫她注意麻疹出现的症状. 2.征兆 The symptoms manifested themselves ten days later. 十天后征兆显露出来了.

范亭17632499560问: 如何区分Cause 和symptoms() - 上学吧
翠云区管通回答:[答案] 一般情况下,非典开始发高烧(温度大于100.4 ° F [ “ 38.0摄氏度] ) .其他症状包括头痛,整体感觉不适,身体疼痛.有些人也有轻微的呼吸道症状首先.百分之十至百分之二十的患者有腹泻.经过2至7天, SARS病人可能发展干...

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