
作者&投稿:薛适 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

...的值是 char ch='8'; int r=10; S.witch( ch+1 ) { caS.e '7...
先看结果 再听原理:char类型本身是字符型,但是它可以转型成int 这时,这个int数 代表的就是这个字符的ASCII编码 当对它进行加一操作时,就会对 ‘8’这个字符的ASCII编码加一 得到的就是'9'这个字符 所以 r 要+6 所以最终结果是 16 选择C 配图码字 希望能让你满意 ...

原文出自魔戒三国王归来 Witch-king: You fool. No man can kill me! Die now.Éowyn: I am no man!这其实是一个双关,Witch-king(安格玛巫王,也就是戒灵王)的意思是“没有人可以杀死我”而Éowyn(伊欧温)的意思则是“可我不是男人”(因为她是Woman,女人)这句话在魔戒...

100词的英语童话 睡美人,语句要通顺、不要直接拿翻译软件弄,好的给分...
Sleeping beauty is a queen gave birth to the child. The queen is very happy, invited the human and fairy all sides friends to come to dinner. But did not invite the evil witch Carla Persian. The matter was jealous and resentful witch aware, uninvited, in "the princess will ...

there, they must ally with the Lion Aslan against the forces of the White Witch, who has the world under an eternal winter. 经典语句 -Some journeys take us far from home. Some adventures lead us to our destiny.-There are many stories of Narnia. The first is about to be ...


Today, I read" the sleeping beauty", the story is the major content of the king and the queen gave birth to a beautiful princess in the Kingdom, there are thirteen divination female, but the king had invited twelve, they all give the Princess Wishes, but the thirteenth witch ...


钮施13437284376问: c语言作业 老师要求用switch 来判定学生分数等级 -
天津市巧特回答: 首先指出你的疑问:因为你的switch语句在最后一个if语句中,也就是说,当分数为s>=0&&s<=49时才执行switch语句,此时x==5.于是就执行case 5了. 修改:把switch语句与if语句并列. 更好的:你为什么用了if语句还要用switch语句呢,直接...

钮施13437284376问: 在JAVA中采用switch语句设计一个程序,对给定的学生成绩score评判其等级(优,良,中,及格,不及格) -
天津市巧特回答: #include<stdio.h> void main() { int score,i; printf("Enter the Student's Score:\n"); scanf("%d",&score); i= score/10; switch( i ) { case 10: case 9: printf("A\n"); break; case 8: printf("B\n"); break; case 7: printf("C\n"); break; case 6: printf(...

钮施13437284376问: java编程,用switch语句编写一个学生成绩等级评定 -
天津市巧特回答: 如图:输入大于100或者小于0得数会提示错误 import java.util.Scanner; public class Test {public static void main(String[] args) {Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);System.out.println("请输入成绩:");int score=input.nextInt();if(...

钮施13437284376问: 如何用C语言中switch语句编写学生成绩问题? -
天津市巧特回答: #includevoid main() { double score; printf("请输入分数:\n"); scanf("%lf",&score); switch((int)(score/10))//switch((int)score/10)出现严重错误,switch(((int)score)/10)出现严重错误, { case 10: case 9:printf("A(最好)\n");break; ...

钮施13437284376问: C语言 使用switch语句,将百分制成绩转换为等级分:90以上 -
天津市巧特回答:[选项] A. ,80-89为 B. ,70-79为 C. ,60-69为 D. ,其它为F.

钮施13437284376问: 利用switch语句编写一个程序A为90~100,B为80~89,C为70~79,D为60~69,F为0~59.如果成绩高于100或者低于0利用switch语句编写一个程序,把用数字表示... -
天津市巧特回答:[答案] switch(score/10) { case 10:printf("A");break; case 9:printf("A"); break case 8:printf("B"); break . case 1 :. default:break; }

钮施13437284376问: java编程,用switch语句编写一个学生成绩等级评定,使用键盘读取分数(0 - 100之间)学生成 -
天津市巧特回答: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24publicclassGrade {publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) {Scanner scanner = newScanner(System.in);intgrade = scanner.nextInt();switch(grade/10){case10:case9:System.out....

钮施13437284376问: c语言switch语句 -
天津市巧特回答: 不能,case后面的常量表达式只能是整型,字符型 #include<stdio.h> void main() { int score=0; int grade=0; printf("成绩(0-100)\n");scanf("%d",&score); //键盘输入学生成绩 while(score>=0&&score<=100) { grade=score/10; switch(...

钮施13437284376问: 利用JavaScript switch判断成绩优劣(优、良、一般、及格、不及格) -
天津市巧特回答: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13functiongetLevel(score){if(isNaN(score)||score<0||score>100) return"error";vartempScore = parseInt(score)/10;tempScore = Math.floor(tempScore);switch(tempScore){case10: return"优";case9: return"优...

钮施13437284376问: 用if...else嵌套语句和switch...case语句实现成绩判定. 用switch....case怎么做.求帮忙 -
天津市巧特回答: 假定 int型 num为分数 if(num>=90) printf("优秀"); else if(num>=80) printf("良好"); else if(num>=70) printf("中等"); else if(num>=60) printf("合格"); else printf("不合格");switch是一一比对相符,不适合用在判定大...

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