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41--- 44 BDCA 略

我喜欢游泳。我所有的朋友都游得比我慢 I like___.All my...

第1届奥斯卡(1927-1928年度)最佳影片:翼 Wings 第2届奥斯卡(1928-1929年度)最佳影片:百老汇的旋律\/红伶秘史 The Broadway Melody 第3届奥斯卡(1929-1930年度)最佳影片:西线无战事 All Quiet on the Western Front 第4届奥斯卡(1930-1931年度)最佳影片:壮志千秋 Cimarron 第5届奥斯卡(1931-193...

AWIM - Kill Me Loving your dream,carrying your pain.Watching me going slowly to my grave.Didn't know you,didn't know you.Sipping hatred in a glass of milk.Injecting fears in my brittle little veins.Didn't know you,didn't know you.Talking nonsense to me,I wish i could b...

Nancy is a (beautiful) girl . She can dance (beautifully ) .(beautiful).What's the weather like in Nanjing? It often (rains) (rain) in June.My grandmother likes (cooking). She (cooked) much delicious food yesterday.(cook)My grandmother swims as( slowly) (slow) as his...

Watch Over Me 歌词
歌曲名:Watch Over Me 歌手:Wim Mertens 专辑:Shot And Echo Hanson - Watch Over Me 啊浚制作 She wakes and takes her place in line And never bothers asking why the mirror sheds no light at all The days turn into lesser days until there\\'s only night The light it wouldn\\'t ...

with the moving foot suspended in the air or slowly dragged. Similar figures (Hesitation Change, Drag Hesitation, and Cross Hesitation) are incorporated in the International Standard Waltz syllabus In contemporary ballroom dance, the fast versions of the waltz are called Viennese Waltz.Int...

我是初二的学生 速求十篇新概念文章用于背诵 我是初二的学生 感激不...
continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz!Erna Hart is going to swim across the English Channel tomorrow. She is going to set out from the French coast at five o'clock in the morning. Erna is only tour- teen years ...

帮忙翻译一篇文章 不要机器的 好得在追50分 说到做到
往事涌出,徘徊踌躇,(elapsed moments spirt out , hover with hesitation)我倚在窗前,怀念着久违的心动。(leaning on the wimdows contemplating the far-going shock)回忆如诗,回忆如歌,(memory can be poem and song as well)雪花总是适时地飘落。( the snow flown over the air haphazardly)...

素娇15359909969问: _____the boy swim_____?No,he______.He swims slowly. -
开封县千新回答:[答案] 依次填: Does fast doesn't 【Does】the boy swim【fast】?No,he【doesn't】.He swims slowly. 问句翻译是:那位男孩游泳快吗? 回答意思是:不,他(游泳不快),他游得很慢

素娇15359909969问: ...A frog swims very ( ).A.fast B.slowly C.far3.She often ( ) English to her friends.A.tells B.talks C.speaks4.Jack can ( ) now.Look ,he's( ) in the pool.A.swim ,swins... -
开封县千新回答:[答案] 1.A everyone做句子主语时,视为单数,所以句子的谓语动词也用三单形式has. having为现在分词,不能单独做句子的谓语. 2.A 翻译:青蛙游得很快. fast是副词,意思就是“快速地”;而B slowly意思是“慢”,C far意思是“远”. 3.C 固定短语speak ...

素娇15359909969问: 求:游得较慢的英文翻译是什么?
开封县千新回答: Travel(swim) more slowly 望采纳

素娇15359909969问: slowly是什么意思 -
开封县千新回答: 缓慢地

素娇15359909969问: slow和slowly有什么区别? -
开封县千新回答: slow是形容词也是副词,两者都可表示“慢”,但slow通常只与少数动词(如 go, drive, pass, climb, run, walk 等)连用,且应置于其后;而slowly则用法较广,且可置于动词之前或之后,有时还可置于句首.

素娇15359909969问: slow与slowy区别请问用法上有什么区别 -
开封县千新回答: 您好.slow是形容词,意为“慢的”,修饰名词.比如“a slow train”,缓慢的火车. slowly是副词,意为“慢地”,可修饰动词、形容词或整个句子.例句:“The student ran so slowly.”意思是:这名学生跑得太慢了. 简单一点,slow+名词;slowly修饰动词,形容词,整个句子. 希望能帮到你.

素娇15359909969问: 翻译Swim slowly and carefully and don't try to catch up with the dolphins.You have to be careful not to disturb the dolphins when they are fee
开封县千新回答: 缓慢小心的游动,不要试图去追赶他们.当海豚在.....的时候,你得注意不要去干扰他们. 缓慢小心的游动,不要试图去追赶他们.当海豚在进食或者照顾幼崽的时候,你得注意不要去干扰他们.如果一只海豚靠近你,不要伸手,试图触摸它们.野生的海豚不喜欢被人类触摸.

素娇15359909969问: slowly什么意思 -
开封县千新回答: slowly 英[ˈsləʊlɪ] 美[ˈslolɪ] adv. 1.缓慢地;悠悠地 2.缓慢但扎实地; 稳扎稳打地 3.迟缓地 副词 adv. 1.缓慢地;悠悠地 This sticky liquid empties slowly. 这种黏液要好一会儿才能流空. This piece should be played very slowly. 这首乐曲应当演...

素娇15359909969问: 在walk sl0wly中的sl0wly我不知道它的中文意思是什么,请教… -
开封县千新回答: slowly[英][ˈsləʊli][美][ˈsloʊli]adv.缓慢地,慢吞吞地,慢腾腾地; 慢条斯理地,不慌不忙地,袅袅; 迟钝,痴痴呆呆地; 逐步

素娇15359909969问: slowly是什么意思
开封县千新回答:slowly 英 [ˈsləʊli] 美 [ˈsloʊli] adv.缓慢地,慢吞吞地,慢腾腾地; 慢条斯理地,不慌不忙地,袅袅; 迟钝,痴痴呆呆地; 逐步 网 络 慢慢;慢慢地;慢慢来;慢 望采纳,谢谢

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