
作者&投稿:辟油 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.If I were you, I would take an umbrella.如果我是你,我会带把伞。(事实:我不可能是你)2.If he had taken my advice, he would not have made such a mistake. 如果他听我的劝告的话,就不会犯这样的错误了。(事实:没有听我的话)3.We didn’t know his telephone number; ...


DTRT - Do The Right Thing DUCWIM - Do You See What I Mean?DW - Don't Worry DWF - Divorced White Female DWM - Divorced White Male DWBH - Don't Worry, Be Happy :O)DYFI - Did You Find It?EOD - End Of Discussion EOL - End Of Life EOM - End Of Message EOR - End...

1、She suddenly realized that Wim was reciting Kirk's telephone number.她突然意识到威姆正在念的是柯克的电话号码。2、Please give a daytime telephone number.请留一个日间的电话号码。3、Clearly state your address and telephone number.清楚地报上你的地址和电话号码。

packie bonner造句 packie bonnerの例文
Charlton referred to a botched backward pass by defender Terry Phelan that set up the first Dutch goal, and then Wim Jonk's shot in the 41st minute that sppped off the fingers of goape Packie Bonner and went into the . After a row with goalkeeping coach Packie Bonner and Alan Kelly ...

agree with和agree to的区别是什么?
1.agree with和agree to的语义不一样,前者是主观愿望的“赞成,同意”,表示同意或赞许某事。agree with后接意见和看法;后者并非出自主观愿望的同意,agree to只表示“同意”,但未必“赞成”。agree to还可含有愿意大力协助之意,agree to后可接建议、计划、安排。2.agree with后接人, agree to后...

部首:亻。笔画:10。五笔:wimk。繁体:倘。解析:“倘”是现代汉语规范一级字(常用字),普通话读音为cháng,在六书中属于形声字。“倘”的基本含义为同“徜”,引申含义为假使,如果,如倘若。在日常使用中,“倘”也常做连词,表示假设,如倘使。倘造句 1、他属那种欺软怕硬的人,你倘若假以...

现形容来的人很多, 非常 热闹 。 成语出处: 《战国策·齐策一》:“群臣进谏, 门庭若市 。” 繁体写法: 门庭若市 注音: ㄇㄣˊ ㄊㄧㄥˊ ㄖㄨㄛˋ ㄕㄧˋ 门庭若市的近义词: 车水马龙 车如流水,马如游龙,形容车辆来往不绝,热闹非凡 门庭若市的反义词: 门可罗雀 门外可...

门弦15254529348问: 用swim造句 -

门弦15254529348问: 用swim过去将来时造句,急!!! -
木里藏族自治县珍稀回答: 好的.请看下面的例句:☞He said his brother would swim on sports day.☞The man told me that his son would swim on the lake sometime next week.

门弦15254529348问: 用swim,swam,swum造句 -
木里藏族自治县珍稀回答:[答案] swim:I like to swim. swam:I swam yesterday . swum:I have swum for ten minutes.

门弦15254529348问: 求用Swim造句 -
木里藏族自治县珍稀回答: 1, I like swimming in summer. 2, 2.8+5.2=8m8*2=16m²16*40=640元

门弦15254529348问: 用swim过去完成时造句 -
木里藏族自治县珍稀回答: The boys had swam across the lake yesterday afternoon.

门弦15254529348问: swim造句 sing造句 造句 造句 各三句! -
木里藏族自治县珍稀回答:[答案] Fish swims faster than ducks.Let's go swimming tomorrow.We often go swimming together. Tom is singing in the classroom.Jim sings better than Jack.We often sing after class

门弦15254529348问: 英语造句用swim(have a swim)和drink(have a drink)例:She is resting(She is having a resting) -
木里藏族自治县珍稀回答:[答案] 1.I am swimming.= I am having a swim. 我正在游泳. 2.He is drinking.= He is having a drink. 他正在喝东西/饮料.

门弦15254529348问: swim造句 sing造句 造句 造句 快啊!各三句!在线等!! -
木里藏族自治县珍稀回答: Fish swims faster than ducks. Let's go swimming tomorrow. We often go swimming together.Tom is singing in the classroom. Jim sings better than Jack. We often sing after class

门弦15254529348问: swim的过去式造句 -
木里藏族自治县珍稀回答: I went swam yestoday.不知道可不可以

门弦15254529348问: 用swim的过去时,一般现在时,现在进行时,一般将来时造句 -
木里藏族自治县珍稀回答: He swam in the river yesterday.He often swims in the river.He is swimming in the river .He will swim in the river tomorrow.

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