
作者&投稿:太钢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Unbeatable 什么意思 有谁懂
unbeatable 英[ʌnˈbi:təbl] 美[ʌnˈbitəbəl]adj. 打不垮的; 不可摧毁的;[网络] 无敌的; 难以战胜的;[例句]With this nunchaku, Bruce Lee looked like an unbeatable machine.The effect of this hand weapon was unheard of.有了...

Sufletul zambea - Mandinga歌词
E un vis ciudat Şi ştii că după soare vin ploi Nici noi n-am scăpat Şi tot ce doare mai tare, rămâne, nu moare Dragostea dispare,Şi tot ce e mai frumos, risipim fără rost Nu ştim s&#...

青春幻境 Youthanasia(2005)青春舞会皇后 Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen(2004)日出前向青春告别 Kyô no dekigoto(2004)青春 Joves(2004)无敌青春 Pacchigi!(2004)赤裸青春 Bare Bea(2004)最好的青春 Meglio gioventù, La(2003)青春摇滚火花 Iden & Tity(2003)左轮手枪的青春 Revolver...

This is believed to he because of the introduction of dingoes around 8000 years ago. Because of disease, thylacine numbers may have been declining in Tasmania at the time of European settlement 200 years ago, but the decline was certainly accelerated by the new arrivals. The last known Tasmania...

Sufletul zambea - Mandinga歌词
歌手:Sufletul zambea 歌词如下:Tot ce se întâmplă între noi E un vis ciudat Şi ştii că după soare vin ploi Nici noi n-am scăpat Şi tot ce doare mai tare, rămâne, nu moare Dragostea ...

bea weblogic server10怎样配置wevlogic呢
bea weblogic server10怎样配置wevlogic呢 15 老是说:anerrorhasoccurred.SeethelogfileD:\\安装程序\\bea\\user_projects\\w4WP_workspaces\\unttled\\.metadata\\.log... 老是说:an error has occurred.See the log fileD:\\安装程序\\bea\\user_projects\\w4WP_workspaces\\unttled\\.metadata\\.log 展开  我...

5.Marshmallow World 一一 Nina Nesbitt(艾迪吃醋打翻醋坛子)6.Season of Love 一一 Shiny Toy Guns(Caitlin跑来问Iris她博的事)参考http:\/\/\/link?url=rKXlv4UYww4v6UNQq8gYH94qUNJRBFJ6i2SFF1clAM9EYxmIE0txgIU9juKPVpNlXsCBCk7usRsjEhzjQS2RbiAxVfSeYXO9fx-_VHqvh03 ...

BEA WebLogicBEA WebLogic Server是一款功能全面的web应用服务器,提供全面功能、遵循开放标准,支持多层架构和组件开发。对于企业级应用,它是构建和部署的理想选择,支持互联网协作和信息共享。ApacheApache作为全球使用最多的Web服务器,市场份额超过60%,源于NCSAhttpd,以其开源、开放开发团队、跨平台支持和...

D extinction of certain species can be mistaken 39. Mooney believes that all sighting reports should be A given some credit as they claim even if they are untrue B aced upon immediately C viewed as equally untrustworthy D questioned and carefully investigated Passage 3: 题目:天赋 题型:暂无 题...

求一些情侣相爱但最后没有在一起的电影 越多越好 谢谢
10、《布拉格之恋》The Unbea-rable Lightness of Being 电影原著的名字是《生命中不能承受之轻》(米兰·昆德拉)。不能承受的,也许正是那种无根的飘泊之轻吧? 与原著相比有别样精彩. 11、 《泰坦尼克号》Titanic 关于这部电影实在不想多说了。不管是那艘倒霉的沉船,还是那段不沉的爱情,都是世纪末的又一个一切...

郗平18464984858问: sun of beach什么意思 -
台州市葛根回答: 阳光海滩

郗平18464984858问: sun of a beach什么意思 -
台州市葛根回答: son of a bitch的谐音,美国俚语用来骂人的,母狗的儿子

郗平18464984858问: 后会无期sun of beach什么意思 -
台州市葛根回答: 沙滩日光浴.望采纳

郗平18464984858问: YOU ARE MY SUN OF BEACH 是什么意思? -
台州市葛根回答: 如果按你字面上翻译就是:你是我的阳光沙滩 或者sun of beach 用了谐音, 骂人的意思

郗平18464984858问: sun of the beach -
台州市葛根回答: sun of the beach是沙滩上的阳光 son of bitch 是你要说的那个....

郗平18464984858问: 后会无期sun of beach甚么意思
台州市葛根回答: son of beach的意思是婊子养的.电影里把阳光沙滩说成同音的sun of beach故意搞笑.

郗平18464984858问: “you are the sun of beach”是什么意思啊? 求解释! -
台州市葛根回答: 可翻译为你就像沙滩上的阳光 ,意思很美好 但是………… 应为这个读音跟you are the son of bitch(你是婊子的儿子,骂人的话) 是一样的,所以属于很坑的一句话…………

郗平18464984858问: 一日照白沙,三藕浮碧池是什么意思啊? -
台州市葛根回答: son of a bitch 谐音“三藕浮碧池”因为:son=儿子 bitch=贱人所以son of a bitch =混蛋=狗娘养的=杂种(请考官原谅爆粗口)又因为sun of beach谐音son of a bitchsun=太阳=日beach=沙滩所以当sun of beach的古文翻译为“一日照白沙”时,也即“一日照白沙”英译为sun of beach时一日照白沙=sun of beach=son of a bitch =三藕浮碧池也既“一日照白沙,三藕浮碧池”

郗平18464984858问: You are sun of a beach.是什么意思 -
台州市葛根回答: 你好!You are sun of a beach.你是沙滩上的阳光.

郗平18464984858问: 为什么我夸奖一个老外“Sunofbeach”他却打我 -
台州市葛根回答: 你说的 Sun of beach是说沙滩上的阳光... 但是读音和son of bitch(狗 娘 养 的 )太像了 估计曲解了你意思

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