
作者&投稿:枕匡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Everthing was uch different fr what it dreaed in the earth, An ld an . waled int his sight and sat in frnt f the tree ,gazing at it . “wh are u ?” ased the tree, happil. But there sae n answers. After a shrt silence , the ld an stared at the gre s. “what are u di...

Everyone has his dream.My dream is to be a famous doctor in the future.I like to help patients and let them healthy.The doctor's work will be busy but interesting.My teacher said I was good at biology.But I still nees to improve my English,too,then I can read medical knowledges in ...

傅巧15671291368问: 什么时候用such,什么时候用so 来表达如此这样的? -
沙坪坝区脑血回答: such与so的区别与用法 such与so的意思都是“如此,这样”.但两者用法根本不同,与what和how引导的感叹句相类似.1、such后面主要是修饰名词.即:such+a/an+adj.+n.或a/an+such+adj.+n..如果名词是不可数名词或复数名词,则不可以...

傅巧15671291368问: such+形容词+不可数名词与so+形容词+不可数名词 怎样区分呢?谢谢~ -
沙坪坝区脑血回答: 1. 这个区别很简单,关键是看那个形容词是什么单词.2. 如果该结构中的形容词是表示数量多少的much或little,则用so; 如果该结构中的形容词是除了much和little之外的任意形容词,则用such.3. 楼主给的例句中,形容词是good,不是much/...

傅巧15671291368问: 谁能给我详细说下下such或so,要有例句,以及题型,好的可give30分 -
沙坪坝区脑血回答: 1.such的用法是 such +a/an +形容词 +名词 so的用法是 so+形容词+a/an+名词/2.such…that作“如此…以致”解,连接一个表示结果的状语从句.与so…that 意思相同,但用法不同.如:so…that这一结构中,so后边可加形容词或副词, 而such后...

傅巧15671291368问: 为什么make such great progress的such后面不用加some
沙坪坝区脑血回答: 晕…本来make progress是固定短语,中间是修饰语,有such +形容词+a/an+可数名词单数,你也看到了那个progress是不可数名词,而且也不存在such+adj+some+名词的结构

傅巧15671291368问: "so.that"和"such.that"有什么区别和用法 -
沙坪坝区脑血回答: 两个的意思都是"如此...以致于"但so 后面要加形容词 . 如so beautiful 而such 后面一般加名词.如果是单数可数名词,一般是such a ...如such a good boy 注意,这里boy才是such 要修饰的内容,而good只是修饰boy.也有such good weahter 因为...

傅巧15671291368问: 英语问题来看看
沙坪坝区脑血回答: so与 such 的用法区别主要在它们分别与that 进行搭配时.你先弄明白 so 在这种表达中是副词,such 在这种表达中是形容词,就容易理解了. 看看这几个表达: It's so interesting a kook that we all like it. The book is so interesting that we all like it....

傅巧15671291368问: He made ( - ) great progress ( - ) his parents were very happy -
沙坪坝区脑血回答: He made (_) great progress (_) his parents were very happy.选择such that,因为great progress的中心词为progress,符合such+形容词+名词结构,所以选择such that,整句话的意思为他取得如此大的进步,他的父母很开心.

傅巧15671291368问: - -- - such great progress in such a short time. -
沙坪坝区脑血回答: any 后面是要用单数的, 这里的any是强调语气,强调这个国家,而a没那个气势. any任何一个 没有任何一个国家能在那么短的时间取得那么大的进步.

傅巧15671291368问: 求新概念英语1形容词比较级最高级的公式 -
沙坪坝区脑血回答: 1. 原级公式. I am as good as you2. 比较级 I am as better as you3. 最高级 I am as best as you

傅巧15671291368问: more和faster做修饰副词的比较级时有什么区别么? -
沙坪坝区脑血回答: more 是普通比较级的辅助用法,用于多音节形容词之前,如 more beautiful; 但非多音节的形容词的比较级,为-er形式,如faster, longer等

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