
作者&投稿:赞滢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、As long as the subject entrusted, matter how personal life can be voyeuristic.只要受到委托,无论怎样的私人生活都能 * 。2、I shall have to read up on the subject if I am to give a talk about it.我要是就此主题作报告的话我必须仔细研读这个题目。3、The remaining 50% will ...

subject造句 1、Within eachsubjectpackage, create expectations pertaining to thesubject.在每个主题包中,创建与主题相关的期望。2、Mathematics is her favoritesubject.数学是她最喜欢的科目。3、Take thesubjectof polygamy.以一夫多妻制为主题。4、She dare not mention thesubjectagain.她不敢再提这个...

subject 造句 :1、The subject of the experiment was the effects of different fertilizers on plant growth。(实验的主题是不同肥料对植物生长的影响。)2、The subject of the article is about the history of the Apollo moon landing program、(文章的主题是阿波罗登月计划的历史。)3、The...

subject记忆方法:单词分解: sub 表示“在下面、在下方、下部分”等等。 ject 表示“投掷或者扔出去”。

英语中动词与主语必须一致。In English, there must be concord between a verb and its subject 英语中动词与主语必须一致。The verb agrees with its subject in number and person.动词的数和人称与其主语一致。Inverting subject and verB to form an interrogative 倒置主语和动词以形成疑问语气。The...

组成单词:subject,音标是英 [ˈsʌbdʒɪkt]或美[ˈsʌbdʒɪkt] ,句中作为名词、形容词和动词使用。一、词汇分析 n. 主题;科目;[语] 主语;国民adj. 服从的;易患…的;受制于…的vt. 使…隶属;使屈从于…二、常用短语 address a subject...

2. I am French by birth and a British subject by marriage.我按出生是法国人,因结婚而成为英国公民。John is a hard-working guy 1. That was not a very happy remark.那不是很恰当的话。2. I wish you a happy birthday.祝你生日快乐。3. He is in the happy position...

him、I love you. 3、主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语,如:I give him a book. 4、主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语,如:I want you to go with me. 5、主语+系动词+表语,如:It smells good. 扩展资料 句型1: Subject (主语) + Verb (谓语):这种句型中的动词大多是不及物动词...

math is my favourite subject.

a subject of conversation 谈话的主题 a serious subject 重大问题 a subject for laughter 笑柄 the main subject in our school curriculum 我们学校课程中的主要科目 a British subject 一位英国国民 the subject of an experiment 实验对象 a subject for complaint 抱怨的理由 subject and object 主...

诏俩15776758015问: 以“My favorite subject "为题写一篇短文.英语带翻译,50词左右. -
阳新县外科回答:[答案] MY favourite subjectEnglish is my favourite subject as I find it quite interesting and useful.By learning English ,I not only learn the languge itself ,but also learn different cultures of other count...

诏俩15776758015问: 以My Subjects为题英语短文8句话 -
阳新县外科回答:[答案] I have many subjects a day,For example,math,chinese,geography and so on.But my favorite subject is English,Because I think English is becoming more and more inportant in the world.And it is very neces...

诏俩15776758015问: 你最喜欢的科目是什么?请根据下面问题提示,以My favorite subject为话题写一篇60词的英语短文,快!快一点、 -
阳新县外科回答:[答案] My favorite subject我最喜欢的科目是语文,因为语文是一个很有趣很快乐的科目.我们不仅可以从中吸取知识,提高自身的素质,增添知识.还能从中收获到许多的乐趣.I most like subject is Chinese, because Chinese is a ...

诏俩15776758015问: 用简单的英文单词造句第1组 senior school junior school第2组 teacher subject第3组 test revision第4组 result exam第5组 textbook schoolbag是一组一组的造句 ... -
阳新县外科回答:[答案] he studies in a senior school ,and his sister in a junior school which subject does the teacher teach? you can pass the test after revision have you known the rerult of the exam my textbook is in my schoolbag.

诏俩15776758015问: 用简单的英文单词造句
阳新县外科回答: 1.I am in a junior school,while my brother is in a senior school . 2.My father is a teacher,whose subject is English. 3.Before test,we usually have a revision. 4.I don't know the result of the exam. 5.There are textbooks in my schoolbag.

诏俩15776758015问: 以Myfavoritesubject为题,写一篇短文,说说喜欢这门学科的理由,以及平时是怎样学习的,词数八十左右 -
阳新县外科回答: My favorite subject is music class. I am very interested in music and I love to listen to different styles of songs when I have free time. Music makes me happy and helps me forget about my troubles. Now I have music class on every Friday morning.

诏俩15776758015问: 翻译短语和句子 -
阳新县外科回答: 1.your favorite subject2.his favorite favorite actor 4.her your matter 5.What is your favorite subject?6.Since (because) he thinks that English is interesting.

诏俩15776758015问: 英语. 将下列短语翻译成英语.. 1、你最喜欢的科目 2、擅长 3、她笔友的学校 4、学校开放日 -
阳新县外科回答: 1、你最喜欢的科目 your favourite subject 2、擅长 be good at 3、她笔友的学校her penpal's school4、学校开放日school open dayHobo likes Maths best(改同义句)=Hobo's favourite subject is Math. Eddie isn't good at History.(改...

诏俩15776758015问: 求180个英语短语 -
阳新县外科回答: recover from 恢复健康 refer to 参考,查阅,涉及,提到 refer to…as… 把…称作,把…当作 refresh one's memory 使人记起 rely on 依靠,信任 remember sb. to sb. 代某人向…问好 replace…with … 用…替换… requirement for/to 需要,需要的东...

诏俩15776758015问: 谁能帮我写一个英文短文!subject:asking for business leavc from april the 9th the 11th.owing to a phone call
阳新县外科回答: subject:asking for business leavc from april the 9th the 11th.owing to a phone call

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