
作者&投稿:辟才 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

为打开差速器增加了微小的预紧阻力调整保时捷911 GT1发动机压缩曲线调整了GT1组的Mclaren F1 GTRMercedes CLK的默认齿轮比F1赛车曲轴质量小幅调整修正720S GT3负的后toe设置(建议重置调校)将Copa Truck、F-Trainers的默认刹车偏置略微向后移动(

宣疤15052679181问: i struck gold是什么意思 -
普定县扶亢回答: 意思是我打金

宣疤15052679181问: I struck gold -
普定县扶亢回答: 1.我挖到金矿2.我叩开成功之门

宣疤15052679181问: 请解释strike? -
普定县扶亢回答: vt. 1. 打,击,攻击[O1] He was struck by lightning. 他被闪电击中. She struck him with a stick. 她用棒打他. 2. (用爪)抓伤;(用毒牙)咬伤;(疾病)侵袭 The snake struck the man's hand. 蛇咬伤了那男人的手. 3. (钟)敲响报(时) The ...

宣疤15052679181问: 铜锣一响,黄金万两.求个简单好记的英文翻译 -
普定县扶亢回答: A struck on the gong is worth a ton of gold.(indicating the opportunity is rare and precious)

宣疤15052679181问: 一个外国笑话,求英文原版 -
普定县扶亢回答: A farmer is hoeing, suddenly struck a gold coin, he is very happy, put the coins into her pocket, and then continue to dig the ground, then dug up a gold coin. And put it into his pocket. So after a few. He was only too glad to count, dug up the number gold coin. It was found in his pocket a gold coin, and a hole.

宣疤15052679181问: “度假村”怎么用英语说 -
普定县扶亢回答: 度假村 [词典] holiday village; vacational village; [例句]该公司凭借其新开发的“中央公园”度假村而赚了个盆满钵满.The company has struck gold with its new holiday development, Center Parcs.

宣疤15052679181问: 10000+luck+gold+safe甚么意思 -
普定县扶亢回答: 字面意思就是……1万荣幸金安全(或保险箱),具体的要看上下文的语境了

宣疤15052679181问: 求200单词英语寓言故事?
普定县扶亢回答: 宋国有一个农民,每天在田地里劳动. 有一天,这个农夫正在地里干活,突然一只野兔从草丛中窜出来.野兔因见到有人而受了惊吓.它拼命地奔跑,不料一下子撞到农夫地头的一截树根上,折断脖子死了.农夫便放下手中的农活,走过去捡起...

宣疤15052679181问: struck a chord是什么意思 -
普定县扶亢回答: struck a chord 一个共鸣************************************************************** 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问, 另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟! ***************************************************************

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