
作者&投稿:锺叙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

she climbed up to the top of the hill, from where
where就是前面句子的top of the hill,强调的事能看到全景。 从哪里看 所以要from 是个代持。如果不要from,就成了一个定语从句。强调的事他跑上顶顶了。

可数,但是一般都用At The Top Of...这个词组,复数很少用,复数用法举例:四周的山顶The Surrounding Hilltops

Bigbang T.O.P 《From top》写真 在韩国哪里可以买?
亲,这个韩国到处都有,保险起见,去YG Entertainment公司那里,专门有粉丝歌迷会,卖各种周边。【诗酒天涯 团队---fanY爱在,】为您解答 ===满意请采纳为满意答案吧===

___ from the top of the hill, the city takes the round shape with...

SELECT TOP 1 * FROM 是SQL Server中常用的一个查询语句,它简单直观地表示从指定的数据源中获取符合条件的前一条记录。这里,各个部分含义如下:1. "SELECT"是一个命令动词,用于执行数据查询操作,其主要作用是获取数据。2. "TOP 1"子句是关键,它限制了查询结果的数量,仅返回第一条符合查询条件...

5.以 having done 开头Having finished the work ,they went home.6.以 when\/while doing 开头when \/while watching TV, we heard a cry.7.以 when\/while done 开头when seen from the top of the mountain, the city looks very small 8.以 if\/until\/although\/once\/unless done 开头各造...

2.top只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。第三人称单数现在时:tops。现在分词:topping。过去分词:topped。过去时:topped。双语例句 She's gunning for the top job. 她正竭力谋取最高职位。Top speed is 120 miles per hour. 最高时速为120英里。This decision came from the top. 这个决定是...

from the top of the mountain 此处为什么用from而不是用at?
From the top of the mountain, you can see for at least a distance of 10 kilometers on a sunny day.在阳光明媚的日子,你可以从山顶上看到至少10公里以外的远处。from表示从山顶为中心,向外扩展。 at 只表示这个中心,没有向外的意思。

from the top of the teaching building we saw the lake___us_百度知...
below表示“在…之下”,“在…的下游”,与介词above相对应,常指在某物体之下,但不一定在该物的正下方。例如:Some parts of the country are below sea level.那个国家的某些部分位于海平面之下。He is below the average at school.他的学习成绩在水准以下。A boat is below the bridge.一条...

When we see from the top of the hill,the city looks more good...
Seen from the top of the hill,the city looks more good.附简单句相关内容 一、主语+不及物动词(S+V)[例句]1.The man cooks.男人做饭.2.The sun is shining brightly.太阳在明亮地照耀着.3.We all breathe,eat,and drink.我们呼吸、吃和喝.4.They talked for half an hour.他们谈了...

郝命13437492919问: Stop from 后的语法和句式用法(越全越好)stop from后边跟的句子的句式,或者具体的用法! -
哈巴河县解郁回答:[答案] stop...form...是动词+宾语+from的固定用法.意为:阻止.做,from后接动名词.如:They tried to stop the ship from going down.他们试图阻止轮船下沉.That woman is stopping her son ffom picking flowers.那个女人正在阻止他的儿子摘花.

郝命13437492919问: stop sb doing与stop sb from的区别和两者的用法 -
哈巴河县解郁回答: 1、stop sb doing是stop sb from doing sth.省略from的形式. 都是“阻止某人做某事“的意思. 2、在主动语句中:stop sb from doing sth.的from可省略,但在被动语句中 from 不可省略. 3、举例比较: We should stop people (from ) cutting ...

郝命13437492919问: 造句:stop …from being done -
哈巴河县解郁回答: We Should stop the earth from being polluted

郝命13437492919问: 用stop...from...来造这个句子(我父母阻止我读课外书.) 用be bad for来造这个句子 (看书太久对眼睛不 -
哈巴河县解郁回答: 1.My parents stop me form reading extra-curricular books .2.It is bad for our eyes to do reading for too long time.

郝命13437492919问: stop from doing造句 -
哈巴河县解郁回答: the teacher stopped me from cheating in the exam

郝命13437492919问: Nobody could stop him from going out这里介词from可以省略吗 -
哈巴河县解郁回答: from 不可省略.stop from 是固定搭配. stop ...from doing... 阻止某事发生,阻止某人做某事.The guard stopped him from going through the gate. 警卫不让他通过大门. She could scarcely stop herself from crying aloud. 她几乎哭出声来. Eyebrows stop sweat from coming down into the eyes. 眉毛挡住汗水使其不能流进眼睛.

郝命13437492919问: stop后面什么时候要加from?什么时候不要? -
哈巴河县解郁回答: They stop talking 他们停止说话 We stop them from talking 我们让他们停止说话,阻止他们说话.这样举例应该懂了吧,希望能帮到你.

郝命13437492919问: stop doing 与stop...(from)doing两个句型有和区别 -
哈巴河县解郁回答: …一楼有点误人子弟了,二楼说的基本上对也不太准…首先停下在做的事去做别的事是stop to do sth ,而停下在做的事是stop doing sth ………而stop ( from ) doing 呢 也是停止做某事…但是更强调整个动作变化过程,也就是更强调停止做某事这一动作,干什么去了不予过问…还有一个知识点关于stop from doing 的最常用的就是stop sb from doing ,阻止某人做某事………希望能帮到你…拒绝复制,欢迎追问,满意采纳…

郝命13437492919问: 〔英语翻译〕“我们得想个办法不让煤气外泄”(stop…from)用英语怎么说? -
哈巴河县解郁回答: We have to find a way to stop gas from leaking.

郝命13437492919问: stop doing sth. stop to do sth. stop sb. from doing sth. -
哈巴河县解郁回答: stop doing sth.:停下现在正在做的事情 Please stop talking!(请不要再说话了!) stop to do sth:停下现在做的事情去做另外一件事 Please stop to talk.(请停下你现在做的事,去讨论吧!) stop sb. from doing sth:阻止某人做某事 Please stop him from talking!(请阻止他继续说话!)

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