
作者&投稿:独备 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.The pots are wide at the base and tapered at the top.这些壶底部粗,顶部细。2.Put some tins on top to weight it down.在顶部放些罐子来压住它。3.How will I ever get on top of all this work?我究竟怎样才处理得了这么多的工作?4.You need to take the top off the bottle...

用“top” 造句,简单点~
He climbed to the top of the hill.他爬到了小山顶。He took the top off the box.他把箱盖揭掉。Put it in the top drawer.把它放在最上层的抽屉里 Paul came top in the examination.保罗在考试中名列前茅。He tops his father by half a head.他比他父亲高出半头。

2.Put some tins on top to weight it down.在顶部放些罐子来压住它。3.The title is right at the top of the page.标题就在页面的顶端。4.She's in the top set for French.她的法语成绩名列前茅。5.I waited at the top of the stairs.我在楼梯顶端等着。6.Sift sugar on top of...

He is a top student in our class

超越; 高耸; 结束 例句:The mountain tops are covered with snow.翻译:白雪覆盖着山顶。短语:get to the top 到达顶部 近义词 acme 英 ['ækmi] 美 ['ækmi]n. 顶点;极点 例句:It reached its acme of perfection.翻译:它到达完美的最高点。短语:acme harrow 刀齿耙 ...

The tools for pulling a document out of the electronic stack and placing it on the top must also be present and obvious in their functions.将电子文档从一堆电子文档中取出,并将它放到最顶端的工具也必须功能清晰。2. Typically, there is a top view, a front view, and a side v...

1、 秕糠捉不到老鸟;老练的人不易上圈套.2、 5的比例卖给另一同伙,假装从中获利,让这些妇女上圈套.3、 在社会中也是一样,不能看到不爽就去揍别人,会上圈套!TOP。4、 这个小丫头实在是太单纯了,一说就上圈套了。5、 经过一番表演与活动之后,拿破仑深信,联军一定会上圈套,决战即将到来。6、 ...


即对TOP(最顶尖位置)有着非同寻常的执念,常用于指饭圈的“热圈粉”,享受流量带来的人气与丰富产出,等到爱豆声势渐弱,就毫不迟疑地奔向下一个。饭圈是粉丝圈的简称,具体来说是指喜欢某个明星或者组合的粉丝群体。饭圈的主要构成群体为未成年的女孩。使用的场景 可以在支持别人的时候用。网络语言是...

come top的造句 简单一点
come top 名列前茅;名列第一;得第一名 双语例句 1 Whether you can come top depends on if you will study hard.一个人是否能夺魁,取决与他是否努力学习。2 Her parents were pleased that she'd come top of the class.她的父母很高兴她考了第一名。3 I'm studying for the test and...

言菡14765348679问: 7个简单的英语单词造句 咳~同班同学什么的 不要互抄哦 一个单词造一句话1.fall down a word my suiprise 4.stop doing 5.belong to 6.look out 7.the ... -
仪陇县倍兴回答:[答案] 1.I fall down in the rainny day,2,In a word ,we should work hard to achieve our dream,3.To my suprise.he didn't beat me .4.Can you stop doing your homework now?5.South China Sea belongs to China,not o...

言菡14765348679问: stop sb form doing sth 造句 -
仪陇县倍兴回答: We must stop him from throwing the rubbish everywhere 我们必须阻止他乱扔垃圾.

言菡14765348679问: 英语高手进 其实挺简单的用这几个词造句 并写意思1.traffic交通2.traffic light交通灯3.traffic rule交通规则4.stop停5.wait等 等待 谢谢 -
仪陇县倍兴回答:[答案] The traffic is busy. There is a traffic light. we must follow the traffic rules. stop right now! please wait for me.

言菡14765348679问: stop doing造句 -
仪陇县倍兴回答: you should stop playing computer games.

言菡14765348679问: 用start、become、stop、tour、win造句!!
仪陇县倍兴回答: 1.I started to prepare for the plan that I win the first prize in composition. 2.As a result of experiencing the great changes that China has break out and became more and more powerful. 3.The Forbbiden City wasn't to be shown around and you have ...

言菡14765348679问: 7个简单的英语单词造句 咳~同班同学什么的 不要互抄哦 一个单词造一句话 -
仪陇县倍兴回答: 1.I fall down in the rainny day,2,In a word ,we should work hard to achieve our dream,3.To my suprise.he didn't beat me .4.Can you stop doing your homework now?5.South China Sea belongs to China,not other country.6.Look out! A car is coming!7.Do you know the entrance to the cinema?

言菡14765348679问: 英语英语英语造句.不要太长 -
仪陇县倍兴回答: Don't park hereTurn leftDon't talk in the hallDon't drive fastStop at red light满意请采纳,谢谢

言菡14765348679问: at last小学简单造句 -
仪陇县倍兴回答: At last they climbed over the mountain.他们终于翻过了这座大山.

言菡14765348679问: 告别怎么造句
仪陇县倍兴回答:1、这个期末,我就要告别小学升入初中了. 2、假期马上就要结束了,我也很快就要告别爷爷奶奶回家上学了. 3、因为新家离学校太远了,所以我马上就要告别现在的老师、同学去新家附近的学校上学了.

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