
作者&投稿:夫爸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Can haze cause cancer? a ducumentary, Under the Dome, shows some data. In the past ten years, the incidence of lung cancer has increased by 300%. Haze is to blame to cause the the incidence of lung cancer to increase sharply. It is misundertood from the view of member of...

Wind-border tie-lock!Flying in the atmosphere of the Wind Wizard ah! Gave me wings transparent, free to fly in heaven 英文可以翻译成如此,楼主可以用goole查下英文和拉丁文的互翻软件因为拉丁文的字根之类很复杂的目前还没有最佳的翻译软件其实最好的是人工翻译。拉丁文目前没有中文互翻。

...your temperature(体温).Oh,you have a bad cold.Thats tood...
这句的翻译是:让我来给你量量体温吧。 噢,你已经得了重感冒了,太糟糕了,three times a day 意思是 一天三次 例句:Take this medicine three times a day 这个药一天三次

She tood some medicine and she feels(good,better) now 括号里填啥...
答案: better 解析:是现在和原来形成对比,用比较级better 翻译:她吃了一些药,现在感觉好多了。希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不明白的请继续追问(*^__^*)

...beard though he had always worn it. A tood away Btook down...
选D。史密斯先生刮掉了胡子,虽然他通常留着它。take off sb's beard 刮掉某人的胡子,固定用法。

校若13658542907问: stood的中文意思 -
楚州区盐酸回答: 是stand的过去式,有站立的意思

校若13658542907问: 英语翻译(stood在这怎么理解啊?) -
楚州区盐酸回答:[答案] 符合vi.的第四项解释:处于某种状态we stood young and strong我们过去年轻力壮stand1.站立,站着Her legs were so weak that she could hardly stand.她的腿软得几乎站不住了.2.站起[(+up)]3.(身高、温度、得分等)是....

校若13658542907问: There in the garden stood a tree about forty feet high.如何翻译为汉语? -
楚州区盐酸回答: 地点状语提前,主语后置形成倒装句,最常见的例句是Here comes a bus.当然Stood是一种拟人用法了,所以翻译过来就是:花园里有一棵大概四十英尺树的高.

校若13658542907问: he says stood up to a powerful oppressor and claimed their natural right to liberty (翻译一下) -
楚州区盐酸回答:[答案] 他说他敢于面对一个强大压迫者并要求得到他们天赋的自由权利

校若13658542907问: stand中文翻译是什么意思 -
楚州区盐酸回答: stand 站 (原形) 过去式:stood 过去分词:stood 词组:stand for 代表 = represent

校若13658542907问: stand 的过去式的翻译是:什么意思 -
楚州区盐酸回答: stand过去式: stood stand 英 [stænd] 美 [stænd] n.立场;台,看台;停止;抵抗 vi.站立,起立;竖直放置;保持看法;停滞 vt.忍受;使站立;抵御;承担责任 vt.& vi.站立,(使)直立,站着 例句: Becker stood and shook hands with Ben. 贝克尔站起来和本握手.

校若13658542907问: He half - sat,half - stood in the tree.怎么翻译?half - stood是什么意思 -
楚州区盐酸回答:[答案] 他倚在(半坐半站)树上. half-stood是半站的意思

校若13658542907问: 翻译:He stood all the door with his head down -
楚州区盐酸回答:[答案] at 不是all 吧: He stood at the door with his head down 他站在门边,低着头. O(∩_∩)O 祝你学习进步开心快乐 请采纳

校若13658542907问: 英语翻译 他站在树下,什么事也没做 -
楚州区盐酸回答: He did nothing under the tree=He stood under the tree and did nothing .

校若13658542907问: 他站在我站的地方,长达三小时的翻译是:什么意思 -
楚州区盐酸回答: 他站在我站的地方,长达三小时. 翻译为英文是: He stood where I stood for three hours.

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