
作者&投稿:宫急 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

门剂15675031271问: The like behind the stigmatization of people, the中文是什麽意思/
和田地区美罗回答: 您好,可翻译为:类似人们描述得东西.满意速速采纳并给予好评,谢谢合作!

门剂15675031271问: The like behind the stigmatization of people, the中文是什麽意思
和田地区美罗回答: 背后这样耻辱的人

门剂15675031271问: 农民工问题报道中媒体的社会伦理角色定位 -
和田地区美罗回答: 污名化与贴标签:农民工群体的媒介形象 一 污名化与标签理论:综合的理论视角 著名社会学家埃利亚斯(Norbert Elias)在研究胡格诺教徒的时候,发现了一个值得注意的现象,即污名化(stigmatization)过程,即一个群体将人性的...

门剂15675031271问: No,It ain't no game中“ain't”是什么意思,什么用法 -
和田地区美罗回答: ain't [eint] prep. 不是ain't ain't AHD:[??nt] D.J.[eint] K.K.[ent] NONENon-Standard (无词性)【非标准用语】 Am not. 不是 Used also as a contraction for are not, is not, has not, and have not. 也可用作are not,is not,has not 和 have not 的缩略语...

门剂15675031271问: 英语知识问题:How was Socrates condemned to death?英语回答
和田地区美罗回答: Unfortunately in 399 BC by conservative nobles to incite young, stigmatization of Athens God counts publicly tried, sentenced to death 不幸于公元前399年被保守派贵族以煽动青年、污辱雅典神的罪名当众受审,处以死刑

门剂15675031271问: the better informed they are about the -
和田地区美罗回答: 你好.这也是强调句的一种形式.句型结构是“the比较级 --- - - ,the比较级- - - ”.原句是:If / When they are better informed about the way state works, their reporting will be better .--------原句是“条件/ 时间状语从句”. 又如:if you work harder, it will be better------- The harder you work, the better it will be

门剂15675031271问: ain't 是什么意思? -
和田地区美罗回答: ain't: [ eint ](=are not,am not) “Ain't” has a long and vital history as a substitute for “isn't,” “aren't” and so on. It was originally formed from a contraction of “am not” and is still commonly used in that sense. Even though it has been ...

门剂15675031271问: 到底be动词的用法是怎样的?还有动词的词形转换是怎样的?br/
和田地区美罗回答: be [bi:; bi] prep. 是, 在, 存在 [域] Belgium , 比利时 abbr. [军] Base Ejection, ... have found the rule difficult to conform to, but the stigmatization of It is me is by now so ...

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