
作者&投稿:乐正富 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

【例句】1、'My leg — I think it's broken,' Eric groaned.“我的腿——我想是断了,”埃里克咕哝着说。2、Eric left the barge in a hurry.埃里克匆忙离开了驳船。3、Eric was my cousin Edward's boy .埃里克是我表兄爱德华的儿子。4、Elton teamed up with Eric Clapton to wow ...

请问在哪里可以找到“Chinese Food”中英文对照的资料??
这篇帖子能帮上忙不: http:\/\/\/question\/22331083.html 豆浆 Soybean milk 板条 Flat noodles 烧饼 Clay oven rolls 榨菜肉丝面 Pork , pickled mustard green noodles 油条 Fried bread stick 米粉 Rice noodles 水饺 (Boiled)dumplings 紫菜汤 Seaweed soup 馒 头 teamed ...

中文意思:int.表示极大的惊奇或钦佩,哇,呀;v.(尤指以表演)博得…的称赞,使喝彩,使叫绝;n.极大的成功、一鸣惊人之举,(唱,片或录音磁带逐渐出现的)走调,失真,颤动。第三人称单数: wows 现在分词: wowing 过去式: wowed 过去分词: wowed I thought, 'Wow, what a good idea'. ...

例如,在日常对话中,"I thought, 'Wow, what a good idea'"可以写作"我想:'8-],多好的主意啊!'",而"Ben Tankard wowed the crowd with his jazz"可以表达为"本·坦卡德的爵士乐让观众惊叹:'8-]!'"。在大型活动中,像"Elton teamed up with Eric Clapton to wow thousands at a ...

he discovers to his di *** ay that he has been teamed up with the same officer yeo who mistook him for a purse - snatcher the first time they met 伤势初愈,明宇即被学校派到红灯区辅导问题学生,怎料警方竟安排童珍保护明宇仇人见面,份外眼红,明宇本欲拂袖而去,却被童珍以手...

音标:\/'eric\/ 埃瑞克(男子名,涵义:领导者)韩国人喜欢发音作艾力 韩国组合神话的LEADER(队长)文晸赫的英文名

We all teamed up, for this collaboration But we’re gonna turn it, into a celebration If you’re sitting, I suggest “All Rise”I got 8 bars, so I’m a spit in time So don’t feel “Guilty”, just coz you’re with me Back of the wall, yo - “One Love”We gotta...

常用俚语 Noun 1. a cooperative unit synonym: squad 2. two or more draft animals that work together to pull something Verb 1. form a team;synonym: team up "We teamed up for this new project"百科 英文意思指"团队",中文意指为更加快捷的达成一个特定的目标,一些人所组成的群体。

The history of China's space industry began in February 1956, when Qian Xuesen, a famous scientist, proposed to the Central Committee the opinions on the establishment of China's national defense and aviation industry.In April 1956, the aviation industry commission of the people's ...

Eric读音: 英 ['erɪk] 美 ['erɪk] ,中文意思是:埃里克(男子英文名);是Educational Resources Information Center的英文缩写,意思是:科教资源信息中心。来源语种古英语、挪威语,Eric多用于人名,寓意是多才多艺的,喜欢自由和旅游,一直在追寻目标。例句:1、Elton teamed up ...

莱差18642978844问: steamed的意思和发音是什么 -
师宗县槟榔回答: steamed 英[sti:md] 美[stimd]adj.1.蒸熟的

莱差18642978844问: steam的翻译 -
师宗县槟榔回答: n. 蒸汽,雾;〈口〉精神,精力;轮船,乘轮船旅行 vt.& vi. 冒蒸汽;快速行走,疾行 vi. 动力;成蒸汽上升;汽动;[非正式]发怒 vt. 蒸煮 第三人称单数: steams 现在分词: steaming 过去式: steamed 过去分词: steamed

莱差18642978844问: steam怎么读 -
师宗县槟榔回答: steam[英][sti:m] [美][stim] 生词本 简明释义 n.蒸汽,雾;〈口〉精神,精力;轮船,乘轮船旅行 vt.& vi.冒蒸汽;快速行走,疾行 vi.动力;成蒸汽上升;汽动;[非正式]发怒 vt.蒸煮 第三人称单数:steams过去式:steamed过去分词:steamed现在...

莱差18642978844问: 主食英文并翻译 -
师宗县槟榔回答: 主食 staple 以下是餐厅常用词汇:烧饼 Clay oven rolls 油条 Fried bread stick 韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplings 水饺 Boiled dumplings 蒸饺 Steamed dumplings 馒头 Steamed buns 割包 Steamed sandwich 饭团 Rice and vegetable roll 蛋饼 Egg cakes ...

莱差18642978844问: 搜索 steamedstuffedbun中文怎么读
师宗县槟榔回答: steamed stuffed bun包子 steamed[英][sti:md][美][sti:md]adj.蒸熟的; v.冒蒸汽( steam的过去式和过去分词 ); 快速行走,疾行; (靠蒸汽)行驶; 蒸煮; stuffed[英][stʌft][美][stʌft]adj.充满的; 饱的; v.塞住( stuff的过去式和过去分词 ); 把…装进; 把…装满; (使)吃撑; bun[英][bʌn][美][bʌn]n.圆形的小面包或点心; (女子的)圆发髻; 酒宴,闹饮; 〈英方〉尾巴; 复数:buns

莱差18642978844问: 中外有名小吃的中文及其相对应的英文翻译 -
师宗县槟榔回答: 中式早点 烧饼 clay oven rolls 油条 fried bread stick 韭菜盒 fried leek dumplings 水饺 boiled dumplings 蒸饺 steamed dumplings 馒头 steamed buns 割包 steamed sandwich 饭团 rice and vegetable roll 蛋饼 egg cakes 皮蛋 100-year egg 咸鸭蛋 ...

莱差18642978844问: 请教一些特产的英语怎么说啊? -
师宗县槟榔回答: 大米粥度 millet gruel 小米粥 steamed bun/steamed bread 馒头 steamed twisted roll 花卷 meat pie 馅饼专 pancake 煎饼 meatbun/steamed bread with stuffings 包子 dumpling 饺子 wonton/dumpling soup 馄饨 noodles 面条 sichuan style noodles ...

莱差18642978844问: 馒头和馍馍用英语怎么说? -
师宗县槟榔回答: 馍馍就是没有陷的包子吧~那就直接翻译bun就可以了包子一般英文翻译是把做法都翻出来的: steamed stuffed bun 如果是菜包就是 steamed stuffed bun with vegetables stuffing希望对你有帮助哦~

莱差18642978844问: steamed bread什么意思 -
师宗县槟榔回答: steamed bread 馒头机;蒸馒头;包子 双语对照 词典结果:steamed bread n.馒头; 1.I used to have bean milk and steamed bread for breakfast.我曾经早饭吃豆浆,馒头.2.And to end up with there'll be some steamed bread.最后还可吃点馒头.

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