
作者&投稿:蔚峡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

源空19269232403问: have fun加to do还是加doing? -
泰和县安治回答: have fun doing: 做有趣的事情 ;做某事获得快乐 ;有趣做某事 have great fun doing: 做 have great fun doing sth: 做…玩得很高兴

源空19269232403问: 步步高家教机S 1中的Starfall Learn To Read 是什么软件? -
泰和县安治回答: 亲爱的网友,您好!《Starfall学着阅读 Starfall Learn to Read》是一款儿童游戏.游戏中有很多小章节,每个章节都有一个字母,以及对应的图片,动画,以及音乐.孩子将聆听,接触,阅读,直到最后完全掌握这些字母的拼写.

源空19269232403问: Fun的用法 请详细 -
泰和县安治回答: fun用法详解 1.It's fun后接不定式或动名词均可,意思基本相同.如: It's great fun sailing a boat.= It's great fun to sail a boat. 扬帆驾舟十分有趣. 2.表示做某事很开心,可用have (there is) fun (in) doing sth.如: We had fun riding our ...

源空19269232403问: have fun 后面能跟to paly么? -
泰和县安治回答: have fun (in) doing sth 因此应该是have fun playing

源空19269232403问: have fun+doing吗还是to do -
泰和县安治回答: have fun doing sth. 开心地做某事 没有have fun to do sth结构.如:The kids are having fun playing in the park now.

源空19269232403问: Its great fun to do还是doing请给出理由哦 -
泰和县安治回答: 用的还是那个句型:It is +adj. +for sb+to do sth.只是稍微改动了一下,在fun前加了一个great,不影响意思的

源空19269232403问: starfall abc字母歌歌词 -
泰和县安治回答: The Asteroids Galaxy Tour - MajorYou got style, á la carte To live your life you got to be smart Keep cool, keep calm You know the streets of your hood is your farm Stick to the simple rules Remember who's protectin' you The filthy streets will eat your ...

源空19269232403问: 请问下后面接的动词形式(to do/doing):have fun+ be/have good请问下后面接的动词形式(to do/doing):have fun+ be/have good fun+be/have great fun+ ... -
泰和县安治回答:[答案] 都是doing

源空19269232403问: 用VFP分别将求阶乘的功能设计为子程序、过程和自定义函数,并在计算5! - 3!+7!时进行调用.
泰和县安治回答: ? "5!-3!+7! 的值是:",fun(5)-fun(3)+fun(7) function fun parameters n s=1 for i=1 to n s=s*i next return s endfunc

源空19269232403问: ...计算s=1+1/2!+1/3!+....+1/n!怎么写代码.求帮忙补空.Function fun(ByVal n As Integer) As Single Dim i,t As Integer:Dim s As Single For i=1 To 填空 t=t*i ... -
泰和县安治回答:[答案] 楼主 把 VB 和 c 混了 看看这个 Function fun(ByVal n As Integer) As Single Dim i, t As Integer Dim s As Single t = 1 For i = 1 To n t = t * i s = s + 1 / t Next i fun = s End Function 注意,调用 是 n不...

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