
作者&投稿:缑垄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


在梯形 ABCD中,AD=BC=10 ,tanD=4\/3 , E是腰AD 上一点,AE:ED=1:3,当...
∵梯形 ABCD中,AD=BC=10 ∴梯形ABCD是等腰梯形 ∴△ABF是等腰三角形 ∴AH=HB 又∵AE:ED=1:3 ∴AE=2.5 又∵⊿BCE是直角三角形 ∴⊿BEF∽⊿BCE ∴BE²=BF•BC BE²=EF²-BF²又∵EF=AE+AF=2.5+AF AF=BF ∴AF=1.25 又∵AB∥DC tanD=4\/3 ∴tan∠...

Nowhere else in the world 是一幅在这世界上其他任何地方都无法看到的景象 I wanna be You make me feel so beautiful 我想成为你,让我自己享受这份美丽 Whether I'm up or down 无论我是光荣还是颓废 There's no crowd to please 也没有多少使我高兴的事 I'm like a faith without a ...


设过抛物线x^2=2py (p>0) 对称轴上的定点F(0,m) (m>0)作直线AB与抛物线...
(2). A1(x1,-m), O(0,0), B(x2, x2^2\/4) , k(OB)=x2\/4 , k(OA1)=-m\/x1=(x1x2\/4)\/x1=x2\/4 k(OB)=k(OA1) , 故:A1,O,B三点共线 (3) . 设M(x0,-m) , 当x0=0时, cotE=0, tanD=k(MA)=(y1+m)\/x1=(x1^2+4m)\/4x1,tanF=...

Are we just gonna stay like this forever Floating I'm serious my heart is furious Cause I'm so confused when we're together Feels like I'm choking these emotions I know I'm gonna let you down So don't hold your breath now Bittersweet in your mouth Can you stomach the ...

求Mars and Venus 歌词翻译
We fall in love again 然后,我们又重新坠入情网 (Just like Mars & Venus)x2 You get what I don't 你拿了我不喜欢的 And you will when I just won't 你想而我不 Your upside is downside to me 你奉若神灵的,我不屑一顾 I flip it, you drop it 我抛起,你跌落 You start me...

Yeah, when I'm with you So put your arms around me, baby We're tearing up the town 'Cause that's just how we do We got that sweet hot loving Dancing in the dark Out in the streets we're running Shut down every block So put your arms around me, baby We're tearing ...

tie your mother down 歌词
And I'm boilin' up inside No way I'm gonna lose out this time Tie your mother down Tie your mother down Lock your daddy out of doors I don't need him nosin' around Tie your mother down Tie your mother down Give me all your love tonight You're a such a dirty louse...

Artist:fall out boy Songs Title:the take over the breaks over Baby seasons change but people don't And I will be waiting in the back of the room I'm boring to overcompensate for headlines and flash flash flash photograpy Dont pretend you ever forgot about me Dont pretend you...

俞玉17165521627问: “stand in their shoes ”是不是一句谚语?怎么解释? -
通许县舒心回答: 这里意思是站在他们的立场上设想be in one's shoes 或者put oneself in one's shoes 这个习语表示“处于某人的境地或处境来设想”,比如,I wouldn't like to be in your shoes if they find out what you're doing. 如果他们发现了你在干什么,我可不愿设想你得有多倒霉.我们大家比较熟悉的是stand in one's shoes,站在某人的立场上设想.You wouldn't do that if you stood in my shoes. 如果你是我的话,你也不会那么做的. 要把their 换成one's 才容易找到哦.

俞玉17165521627问: “stand in their shoes ”是不是一句谚语 -
通许县舒心回答: 优质解答 这里意思是站在他们的立场上设想 be in one's shoes 或者put oneself in one's shoes 这个习语表示“处于某人的境地或处境来设想”,比如,I wouldn't like to be in your shoes if they find out what you're doing.如果他们发现了你在...

俞玉17165521627问: “stand in their shoes ”是不是一句谚语?就是ESL作业有这么一句让翻译.根据句子意思来说就是一个谚语.但是动用一切翻译工具都没有正确的翻译. -
通许县舒心回答:[答案] be in one's shoes 或者put oneself in one's shoes 这个习语表示“处于某人的境地或处境来设想”,比如,I wouldn't like to be in your shoes if they find out what you're doing.如果他们发现了你在干什么,我可不愿设想你得有多倒霉.我们大家比...

俞玉17165521627问: 中国俗语“站着说话不腰疼”用英语怎么说 -
通许县舒心回答: 可以这么说 If you put yourself into my shoes, you would know what I meant / how I felt.Put yourself into your kid's shoes,意思就是提示我们设身处地、换位思考,从别人的角度看问题.

俞玉17165521627问: stand+in+n. +doing吗 -
通许县舒心回答: 不是,这里不能把stand+in+n. +doing看成一个固定结构. 本句中stand 是谓语动词,in+wind 是介词词组表示地点(在风 中) ,waiting for...是伴随状语,表示他站着的同时在做什么事. 英语中表达两个动作同时发生经常采用这种 谓语动词 + doing 的结构.例如:He stood beside the window,looking into the sky.t他站在窗户旁凝望着 天空.He always sits at the table reading the newspaper.他总坐在桌子边看 报纸.

俞玉17165521627问: put somebody on one's shoes 是什么意思 -
通许县舒心回答: 是 put somebody in one's shoes 吧?这成语和 walk a mile in someone's shoes 有略同意思, 即 “设身处地”, 从对方的观点看.

俞玉17165521627问: stand in the shoes of sb是什么意思 -
通许县舒心回答: stand in the shoes of sb 取得某人的位置,处在某人的境遇; 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句: 1. All chinese know that the same pair of nike shoes costs less in the u.s. than in china. 中国人都知道同一双nike鞋在美国买比在中国买更便宜.

俞玉17165521627问: 将心比心英语怎么写 -
通许县舒心回答: put "oneself" into "other's" shoes 例句:Put yourself in my shoes. 你替我设身处地想一想.(put yourself in my shoes = Think about it from my standpoint. 站在我的立场上来考虑.Put yourself in my place. 你换成我的立场来设想.)

俞玉17165521627问: stand in one's way是什么意思 -
通许县舒心回答: stand in one's way 阻碍,妨碍; 例句1.There's nothing standing in the way of my ambition.什么也阻碍不了我实现我的理想.2.I wouldn't stand in his way for worlds.我决不会妨碍他.

俞玉17165521627问: put one's heart into是什么意思 -
通许县舒心回答: put one's heart into 全心全意投入;以上结果来自金山词霸 例句: 1. But using one's indifferent heart 而是用一颗冷酷的心, . ----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问! 满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

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