
作者&投稿:蹉冉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

holdon、holdtheline、tagon、hangin、append、persist、tack、persevere、tackonhangon的相关反义词hanguphangon的相关临近词Hange、hang、hangingmethod、hangingstairs、hangingsheave、hangingmatter、hangingbridge、hangwallramp、hangingscroll、hangupsignal、Hangeulstroke、hangdetection点此查看更多关于hangon的详细信息 ...

8)It is worth caring about the way a child behaves. 关心孩子们的行为方式是值得的。 9)It is no use crying over the spilt milk. 覆水难收。...1)Only in this way can the problem be tackled properly. 有这样才能妥善地解决这个问题。 2)Only when children take arduous efforts can they becom...

Soul Survivor 歌词
Everything I'm worth and who I am?He should look me in the eye Tell me where he figures in my plan...!There ain't nobody gonna make me stop Turn the lock, rip me off 'Cuz I'm right where I should be And can't nobody ever hold me back Change the tack, make ...

1 Once the ___ contradiction is tackled, all problems will be readily solved.A. principle B. innovative C. principal D. priceless 2 The super star is very rich, ___ she has no idea how much she is worth.A. so rich so that B. so much rich that C. so much so that...

英语描述整理房间的短文:I often tidy my room.I arrang the books on the desk.I polish the furniture.I wash clothes and sheets.I threw away the excess junk.I laid flowers on the table.I sorted out the kitchen things.I folded the clothes in the closet.Now my house is very ...

The Pianist marks the first time Roman Polanski has tackled the subject of The Holocaust, a historical event which directly affected his own life...Well worth the hype for once.·THE PIANIST *** New Roman by Polañski Reviewer: Artur Kalicki from Warsaw, PolandI put my signature under the...

需要Micheal Scofield的扮演者Wentworth Miller生平介绍 要英文的!不...
England and ‘worth’ = place.The green eyed young miller spent his early years in Oxfordshire where his father was a Rhodes scholar continuing his law studies. On completion of his studies they moved back to New York, Prospect park.Once back in New York his father worked as an...

Thankfully, we discovered a flaw of our new product before launch and tackled it in time.2. 造句练习 场景: 谢天谢地,世界并不仅限于这里。造句: Thankfully, the world is not limited to the place where we live, beyond which there are more places and things worth discovering.

really brave, as the lives of others for their own life, his own life in exchange for another life Quarry, "Do not ask the value or worth, the value of life Use has never been reflected in the exchange. "" His actions give us a warm inspiration "!XIE Yan letter, a gen...

英语~中译英 谢谢
Everyone gets there one step at a foot in front of the other. It's a daily process of doing what needs to be done that day. You can't cram in a year's worth of effort into one day, one week or even one month.Like football, life is a team sport,...

离莉18365833768问: The museum is well worth visiting.为什么不用被动语态呢?主语 museum与动词visit之间是被动关系啊. -
汝南县开迈回答:[答案] 是这样的,你看: 用被动语态时常出现的几种错误,这个题属于第四种 1.用主动形式的“have something to do”句型 在“... 56 in all.这个班总共有56人. 3.含有被动意味的“be+worth+动名词” “be+worth+动名词”表示“值得做”,例如,要表示“...

离莉18365833768问: hepworth museum 是什么意思 -
汝南县开迈回答: Hepworth Museum 全名称作 Barbara Hepworth Museum,坐落在英国圣艾夫斯(St.Ives),汉语译名是芭芭拉·赫普沃思博物馆. Barbara Hepworth(赫普沃思) 是英国现代雕刻家,它的雕塑作品以纽约市联合国大厦前的独影(纪念戴各·哈马啥尔德) 而著名.

离莉18365833768问: 复合句常用关联词语的作用 -
汝南县开迈回答: 单句与复合句 从句与主句共同组成的句子被叫做复合句.按照从句与主句的关系,从句主要分为名词性从句,它在句子中起名词的作用即作主语,宾语;形容词性从句,它在句子中起形容词的作用,用来修饰名词,代词或全句;还有状语从句,...

离莉18365833768问: And that is a day in town with the optional extra of visiting the Hepworth Museum.求这句话的精确翻译!这里为什么要加with可以不加吗?visit为什么要加ing?... -
汝南县开迈回答:[答案] 翻译:再加上一个可选的额外景点,今天小镇的行程就是这样了~.(应该是一个旅游计划,其中的一个有visiting the Hepworth Museum这个选择)这里的with必须有,要不然主句与从句没有办法连接. visit加ing是因为 of 作介...

离莉18365833768问: What abou your visit to the museum?Great,It is worth - ____? bu visited B,visiting Cbeing visited D,to visit 原因 -
汝南县开迈回答:[答案] B 固定用法:be worth doing sth 值得做……( 不用被动词形式)

离莉18365833768问: And that is a day in town with the optional extra of visiting the Hepworth Museum.这句话如何翻译?that is a day...那是一天?去掉is不行吗、?the optional extra ... -
汝南县开迈回答:[答案] 而且那一天会在城里,可选的额外游览项目是赫普沃思博物馆. that指的是上文,前一句话的内容.意思是:.(上一句的内容)那一天会在城里 不能去掉is,否则不完整.这是主系表句式 类似于That is a book.那是一本书. optional extra 额外项目 加上...

离莉18365833768问: worth,worthy,worthwhile用法区别 -
汝南县开迈回答: Worth 与Worthy 1. worthy 可作定语,worth不能 He lived a worthy life. 2.worth 可接表示价值的名词或短语,worhty 不能. The house is worth 100,000 pounds. 3.worth 可接名词作宾语,worthy须加上of才能接名词. .The matter is worth( worthy of)...

离莉18365833768问: Chatsworth House是什么地方? -
汝南县开迈回答: Chatsworth House: 查茨沃斯庄园 查茨沃斯庄园(Chatsworth House)是世袭德文郡公爵(Dukes of Devonshire)的豪宅,位于英格兰的北部峰区国家公园内,离谢菲尔德仅半个小时的车程,是峰区公园一个最有名的景点之一.庄园始建于...

离莉18365833768问: The museum is well worth visiting.为什么不用被动语态呢? -
汝南县开迈回答: 是这样的,你看:用被动语态时常出现的几种错误,这个题属于第四种1.用主动形式的“have something to do”句型 在“have something to do”句型中,动词不定式to do常用主动形式.例如: She has a letter to write to her mother.她有一封信...

离莉18365833768问: is+it+worth+the+trouble是什么意思 -
汝南县开迈回答: is it worth the trouble? 值得麻烦吗?例句Google Storage is worth the trouble, mainly because it supports powerful access controls through access control lists ( ACLs). Google Storage是值得花大精力的,这主要是因为它支持通过访问控制列表(ACL)实现的强大访问控制.

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