
作者&投稿:宏怨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

另外USD289.38请在你们给我们付款里面扣掉,因为中国汇款给国外手续比较麻烦 We could satisfy your needs if we could have your order.The shipment of 10 tons XXX in P.O(purchase order) C-8121, will departure in Shanghai port China on 20th October.Please note that the USD 289.38 in...

low cost for the purpose, to meet customer requirements.Companies in the Nanjing Lukou Airport has facilities and management systems are fully consistent with the requirements of the customs supervision warehouse, with air inlet distribution qualifications, to provide the import goods factory ...

achieve this goal, we will continue to speed up construction of port infrastructure. The next five to 10 years, Shenzhen, Hong Kong must ensure that at least two more container berths completed and commissioned to expand throughput capacity and meet the needs of future large ships....

make ends meet 收支平衡 fitness center 健身中心 come into being 产生 drop 。。。off 掉下,减少,下降 give sb a ride 让某人搭便车 be occupied with 被占用 stay in bed for a while till it pick up 在床上躺一会儿直到天气回暖(pick...

1、We___(meet)our relatives at the aieport next Monday.
will meet 将来时

please also advise expected ready H\/O date for both July 13 & July 20 portations so can check sailing schedule with forwarder and advise you accordingly which vessel to meet. please confirm clear and advise. thanks.请注意我们已经向承运人查询,并获悉海陆联运的话,运费大约是USD1.30\/...

(Vii) Social Security Bureau of Dongguan City of industrial injury insurance premium to reduce the rate of medical insurance premium rate; meet the requirements of "enterprise" be held over 6 months of social security fees; to expand the scope of the unemployment insurance fund.Second...

hello,can you make a port to ORG plz,ill tip for 30s要一个去ORG的传送门,给对方30S horde\/aliance . take care. 部落\/联盟在附近.小心. he ...I am very happy to meet you. 很高兴认识你 How are you? 身体好吗? Good morning 早安 Good afternoon 晚安 Good evening! 上午好 回话: Very well...

16. meet… at…在……迎接…… 17. get good Cantonese food吃到好吃的广东菜 18. come from South China来自中国南方 19. go as far as Ottawa去...的最上首 75. a busy port繁忙的港口 76. rush through…穿行过… 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...

16. meet… at…在……迎接…… 17. get good Cantonese food吃到好吃的广东菜18. come from South China来自中国南方 19. go as far as Ottawa去...75. a busy port繁忙的港口76. rush through…穿行过…这个的确是人教的。。不客气~~ 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...

朱牲18514088223问: sports meeting 和sports meet 有什么区别,sport后面为什么+s -
深州市郦拜回答: ....meeting的一个常见意思是会议..聚会..名词 MEET常见是相遇..动词

朱牲18514088223问: Sports meeting这个复合型名词为啥后面不加s而是前面+s呢 -
深州市郦拜回答: 为您解答Sports这种复数形式通常用在名词前面形成复合名词,比如a sports centre, sports equipment, sports injuries等等.Sport讲一种运动时是不可数的(除非你想描述一个类型),比如Baseball is a kind of sport.以上是通常的用法,事实上,英美英语里面对sport,sports的用法是不同的,英式不加s当做集合名词使用,美式通常加s.不必过于深入琢磨.

朱牲18514088223问: 运动会在英语课本中是sports meet还是 sports meeting -
深州市郦拜回答: 这两个都对,老师讲过,我也查过一些字典和电子词典. 只是sports绝对不能写作sport,至于是meeting还是meet就无所谓了.

朱牲18514088223问: sports meeting和sports meet区别 -
深州市郦拜回答:[答案] 两个都可以,主要用法如下: 1 sports meeting 运动会(英式英语) sports meet 运动会(美式英语) 2 meet作名词,有个意思是“集会;运动会(多指单项比赛,如田径、游泳、体操等)”, 例:hold an athletic meet举行运动会(或田径比赛) ...

朱牲18514088223问: Sports meeting为什么用sports而不是sport -
深州市郦拜回答: 运动会又不止只有一个(种)的,往往有多个项目,所以就是 sports ,而不是单数sport.

朱牲18514088223问: we+are+on+the+sports+meeting甚么意思
深州市郦拜回答: 答案是:我们参加了运动会☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

朱牲18514088223问: the sports meeting是什么意思 -
深州市郦拜回答: 运动会

朱牲18514088223问: sports meeting与sport meeting哪个对? -
深州市郦拜回答: sports meeting是对的,sports 表示运动,都是以复数出现的

朱牲18514088223问: the school sports meet is coming为什么sports要加s -
深州市郦拜回答: 这个是固定用法 比如运动会 就是 sports meeting ,运动鞋是 sports shoes

朱牲18514088223问: we will have a holiday after the sports meeting是什么意思 -
深州市郦拜回答: 非常感谢您的提问,让我丰富了英语知识 对于你的提问 我的解答是:we will have a holiday after the sports meeting 我们将运动会以后有一天的假期祝你英语学习成功! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 如有疑问请继续追问,望采纳,谢谢,您的采纳是我的力量!

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