
作者&投稿:师澜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

spend expend cost expenditure expenses pay defray payment payoff af...
1. spend [spend]v. 花费, 浪费, 度过 例句:Some people spend far more than they ought to spend.有些支出的钱财远远超出他们的支付能力范围.2. expend [iks'pend]vt.花费, 消耗 例句:Don't expend all your energy on such a useless job.不要把你的精力全花在这无益的工作上。3. ...

strict [strikt] a. 严格的;严厉的 impression [im'pre??n] n. 印象 avoid [?'v?id] vt.(故意)避开 hate [heit] vt.讨厌;不喜欢 incorrectly [,ink?'rektli] adv.不正确地 completely [k?m'pli:tli] adv. 十分地;完全地 immediately [i'mi:di?tli] adv.立即;即刻 appreciate [...

制作u盘启动盘重装系统:1、打开小白一键重装系统,接着自动检测本地环境。插入空白u盘到电脑上。2、选择u盘制作栏目,选择要安装的系统,然后点击 “安装此系统”3、等待u盘启动盘制作完毕,然后退出u盘。4、把u盘插入要重装的电脑上,接着开机按启动热键f12或del等进快速启动项,选择u盘启动进pe系统内...

1、struct Student*Create():定义函数Create,函数返回值为指向结构体Student类型的指针。2、定义结构体:struct Student{……};定义指向结构体的指针:struct Student *p;定义返回值为指向结构体指针的函数:struct Student *Create(){……} 3、malloc函数返回值为void *,pEnd和pEnw的类型为 struct ...

【记】来自casual (a办偶然的):偶然遇害了 4、permeate [丨psimieit] v.弥漫,遍布,散布;渗入,渗透 【记】词根记忆:per(贯穿)+meat+e 空气中贯穿着肉味:弥漫!5、pendulum [ 'pendjubm] n.摆,钟摆;摇摆不定的事态(或局面)【记】词根记忆:pend(悬挂)+ulum ->o摇摆 6、refund [ '...

ambitious \/{m9bIS5s\/ a. ①有抱负的,雄心勃勃的 ②有野心的 annoy \/5'nOI\/ vt. 使烦恼;使生气 anticipate \/{n9tIsIpeIt\/ vt. ①预期,期望,预料 ②先于……行动,提前使用 appeal \/5'pi:l\/ n. ①呼吁;恳求 ②感染力;吸引力 ③申诉,上诉 vi. ①呼吁;恳求 ②有 吸引力;有感染...

新概念3英语求解。。。大神们来呀- -
depend[di5pend]vi.依靠, 依赖 feline independence 猫的独立性 Most cats remain suspicious of humans all their lives.在它们的一生中,大多数猫都对人存有戒心。suspicious[sEs5piFEs]adj.(~ of) 可疑的, 怀疑的 suspicion[sEs5piFEn]n.猜疑, 怀疑 remain 在此处为系动词,be suspicious of ...

线动量(linear momentum)
one is parallel to the side of the table and the other perpendicular to it. The momentum that is parallel to the side of the table would not be affected by the collision but there is a change of momentum for the one peprpendicular to the side pad when collision occurs. ...

在TN-S系统中,当发生单相金属性接地时,则故障电流经( )线当发生。_百 ...
【答案】:D 答案解析:在TN-S系统中,当发生单相金属性接地时,则故障电流经(PE)线当发生。

你是不是背包里装备了别的可以飞行的,需要一直拖住替换那个物品 如果不行应该是bug 望采纳

鲁显18522567216问: spend a penny -
黔南布依族苗族自治州安洛回答: SPEND A PENNY(英国口语,上厕所, 因为旧时英国公厕的自动门需投币一便士才能开启).所以,这个句子就是,我要上卫生间的意思了.

鲁显18522567216问: Wealthy as he was, the governor would not spend a penny on such things -
黔南布依族苗族自治州安洛回答: Wealthy as he was,这是引导的让步状从, "虽然". the governor would not spend a penny on such things这是主句,其中:主语: the governor 谓动: would not spend 宾语: a penny 状语: on such things 是固定搭配, "在...方面花钱" 句意: 虽然总督很富有,但他却不愿在这样的事情上花一个子儿.

鲁显18522567216问: a penny for your thoughts是什么意思 -
黔南布依族苗族自治州安洛回答: 如果你的朋友整天不理你,动不动就愣神,要不就眼睛就盯着电视画面,一动不动,不知道到底在想什么,怎么办?这时候你就拍他一下,然后说“a penny for your thoughts”.属于委婉语,仅限于相当亲密的伙伴之间.“A penny for your ...

鲁显18522567216问: a penny for your thoughts是什么意思 -
黔南布依族苗族自治州安洛回答:[答案] 如果你的朋友整天不理你,动不动就愣神,要不就眼睛就盯着电视画面,一动不动,不知道到底在想什么,怎么办?这时候你就拍他一下,然后说“a penny for your thoughts”.属于委婉语,仅限于相当亲密的伙伴之间. “A penny for your thoughts”...

鲁显18522567216问: Wealthy -- he was,the governor would not spend a penny on such things. -
黔南布依族苗族自治州安洛回答: A 形容词/副词 + as +主语 翻译起来有 “虽然”的意思,= althogh he was wealthy 翻译:虽然这个政府官员很富有,他却不会在这种事情上花费一分钱.eg: Young as he is,he is clever enough to go to school.= Although he is young,he is clever enough to go to school.虽然他年龄很小,他却足够聪明可以上学了.

鲁显18522567216问: A penny for your thoughts.什么意思 -
黔南布依族苗族自治州安洛回答: a penny for your thoughts你呆呆地在想什么呢 Google 网络词典 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Penny for Your Thoughts 隐藏摘要告诉我你在想什么

鲁显18522567216问: penny是什么意思? -
黔南布依族苗族自治州安洛回答: penny 英 ['penɪ] 美 ['pɛni] n. (美)分;便士 复数 pennies或pence 短语 Penny Black 黑便士;白色西装;黑色皮质风衣;皮质拼色长手套. Penny Marshall 潘妮·马歇尔;马歇尔;彭妮·马歇尔;马绍尔. Will Penny 五狱英雄;五岳英雄. ...

鲁显18522567216问: spend的用法 -
黔南布依族苗族自治州安洛回答: spend的用法 1. 在使用spend时,主语只能是表示人的名词或代词.例如: Andy spent a lot of money on books. Andy花了很多钱买书. 2. 若表示"在......上花费(时间、金钱等)",常用句型spend some money/ some time on sth.,介词on后接...

鲁显18522567216问: 翻译 把钱用在刀刃上 -
黔南布依族苗族自治州安洛回答: to make every penny count.这个是地道的.penny可以换成你需要的金钱单位,比如dollar

鲁显18522567216问: Wealthy as he was,the governor would not spend a penny on such things逗号后面是句子的什么成分?、我老师搞不懂有逗号的句子, -
黔南布依族苗族自治州安洛回答:[答案] Wealthy as he was,这是引导的让步状从, "虽然". the governor would not spend a penny on such things这是主句,其中: 主语: the governor 谓动: would not spend 宾语: a penny 状语: on such things 是固定搭配, "在...方面花钱" 句意: ...

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