
作者&投稿:雕时 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

pend [pend]v. 悬而未决 例句:The lawsuit was then pending.那件讼案因而尚未解决。The accused was released on bail (of 1000) pending trial.那被告在交纳(1000英镑)保释金后,在开庭前暂时获释。The patent office pended the settlement of a patent application.专利局搁置了一项专利申请。

pendent 悬而未决的;下垂的;未定的;向外伸出的 双语例句 Nine cases are still pending.尚有九宗案件待决。She had a libel action against the magazine pending.她有一项针对那家杂志的诽谤诉讼待处理。A judge has suspended the ban pending a full inquiry.一名法官已暂时取消了此项禁令,等待...

未定;未决;待定;待决;(pend的现在分词)短语搭配 patent pending 专利未决;专利申请;专利受理 pending decision 待裁决;等待决定;未决决定 pending change 暂停变更;待定改变;挂起更改 双语例句 1.This is a pending question.这是一个悬而未决的问题。2.Candace:as you can see, there is s...

英语No pending upgrade怎么翻译?
双语例句:All charges against her are dropped pending the verification of her story.在她的陈述得到证实前,所有针对她的指控都被撤回。A growing number of customers have been inquiring about the pending price rises.越来越多的顾客在询问即将出现的价格上涨问题。

英语No pending upgrade怎么翻译?
英[ˈpendɪŋ] 美[ˈpendɪŋ]单词释义:adj. 悬而未决的; 待定; 待决; 即将发生的;prep. 在等待…时期; 直到…为止;v. 悬而未决; 吊着; 待决;短语搭配:pending case 悬而未决的案件 pending danger 即将发生的危险 双语例句:The lawsuit was ...

pending 的状态是什么意思
(3)v. 待定;悬而不决(pend的ing形式)(4)n. (Pending)人名;(瑞典)彭丁 2、读音:英 [ˈpendɪŋ] 美 [ˈpendɪŋ]3、短语:(1)pending application [专利] 未决申;未决声请;仍待审批的申请;注册商标;待决申请 (2)CHECK PENDING 处于检查暂...

depend 的过去式是啥
depend [英][dɪˈpend][美][dɪˈpɛnd]vi.依赖; 依靠; 信赖; 决定于;第三人称单数:depends 现在进行时:depending 过去式:depended 过去分词:depended

expend的意思是花费;消费;耗费。第三人称单数: expends 现在分词: expending 过去式: expended 过去分词: expended 记忆技巧:ex 出 + pend 花费 → 钱花出去 → 花费 发音:英 [ɪkˈspend]\\美 [ɪkˈspend] 。

英 [ˌɪndɪ'pendəntlɪ]美 [ˌɪndɪˈpɛndəntlɪ]adv. 独立地,自立地,无关地 双语例句 1. We aim to help disabled students to live and study independently.我们旨在帮助残疾学生尽可能独立地生活和学习。来自柯林斯...

cost表示某物花费了某人多少多少钱,固定搭配:sth. cost sb. $例句:The ring cost him 100,000 dollars.The task could cost you your life.这项任务可能让你没命。 expend ex.pend[Ik`spZnd; ikˋsp�0�2nd]《源自拉丁文“计算 (支付) 金钱”的意思》及物动词1 花费 ...

离匡19640104229问: spend在句中的用法,结构比如:spend -
治多县乙肝回答:[答案] spend v.花费,消耗,用尽,度过,消磨 e.g:I spend an hour reading some books every day.我每天花一小时读书! 从这个例句就不难看出spend 的用法是 spend+时间或金钱+动词的ING形式

离匡19640104229问: spend有几种用法? -
治多县乙肝回答: spend的主语必须是人, 常用于以下结构: (1) spend time /money on sth. 在……上花费时间(金钱).例:I spent two hours on this maths problem. 这道数学题花了我两个小时.(2) spend time / money (in) doing sth. 花费时间(金钱)做某事...

离匡19640104229问: spend可组成哪些固定搭配和句型?类似的词的搭配或句型? -
治多县乙肝回答:[答案] spend的主语必须是人,常用于以下结构:(1) spend time /money on sth.在……上花费时间(金钱).例:I spent two hours on this maths problem.这道数学题花了我两个小时.(2) spend time /money (in) doing sth.花...

离匡19640104229问: spend的用法以及可以构成那些短语 -
治多县乙肝回答: sb spend some money/some time in doing sth 某人花费金钱/时间做某事 EG:I spent half an hour in doing my homework yesterday.和它意思相近的还有take有关的句型 It takes/took sb some time/some money to do sth 上面的句子用这个句型可以转换为 It took me half an hour to do my homework yesterday.

离匡19640104229问: spend和take的用法(各5种) -
治多县乙肝回答: spend,cost,take和pay都可以表示“花费”,但用法却不尽相同.spend的主语必须是人, 常用于以下结构:(1) spend time /money on sth. 在……上花费时间(金钱).例:I spent two hours on this maths problem. 这道数学题花了我两个小时...

离匡19640104229问: Spend用法! -
治多县乙肝回答: spend的用法1. 在使用spend时,主语只能是表示人的名词或代词.例如: Andy spent a lot of money on books. Andy花了很多钱买书. 2. 若表示"在......上花费(时间、金钱等)",常用句型spend some money/ some time on sth.,介词on后接...

离匡19640104229问: spend的英语语法
治多县乙肝回答: spend [spend] vt. 1. 用(钱),花费: 例句: He spent too much money on horse racing. 他在赌赛马上花了很多钱. 2. 耗费,花费(时间、精力等);度过: 例句: to spend time watching TV 看电视消磨时光 You really shouldn't spend so much...

离匡19640104229问: 有关于spend的句型和用法
治多县乙肝回答: (sb)spend time / money on sth (sb) spend time / money (in) doing sth She spends a lot of money on her dresses. He spends much time doing his homework.

离匡19640104229问: spend、cost、take、pay的区别? -
治多县乙肝回答: 1、主语 take形式主语为it,spend主语为人,pay主语为人,cost主语为物. 2、宾语 take宾语为人/时间,spend宾语为时间/金钱,pay宾语为金钱,cost宾语为人/金钱. 3、结构take:It takes (sb.)some time to do sth. spend:spend time/money on sth. spend time/money (in) doing sth. pay:pay some money for sth. cost:sth. cost(sb). money

离匡19640104229问: 呼呼,有谁能告诉我,英语spend的用法 -
治多县乙肝回答: 1.spend 主语只能是表示人的名词或代词2. spend some money/ some time on sth.,介词on后接名词或代词,在......上花费(时间、金钱等)3. spend some money / some time (in) doing sth. in可省略,花费(时间、金钱等)做某事 当然spend也有度过的意思!

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