
作者&投稿:鲜邓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Suspended in the air, Mariam would see Jalil's upturned face below her,his wide, crooked smile, his widow's peak, his cleft chin-a perfect pocket for the tip of her pinkie-his teeth, the whitest in a town of rotting molars.悬浮在空中时,本月会看到吉隆坡以下的仰着的脸上,他...

Mount Fuji is Japan's tallest peak is a symbol of the Japanese nation, the Japanese people as the "sacred mountain." 富士山位于本州中南部,东距东京约80千米,面积90.76平方千米,海拔3776米,山峰高耸入云,山巅白雪皑皑。Mount Fuji is located in south central Honshu, about 80 km w...

第一节城市功能 一、城市功能的含义和型别 1.城市功能也称城市职能,是由城市的各种结构性因素决定的城市的机能或能力,是城市在一定区域范围内的政治、经济、文化、社会活动中所具有的能力和所起的作用,是多功能的综合体。 2.城市功能具有的特征:整体性;结构性;层次性;开放性; 3.城市功能的型别: 1)共同功能-...

Mountain Lushan最好颠倒过来用吧 Mountain Lushan is on the bank of Chinsese biggest freshwater lake,最好用it指代,否则重复了 well-know by 改成for go to there 不要to enjoy to the snow view 不要to is in spring.不要in rises 去掉 There also has 改成There are also 最后一句ha...

Although Egyptian mummies are the most famous, the oldest mummies recorded are the Chinchorro mummies from northern Chile and southern Peru. Also among the oldest is Uan Muhuggiag which is a place in the central Sahara, and the name of the mummy of a small boy found there in 1958 by ...

岑雪18577537038问: speak chinese 是什么意思 -
洱源县恒康回答: 说汉语

岑雪18577537038问: speak in Chinese/speak Chinese有何区别? -
洱源县恒康回答: speak in Chinese用汉语说 speak 是 不及物动词 speak Chinese说汉语,speak 是及物动词 【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答.

岑雪18577537038问: speak chinese翻译短语 -
洱源县恒康回答: speak作动词,意为说.Chinese在这即为名词,意为中文.即为说中文

岑雪18577537038问: 跟老外说"can you speak Chinese?"是不礼貌的么?是应该说“Do you speak Chinese"?还是”cloud you ? -
洱源县恒康回答: 就算你问can you speak Chinese也没关系,可能你觉得can 的语气有点强烈 不过老外不会介意的,有时候他也会反问你can you speak Chinese.所以这些无所谓的你用could也太客气了,听起来像是在求他,(求求你,你会说中文吗)

岑雪18577537038问: say Chinese 和 speak Chinese 区别 -
洱源县恒康回答: say后面加说话的内容.say i love u speak表示说话的能力.如speak English,speak Chniese.

岑雪18577537038问: speak加语言用什么介词? -
洱源县恒康回答: 不加介词,speak是及物动词,可以直接说 speak English,speak Chinese

岑雪18577537038问: 为什么英语speaking in Chinese中要加入in? -
洱源县恒康回答: Speaking Chinese 是指 说中文 Speaking in Chinese 是指 用中文说 区别很明显了 in 的作用就是介词表示 用 希望能帮到你~

岑雪18577537038问: speak后加什么 -
洱源县恒康回答: 加语言名词等.比如:speak Chinese/English 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)

岑雪18577537038问: ...怎么说有人说是speak in English,也有人说是speak English.You speak English、You speak in English,哪一个正确 .You speak Chinese .还是You speak in ... -
洱源县恒康回答:[答案] 首先,You speak +语种,意思指一个人的母语,或者是语种习惯是什么 而一般情景下不会说You speak in =语种,除非情景的意思是让某人用什么语种说出什么话来,就会说Please speak in+语种 第二,say和speak的用法又有所区分,撒盐,强调说...

岑雪18577537038问: speak chinese 好 a.good b.well c.nice选哪个?为什么? -
洱源县恒康回答: 你好: 选B 动词 speak 的后面一般接副词 用来修饰 动词的某种程度 这里副词只有 well good 和 nice都是形容词

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