
作者&投稿:詹胆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

爱尔兰曲棍球(hurling)中的free out指什么?
在爱尔兰曲棍球(hurling)中,freeout指什么?这个问题的语境是:一个队员控球时间过长,超过了规定的四个控球动作,于是裁判吹哨,说:It'safreeout!我不知道...? Control pace of the game 控制比赛的节奏Midfield play(no possesion) 中场控制(无球)? Positions 位置? Marking: man-to-man vs zonal \/ mixed ...

带球 clean catching (守门员)接高球 finger-tip save (守门员)托救球 offside 越位 deceptive movement 假动作 break through 突破 kick-out 踢出界 足球战术篇 set the pace 掌握进攻节奏 ward off an assault 击退一次攻势 break up an attack 破坏一次攻势 disorganize the ...

Let’s take our suits along in case the sun comes out. 4. in next to no time 马上 A: Are you going to be using the copying machine long? B: I’ll be through in next to no time. 5. in the red 赤字 Jack often runs his father’s company in the red. 6. in the works 正在...

题目my pace of studies and life on campus
so I think the pace of my studies is reasonable and enjoyable. Even through it wasn't all romantic, but I loved it.Yet I credit my successful academic experience with the beautiful scenery of my campus. when it come to a sunny afternoon, I alway take a seat outside, soaking...

the European Championship或者European Cup 欧洲杯 Championship Cup 冠军杯 field \/ pitch 足球场 midfield 中场 backfield 后场 kickoff circle \/ center circle 中圈 halfway line 中线 touchline \/ sideline 边线 goal line 球门线 end line 底线 penalty mark (点球)罚球点 penalty area 禁区...

at breakneck speed [pace]以极危险的高速度at full[top] speed用全速, 开足马力尽力地; 尽快地at [with] lightning speed以闪电般的速度, 风驰电掣地at speed飞快地come bad [no] speed[苏]失败, 不成功come (good) speed[苏]顺利, 成功Full speed ahead.【航海】全速前进; 尽快尽力干。God speed you...

Let’s take our suits along in case the sun comes out. 4. in next to no time 马上 A: Are you going to be using the copying machine long? B: I’ll be through in next to no time. 5. in the red 赤字 Jack often runs his father’s company in the red. 6. in the works 正在...


求! 100句汉译英句子
Pick up your pace! 敌人就要到了,加快脚步前进!Pick up your pace. It will start raining soon.快点走,开要下雨了。8.We may be out of stock 可能脱销了out of stock 这个短评的意思是卖完、无现货。你在购物的时候,常有这样的情况,当你千挑万选,选中了一件商品,但商店很可能已无货,售货员就可能...

2 )We've been out papering the city with flyers.我们已经在城市中贴满了传单。3 )Gus has been a professional paperhanger for years.这些年格斯已成为一名专业糊纸匠。4 )Your husband acts tough, but he's really a paper tiger.你的丈夫虽然表面上很强硬,其实他是一个纸老虎。5 )...

少滢13060898433问: 上班族说的space - out什么意思 -
沐川县护骨回答: space out 走神 一般是因为话题或正在做的事比较无聊就放空了; sometimes you space out and don't even pay attention to what we're talking about

少滢13060898433问: space的动词形式 -
沐川县护骨回答: space[speɪs] n.空间,太空; 空白,间隔; 空隙; 片刻; vt.把…分隔开,留间隔于…之间; vi.以一定间隔排列 用作动词 时的用法: 1.Space your words when you write. 写字的时候要把字均匀地隔开. 2.I decided to space out payments over five years . 我打算在5年内分期付款.希望能够采纳哦!

少滢13060898433问: space out / zone out 表示 “走神” 有什么不同,什么语境下使用.各求一个例句谢谢 -
沐川县护骨回答: out :(因服食毒品而)变得昏昏沉沉,不辨东西南北 out:Definition: To lose all concentration; to slip out of normal consciousness, and have nothing on your mind. 定义:完全无法集中精力;心不在焉,头脑一片空白 Example:举...

少滢13060898433问: qzone和space是近意词吗???
沐川县护骨回答: 不是啊 qzone 是腾讯发明出来的词 专指QQ空间 而space 有如下意思 空间, 太空 空隙, 空地, 余地; 座位; 篇幅 空白; 距离, 间隔 机会 空幻状态 (一段)时间, 片刻, 一会儿 电台[电视]的广告时间 [美]一年徒刑 【音】(谱表的)线间空...

少滢13060898433问: space out study 何意?跟太空没关系,跟学习有关系,就直接翻一下space out的意思就行了,space这里是个动词吧 -
沐川县护骨回答:[答案] space out确实在这里是动词 是隔开的意思 我猜应该是学习要合理安排好时间

少滢13060898433问: Do you space out or daydream a lot?这句话什么意思 -
沐川县护骨回答: 译文如下:Do you space out or daydream a lot?【你会经常走神或做白日梦吗?】 space out神游到太空之外即【走神】 希望帮助到你!

少滢13060898433问: space out the presentations of the word 什么意思? -
沐川县护骨回答: 将词的意思隔开来记忆

少滢13060898433问: 如何快速打出system.out.println -
沐川县护骨回答: 快捷方式是输入”syso“,之后直接回车即可.eclipse快捷键大全 (1)Ctrl+Space 说明:内容助理.提供对方法,变量,参数,javadoc等得提示,应运在多种场合,总之需要提示的时候可先按此快捷键. 注:避免输入法的切换设置与此设置...

少滢13060898433问: 有句号发呆的英语
沐川县护骨回答: space out.

少滢13060898433问: Is there life out there in space?这里的out什么词性 怎么理解 -
沐川县护骨回答: 副词,表示“在外面”,比如:standing out in the rain站在外面的雨中 out there/here在外面那边/这边

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