
作者&投稿:谯钧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

i am xx,NO.xx, from class x .Today is monday,and i go to school at 7:30 by bus. There are English and Music in the morning and Draw and Math in the afternooon. I have my lunch at school with my classmates,after lunch ,we have an hour to take a rest. At16:00,...

The earth is nearly 50 times the sizes of the moo
The earth 主语 is 是 be 动词 the size of the moon 表语 nearly 副词修饰 be动词,50 times 修饰 size,是其名词性定语。

The guitar player and the drummer took their bows. 吉他手和鼓手鞠了一躬。有when这句话就不是一句完整的话,只能是状语从句,后面不能加句号 The day started out raniny, until by noon the sun came out.两个单个的从句不能并列,必须有连词将两句话连在一起 Here is the summary that ...

m br an c l f stake train training l b tr fin fine cinema l b trend

过去式 问题:过去式

(第一个应该是There are few areas left...没有那个few的话同中文意思就不同啊,而后面那个括号内的就有了就对了)3.We must learn to act in ways that(或which) do not harm other living things.4.That afteroon all the students went to an exibition of modern art.祝英语学习愉快!

如果你的意思的lihu受伤了导致大家都跟着忙活那应该是下面的“A basketball competition between calss 7 and our class was held in yesterday afteroon, during which Lihu got injured in the playground and every one started to move. ”如果你的意思是由于队员的移动导致的lihu的受伤那应该是...

9. 约翰尼宣称在他找到一份满意的工作之前绝不结婚。 9. Johnny has declared that he found a satisfactory job will never get married before.10. 每天一定要留出至少一个小时来参加体育活动。 10. Go out at least an hour a day will certainly come to participate in sports activities. 这...

...用将来进行时翻译句子 今晚八点至九点你会在看电视吗
今晚八点至九点你会在看电视吗?Are you going to watch TV at eight o 'clock to nine o 'clock tonight 我想象不出她明天这个时候会在做什么?I can't imagine what she is going to do at this time tomorrow 快八点了,他们一会就到了。It Is nearly eight o 'clock,and they are ...

(8) sometimes, we do extracurricular activities in the afteroon (9) The girl in black trousers has never been late for school (10) Shall we go swimming on the weekend ? that is a good idea (11) Do you like going to school ? yes, I like it so much (12) He should ...

独茅13689798946问: soon在句中的位置 -
安塞县可多回答:[答案] soon [su:n] adv.快;不久,一会儿;立刻;宁愿[ 比较级sooner 最高级soonest ] soon 是副词,在句中的位置比较灵活.比如:Bills soon mount up at hotel.旅馆里帐单很快地增加.Soon after,they saved the girl.很快,...

独茅13689798946问: soon是副词为什么放在句末我看许多句子soon放在句末,意思还是 立即 可语法上副词位置没有放在句末的呀? -
安塞县可多回答:[答案] SOON是时间副词 而地点副词 时间副词 方式副词一般放在句末 但是有时为了强调时间 也可以把时间副词放在句首

独茅13689798946问: John will be home soon,they arrived soon,he will soon be back.请教soon,在句子中的位置.为什么同样是将来时的句式,soon一会放在句末,一会放在will后, -
安塞县可多回答:[答案] 解析:soon既可以做“时间状语”,也可以做插入语.所以可以放在一个句子的末尾,也可以放在一个句子谓语之后.

独茅13689798946问: soon 可以放在句首吗? -
安塞县可多回答: 可以的. soon是副词、副词的位置是很灵活的.可以放的位置很多. 其它副词也可以噢!

独茅13689798946问: soon位置可以实义动词前面么?看到这个句子:I will be there soon./ I will get there soon.我在牛津英汉辞典上看到过:We shall soon be home.soon未放在句末... -
安塞县可多回答:[答案] soon作为副词adv.可以修饰形容词、其他副词或动词,还可以修饰整个句子.上边的是整个句子;词典上的选择放在句中则需要放在第一个助动词之后,实意动词之前.

独茅13689798946问: John will be home soon, they arrived soon, he will soon be back.请教soon,在句子中的位置.为什么同 -
安塞县可多回答: 解析:soon既可以做“时间状语”,也可以做插入语.所以可以放在一个句子的末尾,也可以放在一个句子谓语之后.希望您的采纳~

独茅13689798946问: will soon为什么不是 soon will.soon在句子中怎么放例:I am sure you will soon de among friends -
安塞县可多回答:[答案] soon一般放在句末.表示尽快

独茅13689798946问: My husband will be home soon.这句话的soon为什么要放在home的后面? -
安塞县可多回答: soon在这里作状语 状语的位置很自由 不一定要放在句末,虽然考虑到句子的平衡,习惯上是这样 这里的soon至少可以放在句首、句中、句末三个位置.

独茅13689798946问: soon是副词为什么放在句末
安塞县可多回答: SOON是时间副词 而地点副词 时间副词 方式副词一般放在句末 但是有时为了强调时间 也可以把时间副词放在句首

独茅13689798946问: soon可以放句首吗
安塞县可多回答: 可以.不算少用. 在一些叫板的英语考试里,比如SAT,最好回避将SOON,BUT一类的词放在句首.但是很多英语文学作品都是这么用的,很常见.

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