
作者&投稿:顾奇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

ome kids can't sit still for long. They have a ha
For certain kids, this problem is so severe that doctors have a name for it: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. Perhaps as many as 1 out of every 20 kids under the age of 18 have characteristics of ADHD. Often, these kids have trouble getting through school and...

Welcomome to China!作文100词
③中国幅员辽阔,有九百六十万平方千米.④它有34个省、直辖市和自治区.首都是北京,位于华北.⑤中国是世界上最大的国家之一.现在,它有12多亿人口,占世界人口的四分之一.China The People's Republic of China is a socialism country with its own characteristics.It is one of the developing ...

2. all of 后可跟人称代词或有限定词修饰的名词。All of us went.我们全去了。All of the students went.全体学生都去了。误:All of students went.3. all of 后接跟限定词修饰的名词时,这 of 可以省略,意思不变。例如:All (of) the students went.全体学生都去了。All (of) the ...

3.For those of us who are studying at sc hool,the time of exams i...

property of nobody是什么意思?
property of nobody 无主财产 希望帮到你 omeone's property is all the things that belong to them or something that belongs to them. 财产 [正式]例:Richard could easily destroy her personal property to punish her for walking out on him.理查德可以轻而易举地毁掉她的私有财产作为对她...

所以角OFD=角CFD=90度 角BHE=角CHE=90度 角OME=角OMB=90度 角ONB=角OND=90度 所以角OMB=角ONB=90度 角OME=角OND=90度 三角形OFD ,三角形CFD ,三角形BHE ,三角形CHE是直角三角形 所以OD^2=OF^2+DF^2 CD^2=CF^2+DF^2 BE^2=EH^2+BH^2 CE^2=EH^2+CH^2 因为三角形... for your last letter.Here are photos of me and my twin sis...
Thank you for your last letter. Here are photos of me and my twin sister Liu Ying. As you can see, in some ways we look the same, and in some ways we look different. We both have black eyes and black hair, although my hair is shorter than hers. We both like sports...

Lander, 当工作为Colins 在草龟踱步的人的染色体项目, 看见他的队是丢失的并且做它他的事务摔打Venter's harelike 私有事业在它自己的游戏With $34 milltortoise 踱步了人的染色体项目, 看见他的队是丢失和做它他的事务摔打Venter's harelike 私有事业在它自己的游戏With $34 百万从Gemome 项目和一...

这个杀手不太冷片尾曲shape of my heart吉他谱
save__ me__ from the man__ I’VE___ BE_CO___O_O_OME___[Chorus2][nc] D G Loo__kin’__ back on the things_ I’ve done_(looking on the things I’ve)A A\/G A\/F I_ was_ trying_ to be_ someone_(try_ing to be__)Bm A E I played_...

"I improve my English in m any ways. When I was a child, my mothe r read an English story for me every nigh t. I enjoyed the storied and repeated aft er mom. And now I keep listening to tap es every day. It's really helpful though s ometimes I felt boring. At ...

敏怕15696799608问: Some of 后面加什么形式?到底有什么规定?我只知道后面加us them或者the peopl -
沾益县胰岛回答: Some of后面加:主语宾格,可数名词复数,和不可数名词,名词性短语中,代词(要用宾格). Some of 读音:英 [səm ɒv] 美 [səm əv]释义:中的一些 语法:some用作代词的意思是“一些,若干”,指某些特定的或未知的人、物或事,...

敏怕15696799608问: some of 什么结构?怎么用? -
沾益县胰岛回答: of是表示从属关系,是介词,因此后面需接名词,词组的意思是…(所接名词)…中的一些、一部分.

敏怕15696799608问: some of用法(后面接什么数?) -
沾益县胰岛回答: 一些的意思,后面加名词复数,表示其中的一部分.

敏怕15696799608问: some of 作主语谓语用单数还是复数?后面加人称代词的主格还是宾格 ?some of the student通吗? -
沾益县胰岛回答: 1、some of 作主语,谓语动词的单复数取决于【some所指代的对象】:指代可数名词时,谓语动词用复数;指代不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数.类似用法有:part,half,rest,all 等.可以参考英语语法书【主谓一致】部分,都有解释.例如:...

敏怕15696799608问: some of them...后别接is还是are?哪个靠谱. -
沾益县胰岛回答: 当然用are, some是不定代词,可以为修饰用法,也就是后面加名词的用法;可以为指代用法,就是后面不直接加名词的用法.此处是some与of连用型的指代用法,其后既然是them,说明some是指代的复数可数名词的概念,因此为复数概念. 当然, some的修饰用法或指代用法既可以用于修饰或指代复数可数名词,属于第三人称复数概念;也可以用于修饰或指代不可数名词,属于第三人称单数概念.

敏怕15696799608问: some of后接什么时态? -
沾益县胰岛回答: of后接名词性成分,of是“…的”之意.

敏怕15696799608问: some of用法 -
沾益县胰岛回答: some of 后面可以接可数或不可数名词,代词 意思是...中的一些, 例如说 some of my friends 我的一些朋友

敏怕15696799608问: Some of和many of后面的谓语动词分别是用什么? -
沾益县胰岛回答: Some of... 做句子主语时,后面谓语动词的数可能是单数,有可能是复数. 比如:Some of my money was spent on food. Some of my friends are from China. 而 many of... 做句子主语时,谓语动词一定是用复数形式,因为many在哪修饰可数名词复数形式. 再如:Many of my students come from the countryside.

敏怕15696799608问: some of和some在具体运用上有何区别 -
沾益县胰岛回答: some people指'某些人'. 如果用some of后面跟一个名词,就是指某一类东西/人中的一部分.那么,后面这个名词是要有限定的. 所以,通常后面的这个名词前面有个the(除非前面有个所属格代词). 例如: Some of the passengers on the ...

敏怕15696799608问: some of后面用the other还是other讲详细一点 -
沾益县胰岛回答: 这个不是固定用法的……1,some other time 别的时间2,the other(used to refer to a place ,direction,etc;that is the opposite to where you are,are going ,etc.指与说话人所在的位置等相反的方向或地点)另一边,对面,相反的方向 给你两个例句:...

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