
作者&投稿:笪志 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I had a happy weekend last week.On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house-- mine, my parents' and my brother's.On Sunday, I played football in the park. Then I went to my grandparents' hou...

丘采17682321764问: Some diseases are - ---- - by certain water animals. -
海淀区润尔回答: D 一些疾病被某些水生动物传播.运输transported 移植transplanted 变形transformed 传播transmitted

丘采17682321764问: Some diseases are - ____ - by certain water animals. -
海淀区润尔回答:[选项] A. transported B. transplanted C. transformed D. transmitted

丘采17682321764问: 48. Some diseases are - ------ - by certain water animals.如题 谢谢了 -
海淀区润尔回答: 0 0 这是选词填空吗? 我觉得空格里面的是 carried some 一些 disease 疾病 are 是... by 由 certain 指某一些 water 水 animals 动物 连起来就是 一些疾病由——————某些海底动物. 我猜测是某些特定的海底动物会携带这个疾病...不过还是不太清楚Lz的问题0 0

丘采17682321764问: 请大家帮我把这些英文单词连词成句啊some diseases still yet can not but cure there we are that -
海淀区润尔回答:[答案] But there are some diseases that we still can not cure yet. 正常来讲still应该放在情态动词的后面. 但这里是否定句,放在can之前比较好. 另外,一般否定句中会用yet代替still,这里一句话中包含这两个词其实是累赘了.

丘采17682321764问: 英语达人再次进! -
海淀区润尔回答: the following 相当于代词,那么数就由其真正的主语决定,真正的主语是diseaes,所以用are,这句话意思是以下是一些其他的精神疾病.

丘采17682321764问: 高手们~~~帮忙分析个长难句 ~~~谢谢啦!! -
海淀区润尔回答: 我是这么理解的 从not一直到cause是一部分定语来修饰some diseases the idea后面这个同位语从句真正的谓语动词是were

丘采17682321764问: 英语翻译急!! -
海淀区润尔回答: Some diseases can not be treated by medicine. The speaker spoke so fast that the audience did not get his point. The professor giving the speech is a expert on animal protecting. Tom thought it was dirty after walking, and went to had a shower.

丘采17682321764问: 英语达人再次进!
海淀区润尔回答:disease疾病 用的是复数形式所以前面谓语动词用are(复数用are,单数用is)

丘采17682321764问: 英语达人再次进!the following - are - some other mental diseases.为什么不用is? -
海淀区润尔回答:[答案] the following 相当于代词,那么数就由其真正的主语决定,真正的主语是diseaes,所以用are,这句话意思是以下是一些其他的精神疾病.

丘采17682321764问: ...many more exercise - books do you have - __? be correctedC.for correctingD.corrected3.Some diseases are - _ - by certain water animals.A.... -
海淀区润尔回答:[答案] 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.B 19.A 20.B 21.A

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