
作者&投稿:阴彬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

谁可以讲讲英语比较级中far much等修饰词有什么区别啊
比如much ,many,little,bit,ome ,a lot of ,lots of,far之类的其实区别就在于一些是形容可数名词 一些是形容不可数名词。比如你问how much (money)did you pay?你付了多少钱。就不能问how many did you pay? 因为钱是不可数名词。much 修饰不可数 many 修饰可数 a little 和 a bit 是一点...

those books do you want? A. What are B. Which of C. Which are D...
which 是对的。i have many books【,】【s】ome of 【which 】are on chemistry =i have many books【。】【s】ome of【them 】are on chemistry。=i have many books【,】【and法处瘁肺诓镀搭僧但吉 】some of【them】are on chemistry。好好比较一下吧。

6.ome读[m]词义联想:由close关闭联想 一些some[sm]closed(关着的)。来come[km]5.字母o读作[u:]欢迎welcome[welkm]做do[du:] ▲家home[hum]到to[tu:] 合成联想:由home(家)联想鞋读shoe[u:] homework[humw:k]到…里into[intu:] (家庭作业)。(到…)上onto[ntu] ove读[v]词义联想:由do(做) ...

ome kids can't sit still for long. They have a ha
ome kids can't sit still for long. They have a hard time paying attention to just one thing. They're easily distractedThey can get very impatient. They hate standing in line or waiting for their turn in a game or activity. They get bored pretty fast. They may also be impu...

school beacuse some students send short message(short messages短信) or play games and don't listen to the teachers carefully in class.There make teachers (feel) angry and they are bad for studying.So mobile phone have become a (problem:成为一个问题) for middle schools.Many ...

a kite in my ometown英语作文及翻译
Welcome to my hometown!Fujian is my hometown.It is a modern and busy province.It has a long history.There are many big supermarkets,beautiful gardens and good factories here.It is very easy to go shopping.You can see green hills,big trees and nice flowers.There are many ...

一首英文歌曲。歌词大概是you can go wherever you want to go_百度...
Something Just Like This 歌手:The Chainsmokers \/ Coldplay 词曲:The Chainsmokers \/ Coldplay I've,been,reading,books,of,old 我曾饱览古老的书籍 The,legends,and,the,myths 那些传说与神话 Achilles,and,his,gold 阿喀琉斯和他的战利品 Hercules,and,his,gifts 大力神与他的天赋 Spi...

I have many books, some of ___ are on chemistry. A. them B. that...
C. which 是对的。I have many books【,】【s】ome of 【which 】are on chemistry =I have many books【。】【S】ome of【 them 】are on chemistry。=I have many books【,】【and 】some of【 them】 are on chemistry。好好比较一下吧。

it is a safe bet that many of them start in the
It is a safe bet that many of them start in the home and that it is practiced in the kitchen that gives Company a flying start.他们中很多人在家里开始,并且在厨房里实践它,这是一个使公司了来个开门红的安全的赌注。安全的赌注 指 极大的可能性 ...

justin bieber的baby . ometime . love me歌词
You look so deep您看起来如此深不可测You know that it humbles me这让我深受打击Your by my side and troubles them don't trouble me您站在我身边,让我困惑不已Many have called but the chosen is you很多人约我,但我的选择是您Whatever you want shawty I'll give it to you无论您想要什么,美女,...

年宇17088145253问: many和some能不能互换,换后语法有错吗? -
五原县畅泰回答:[答案] many 修饰可数名词复数 some 可数、不可数都能修饰 同修饰可数名词复数时能互换但是表示量的多少会有差异 前者量大一些

年宇17088145253问: some 和many是否可以修饰具体数字? -
五原县畅泰回答: 不可以,有具体数字就不需要用这两个词了. some表示一些,many表示很多;some可用于可数和不可数名词,some boys,some water;many用于形容可数名词,many books.

年宇17088145253问: 英语单词some和many在表示不确定数量时是否可以通用? -
五原县畅泰回答: some = 有些 many = 很多,大多数 所以不确定数量时不可以通用 example between some of us, and many of us, = make a great different in number of people

年宇17088145253问: We have many nice students in our class.中的many可以换成some吗,为什么? -
五原县畅泰回答: 不能换成some 但可以换成a lot of ,因为SOME ' 一些' ,而MANY 是' 许多'

年宇17088145253问: There are many students in my class,some are boys,others are girls.里的“many”能不能换成“some”? -
五原县畅泰回答: 当然不能换,后面说有男有女,前面的many students 就包括了全部,换some就表示一部分,驴唇不对马嘴了.

年宇17088145253问: some和many相等吗 -
五原县畅泰回答: some表示一些,但不多;many表示许多

年宇17088145253问: 什么时候用some?什么时候用many? -
五原县畅泰回答: some,many都为“一些,许多”:some后接不可数名词,一般用在肯定句中,但句中语气委婉时,some也可用在疑问句或否定句;many修饰可数名词,一般用在肯定句中,但句中语气委婉时, many也可用在疑问句或否定句.

年宇17088145253问: 英语单词some和many在表示不确定数量时是否可以通用?后面都用于可数名次时,如 some candies 和 many candies 表达是否同义? -
五原县畅泰回答:[答案] some = 有些 many = 很多,大多数 所以不确定数量时不可以通用 example between some of us, and many of us, = make a great different in number of people

年宇17088145253问: some与many的用法 要详细一点的 -
五原县畅泰回答: 1、some不强调数量,仅指有一些;many强调量多. 2、填a,因为后面是单数.如果句尾改成friends,则前面填some或many均可,具体要看上下文,此句有无强调数量意图.

年宇17088145253问: Many people like animals and keep them as pets.能不能换成Some,换了之后整体意思有没有变? -
五原县畅泰回答: 其实区别就是量的不同.其它不影响,意思变化也不大.many指很多,数量上应该超过一半,而some则一半以下.“许多人喜欢..." “有些人喜欢..." 不知你的共用是什么意思,在一个句子里,已经说了是many,自然不可再说是some

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