
作者&投稿:应亭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

翻译:I'm afraid so I'm afraid not I suppose so It's hard to say 译:恐怕是这样。恐怕不是这样。我想是的。这很难说。例:There is an 'f' in the word 'affect'像句中的'f'那样单独使用时前面用“an”的还有什么字母?答:凡是以元音打头的字母都是这样:A、E、F、H...

She didn't come, so I went there alone.她没有来,所以我只好自己去。3.[口语] 只要:So it be done, I don't care the money.只要事办得漂亮,我不在乎钱。pron.1.如此,这样:I'm well and will remain so.我的身体挺好的,以后还是这样。2.大约,左右:Of the original ten, ...

much和more和much more和above和over的用法区别是什么
区别是:much 英[mʌtʃ] 美[mʌtʃ]adv. 非常; 差不多; 很多地; 很大程度上;adj. 许多的,大量的;pron. 很多; 大量; 很好的东西; (与不可数名词连用,尤用于否定句,或与 how 连用以询问数量,也可与 as、so 和 too 连用) 许多;[例句]She la...

2. Let’s get dinner at seven o’clock. Scratch that. I’m hungry,so let’s eat now. 让我们一块七点的时候吃晚饭吧,算了吧,我已经很饿,现在我们就去吃吧。 schmoe 笨蛋、蠢人。源自希伯莱语。 1. I wouldn’t let just any schmoe work for me. He’d have to be well qualified. 我...

谁能给介绍点伤感的英文说唱 在这里跪求
o0o o0o o0o o0o o0o o0o0o o0o o0o o0o0o (can you feel me burning?) o0o o0o o0o o0o o0o o0o0o So many days, so many hours I'm burning till you return [Chorus] When the feeling ain't the same and your body don't want to But you know gotta let it go cuz the par ty ain...

A:Are you stillafraid of the dark?B:No,I'm not.How about you? A:Me?Oh,yes!I'm terrified ofthe dark.B:So,what do you doabout it? A:I go to sleep withmy bedroom light on.(with+O+OC) 【重、难点讲解】一、重点词汇 1.mostly adv.大多数地,大部分,主要的(=almost all,generally ...

oh so many legs怎么读
英文原文:oh so many legs 英式音标:[əʊ] [səʊ] [ˈmenɪ] [leɡz]美式音标 [o] [so] [ˈmɛni] [lɛg]

so+形容词+a(n)+名词 such+a(n)+形容词+名词 这两个用法可以进行同义改写。2. 和“that”连用时,意思基本一样,但句型结构不同。so+形容词\/副词+that...\/ so+形容词+a(n)+名词单数+that...\/so+many(few)+名词复数+that...\/so+much(little)+不可数名词+that...such+a(n)...

I'm in love with a girl 中文歌词(gavin degraw)
somanypeoplegonnasaythattheywantyoutotrytogetyouthinkingtheyreallycarebutthere'snothinglikethewarmthoftheonewhohasputinthetimeandyouknowhe'sgonnabetherebackyourborderwhen... so many people gonna say that they want youto try to get you thinking they really carebut there's nothing like the warmth ...

一首so many days开头的歌
But so many tears in the rain Felt the night you said That love had come to you I thought you were not my kind I thought that I could never feel for you The passion and love you were feeling And so you left For someone new And now that you're far and away I'm ...

油天13985048212问: much - somuch与somany的用法有何区别??
济宁市安利回答: 同意楼上的说法. 其实这样的东西很简单: 你把so much看做much的"加强形式", so many看做many的加强形式,就行了. 同样道理,你可能辨析出too much与much too 的不同:too much 的词性相当于much,而 much too相当于too.

油天13985048212问: so much 与so many 的区别,举例说明,谢谢 -
济宁市安利回答: much修饰不可数名词many修饰可数名词so much money 好多钱so many apples好多苹果

油天13985048212问: verymuch和somuch一般用到什么地方 -
济宁市安利回答: very much一般用在陈述句末尾,表示“非常....” so much 一般用在感叹句之后,表示“这么.....” 两者的意思呢,都差不多的. 不过后边有that 的从句要用so much构成so....that句式.

油天13985048212问: muchsuch和somuch的区别请帮忙解释一下
济宁市安利回答: so副词,意思是“如此、这样”,后面常接形容词或副词;such形容词,意思是“如... 骆驼长着那样长的脖子. Don't make so much noise! 别那么大声嚷嚷. .

油天13985048212问: 3. I like this jacket better than that one, but it costs almost three times - -----. -
济宁市安利回答: A,首先排除so many ,somuch,因为他们的意思是,那么多 用as意思是,和什么什么一样多,as 后面跟much,是固定用法

油天13985048212问: 麻烦一下再给我区分一下sothat和suchthat
济宁市安利回答: (n)+单数名词+that从句=sucha(n)+adj.+名词单数+that从句eg:... 3.such+adj.+名词复数/不可数名词+ 'twearthem.4.somany/few+复数+thatsomuch/little+不可数名...

油天13985048212问: complex sentence 的词有那些
济宁市安利回答: 从属复合句可分为: 1).定语从句(The Attributive Clause); 2).状语从句(The Adverbial Clause); 3).名词性从句(The Noun Clause); 关系代词有:who, whom, whose, that, which, as. 关系副词有:when, where, why. 注意:关系副词里...

油天13985048212问: many和much的区别?lotsof和alotof的区别?
济宁市安利回答: 两者都表示多但many后用可数名词复数 much后用不可数名词,还可修饰比较级 另一组基本等同.

油天13985048212问: how much somuch verymuch是什么意思 -
济宁市安利回答:[答案] 一、how much 1.多少,也可以问价格,价钱,后面总是跟不可数名词 2问价格 二、verymuch 1.非常地;2.很,非常 三、so much 指很多,so much一般和that 连用,构成“太多.以至于.”

油天13985048212问: 英语中有哪些词或词组可以表达“多”的意思
济宁市安利回答: 问题太空泛了. 建议你要用关于多的词汇时再去寻找,平时积累很重要的. 常见的有many,too many, a lot of, lots of, much, too much, a large number of, a great deal of, plenty of,等等. 有时表示多并不用这些词,而有相应的词语,比如说这种事情多如牛毛.用countless或innumerable即可. 既然表示多,一般用于复数,当表示整体概念时用单数.

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