
作者&投稿:宫冠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


七年级上 Unit 2 要点归纳 I. 词汇 1. this (对应词) that 2. yes (反义词) no 3. lost (反义词) found 4. OK (同义词组) all right 5. pencil case (同义词组) pencil-box 6. thank (名词) thanks 7. this (复数) these 8. that (复数) those 9. key (复数) keys ...

o用英语怎么读 o用英语如何读
1、o用英语:O,英 [ ] 美 [o ]。2、O, change thy thought, that I may change my mind! 哦,赶快回心吧,让我也好转意!3、O, that record could with a backward look.哦,但愿历史能用回溯的眼光。4、My number is six o double three. 我的号码是六零三三。

that's it aha aha
Oooh That's the way,(aha aha) I like it (aha aha)That's the way, (aha aha) I like it (aha aha)That's the way, (aha aha) I like it (aha aha)That's the way, (aha aha) I like it (aha aha)Say O.K.That's the way, (aha),that's the way (aha)Say O.K...

No, thank you. I’d like that. ( only ) one. 不,谢谢你。我想要那个。只要一个。

S+verb+O+that+verb+O+(prep+c)3. that不能指代“人物”4. sth that …and that(that不可省略)that跳跃修饰 关于that引导定语从句的跳跃修饰:1.N + 介词短语 + that (1)N + 介词短语 + that中that跳跃修饰N (2)N + 介词短语 + that中that就近修饰(例子就不举了,很常见)2.A...

This kind of food must be——(delicious)than that o
more delicious

如果that是引导定从的关系代词 则不能放在介词后。其他情况可以。

第二个句子是定语从句,that 指代的是 news ,在定语从句中充当主语,翻译成中文的时候有“...的”意思。that 在定语从句中还可以充当宾语、状语等。同位语从句和定语从句是很容易混淆的概念,但只要句子成分划分清楚,其实并不难。希望对你有帮助,不懂追问,理解记得采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~

the proportion of women is much lower than that o

汤良13576116450问: so.....that 中间用副词还是形容词? -
荷塘区养血回答: 主要是看so 后面的词语修饰的是什么 一般来说,修饰动词用 副词 修饰名词 用形容词 在这里修饰increase,是个动词,所以选择rapidly

汤良13576116450问: so 和 that中间 什么时候用副词什么时候用形容词 最好有例句 -
荷塘区养血回答:[答案] I am so happy that I can's say anything. He runs so quickly that no one can catch him. so前面用be动词,系动词,感官动词(smell,look...)用形容词 so前面是动词用副词

汤良13576116450问: so……that中间是不是加形容词的比较级或副词? -
荷塘区养血回答: 可以是形容词,也可以是副词,完全取决于动词,但不一定是比较级.

汤良13576116450问: so that =? -
荷塘区养血回答: such that so...that So…that/such…that such…that作“如此…以致”解,连接一个表示结果的状语从句.与so…that 意思相同,但用法不同.如:so…that这一结构中,so后边可加形容词或副词,而such后边要用名词(这个名词前面可以带形容词...

汤良13576116450问: 英语so that 句型 -
荷塘区养血回答: 英语so that 句型如下: 1、so that引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了”,从句中常使用can /could /may /might /will /would /should等情态动词或助动词;引导结果状语从句时,从句中一般不用can和may等词,在so that前可以用逗号,意思是...

汤良13576116450问: so that三种用法,全面一点!!!! -
荷塘区养血回答: he is so clever that i don't need to teach him every step. 如此...以致于 i put the cellphone beside my pillow so that i can get it easily. 以便于 没有第三种了吧...

汤良13576116450问: so that 与so……that……用法 -
荷塘区养血回答: so that不分开,引导目的状语从句 so....that中间要有形容词或副词原级,引导结果状语从句

汤良13576116450问: so...that后应该跟啥句式 -
荷塘区养血回答: so+adj/adv+that-从句(完整结构:有时谓语加情态动词) He was so angry that he didn't say a word.He was so angry that he couldn't speak.

汤良13576116450问: 请问 和so...that中间加什么词性呀?例如说原形啥的? -
荷塘区养血回答:[答案] too +形容词 to+ 动词:太形容词而不能够做某事 He is too excited to say a word. so+ 形容词 that+ 句子:结果状语 He is so excited that he couldn't say any words.

汤良13576116450问: so ……that之间除了加副词和形容词还能加动词吗? -
荷塘区养血回答: 可以加动词,GRE 经常这么考

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