
作者&投稿:童逃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

应该是 a lot of 许多 修饰可数名词和不可数名词,它的同义词有 lots of many much

小红莓有一首歌叫<fee fi fo>,这个题目是什么 意思
而cranberry 的这首fee fi fo是来描写儿童性侵犯的, 歌词如下:Fee fi fo she smells his body She smells his body And it makes her sick to her mind He has got so much to answer for To answer for, To ruin a child's mind How could you touch something So innocent and pure ...

How much is your coat?改成同义句 How much___you___ ___your coat...
do spend on也可以

pay much attention to, think highly of, focus on, make much of的...
3、focus on 英 [ˈfəʊkəs ɒn] 美 [ˈfoʊkəs ɑːn]关注,聚焦于;重视 例句:The talks will focus on economic development of the region.会谈将着重讨论该地区的经济发展。4、make much of 英 [meɪk mʌtʃ...

although we can keep in vitual touch evey day by means of msn o e-mails, i still feel it not enough to let you know how much i love you and how much i’ve appeciated the things you’ve done fo me. i find that it will neve be too much to say thank you to you, my beloved...

后来多跟老美接触, 我才了解他们就直接用 get in 来表达这个意思, 如 How much to get in? 就是门票多少钱? 而 Ten bucks to get in 就是说门票是十元。 3. We both agree we'll get around to it! 我们都同意我们迟早会去做这件事。 Get around to it 是个很有用的片语, 它说的是一件你想...

...has a sore throat,because he eats too much spicy food.什么意 ...

because fo you的歌词阿
Kelly Clarkson .I will not make the same mistakes that you did I will not let myself Cause my heart so much misery I will not break the way you did,You fell so hard I ve learned the hard way To never let it get that far 我不会重蹈你的覆辙 让自己饱尝苦涩 也不会像你...

非常想念口miss. very muchearnestly hope[look forward to eagerly急切地期里 earnestly hopeyearn fo非常想念 eagerly expec等待+vearnforH miss you muchMiss u very much, missing you terribl我非常想念你1 miss you so much; I very miss you; I miss very you; tu me manques bear我会...

more popular、much more popular和most popular怎么样从比较级、最高...
more popular是比较级,popular是形容词,比较级的话就在前面直接加more 就行 most popular是最高级,同理加most much more popular是处于两者之间的

代党17387549471问: 是“so much of today”还是“so much for today”? -
姚安县哈西回答: So much about today? for so much for today Today such are many 今天就这么多 That's all for today. 这么经典的句子.

代党17387549471问: so much for today是什么意思 -
姚安县哈西回答: so much for today 1. 今天就讲这么多吧. 2. 今天就讲这么多吧! 3. 今天就到这儿 例句:1. Too tired? Today a little too much for you? 太累了?今天玩的对你来说太累了?2. Those policy choices matter just as much today. 这些政治选择即使在今天也同样重要

代党17387549471问: so much today什么意思? -
姚安县哈西回答: 一般是说 so much for today.意思是 今天就这么多了. 或者 今天就到这里.一般是老师或者你的上司说的,今天就到这里了,也就是说今天的学习或者工作做的差不多了,可以休息或下班了.以上.谢谢.

代党17387549471问: so much 同上 -
姚安县哈西回答:[答案] 一般是说 so much for today. 意思是 今天就这么多了.或者 今天就到这里. 一般是老师或者你的上司说的,今天就到这里了,也就是说今天的学习或者工作做的差不多了,可以休息或下班了. 以上.

代党17387549471问: so的用法 -
姚安县哈西回答: so的用法so可用作副词和连词,作副词,可译作“这样地;像……一样;(……也)正是那样”,作连词,可译作“所以;那么.”1. so通常置于所修饰的形容词、副词之前.so修饰“a(an)+形容词+名词”时,排列顺序为“so+形容词+a(an...

代党17387549471问: so many for here 是什么意思?
姚安县哈西回答: 你在哪里看到的 这不是一个短语 应该是在一个句子里面吧

代党17387549471问: so much for 是口语吗 -
姚安县哈西回答: 算是口语吧; 以前大学英语课结束的时候老师总是说: "So much for today, see you next time."

代党17387549471问: This is so much for today什么意思? -
姚安县哈西回答: 楼主翻译的是对的;意思是:今天就到此为止了!================================== 希望可以帮助你,满意的话,希望采纳,谢谢!

代党17387549471问: for的通常意思,英语高手请进! -
姚安县哈西回答: for有几种意思 1.为了... 这是最常用的意思.常用词组for doing sth.为了做某事 2.因为...相当于because的用法.直接在后面接一个句子就行.例如,I went to New York for my parents were there.我去纽约是因为父母在那里.这句话里的for也可以换成because. 3.for 用在句首,有时是 至于 的意思, 词组是for sb.例句,For me, I don't like that very much. 至于我嘛,不怎么喜欢那个.

代党17387549471问: 每节下课前老师会说:”今天就学这些”英文应该说 - ------for today -
姚安县哈西回答: So much for today.

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