
作者&投稿:郎纪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

色彩麦当劳巨无霸套餐内容:一个巨无霸汉堡(牛肉的 不辣)一包中份的薯条(可加大 加差价)一杯中杯饮料(默认为可乐 可换)下面就很简单咯~把这些吃的都画在一个托盘里~注意汉堡的立体感~我想,这些都很好画吧?还是不会的话,我给你发张图片参考一下!这个画的有点简单,你加点东西哈!

劲脆\/香辣鸡腿堡 Extra-Tasty Crispy Burger Zinger Buger 墨西哥\/老北京鸡肉卷 Mexican Twister Dragon Twister 吮指原味鸡 Original Recipe 新奥尔良烤翅 New Oreans Roasted Wing 香辣鸡翅 Hot Wing 上校鸡块 Nugget 土豆泥 Mashed Potato 四季鲜蔬汤 Seasonal Vegetable 薯条French Fries 深海...

在麦当劳、肯德基可用的英语点餐用语如下:1、问:May I help you? \/ What can I get for you today? 有什么可以帮助到您的?\/您要点什么?答: Yes. (这句也可以不答,直接点餐。)2、问:For here or to go? 在这儿吃还是带走?答:(1)For here, Combo One. 在这里吃,套餐一。...

啊 咿 呜 哎 喔 不要想歪你们的逻辑真是奇怪 So give me five One two three four five RAP:What you claim'n what you gain'n same as game as hanes on lanes So slow ya roll and stop'n go Ma rhymes are mop'n glow To ya right to ma side Just pump'n up'n high Shake ...

二、意思:n. 马铃薯;土豆;洋芋;甘薯 三、词语搭配:bake potato 烤土豆 boil potato 煮土豆 dig up potato 挖土豆 eat potato 吃土豆 fry potato 炸土豆 fried potato 油炸土豆 hot potato 棘手的问题 mashed potato 土豆泥 small potato 小土豆,小人物 四、用法:1、potato是土豆、马铃薯的英文...

饭前酒 dim sum 点心 French fires炸薯条baked potato烘马铃薯 mashed potatoes马铃薯泥omelette 简蛋卷 pudding 布丁 pastries 甜点 pickled vegetables 泡菜 kimchi 韩国泡菜 crab meat 蟹肉 prawn 明虾 conch 海螺 escargots 田螺braised beef 炖牛肉 bacon 熏肉 poached egg 荷包蛋 sunny side up 煎一面...


And I can drink until I throw up eh And I don’t ever ever want to grow up eh I want to keep it going'Keep keep keep it going going going going…I got a little bit trashed last night night I got a little bit wasted yeah yeah I got a little bit mashed last night ...

2、I could taste turkey and mashed potatoes.我可以品尝火鸡和土豆泥。3、This is good news as most popular snacks, like sweets and potato chips are usually unhealthy and full of calories.这是一个好消息,因为大多数受欢迎的零食,如糖果和薯片,通常都不健康且富含热量。4、I was up to...

parepotato削土豆皮mashedpotato土豆泥 词形变化 名词复数:potatoes conpose,consist与constitute三者的区别 中文含义不同、用法不同、强调重点不同。constitute只作及物动词,含义为“被算作、组成、成立”;compose只作动词,含义为“作曲、构成、创作”;consist也只作动词,含义为“包括、在于、由…组成...

习厘15993455480问: smash和shatter的区别? -
大余县普利回答: smash KK: [] DJ: [] vt. 1. 粉碎;打碎,打破[(+up)] He got drunk and began to smash things. 他喝醉了并开始砸东西. 2. 击溃,击毁 Our artillery smashed the enemy defenses. 我们的炮兵摧毁了敌人的防御工事. 3. 猛掷;挥(拳等)[O] He ...

习厘15993455480问: 放某人鸽子英语中要怎么表达? -
大余县普利回答: Stand somebody up 放某人鸽子 Stand up给人第一感觉站起来的意思,但是注意了,表示站起来的时候,只会说 She stands up,中间是不会加词的.但如果中间加了词,就是放鸽子了,来看几个例子:1) How dare he stand me up? I've been ...

习厘15993455480问: bottles是什么意思 -
大余县普利回答: bottles n.瓶子( bottle的名词复数 ); (婴儿)奶瓶; 一瓶(的量); 酒;以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1. Hungover students return bottles after yesterday's party on saturday morning. 宿醉的学生在星期六早上返还昨夜聚会后的瓶子. ----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问! 满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

习厘15993455480问: 可以说take off it吗 -
大余县普利回答: 楼主,并非修饰就可以省掉的,有些修饰是为了补充意思上的完整,有些修饰是为了和其他情况做出区分,还有些修饰是为了其他的目的. 在这里off 是副词是对的. 很多人容易把介词和副词混淆.告诉楼主判断介词副词小方法: 如果这个小词...

习厘15993455480问: “on the floor”是什么意思? -
大余县普利回答: “on the floor”意思是在地板上. “on the floor”造句: 1. He stubbed out the cigarette on the floor. 他在地板上踩熄了他的香烟. 2. They got around the lack of chairs by sitting on the floor. 他们坐在地板上克服了椅子缺乏的困难. 3. Don't worry...

习厘15993455480问: to the floor是什么意思 -
大余县普利回答: 到地板上 例如:fall to the floor 倒在地板上 drop to the floor 落在地板上

习厘15993455480问: hundreds of thousands of是什么意思 -
大余县普利回答: hundreds of thousands of 几十万,无数 Office material worth hundreds of thousands of pounds was smashed up. 价值数十万英镑的办公用品都被砸烂了.很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步 如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

习厘15993455480问: LP robot boy 歌词翻译 -
大余县普利回答: u say u'r not gonna fight 你说你将不会为之战斗 cause no one would fight for you 只因没人会为你战斗 and u think there's not enough love 你认为世界上没有足够的爱 and no one to give it to 同样的没人会把爱带给你 and u'r sure u've hurt for so long ...

习厘15993455480问: swallow是什么意思?
大余县普利回答: swallow vt. 1. 吞下,咽下 He swallowed the pills with a cup of water. 他用一杯水吞下了这些药丸. 2. 淹没,吞没;吞并[(+up)] The waves swallowed up the little boat. 波浪吞没了小船. 3. 耗尽,用尽[(+up)] The increase in travel costs ...

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