
作者&投稿:端惠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

没有复数 kinsfolk 英[ˈkɪnzfəʊk] 美[ˈkɪnzfoʊk]n. 亲戚; 亲人; 亲属,血族;[网络] 家属; 党; 亲属;[例句]But he said kinsfolk was kinsfolk, and promises was promises, so he'd go for a day or so, and then it wo...

kins的意思是:家族。一、详细释义 n.家族;亲属;地位或职业相近的人;性质相似的东西;(kin的复数)。二、例句 1.The forms of the Hakka kindreds were mainly the natural villages of a single family name and inhabitation of relatively concentrated kins.闽西客家家族形态主要表现为单姓血缘的...


To work , they have left own hometown , part with kinsfolk, but they take very few pay, the time of even even sleeping is also few and pitiful. It is those and not young volunteer possesses a fervent heart , for general election, they knock open the door of honest strange household i...

亲人 [qīn rén]n. kinsfolk adj. relative 短语 亲人还债 PART NINE 故乡亲人 Hometown Folk 致密亲人 Dense relatives ; pact family member ; Tight family ; pact family 袒护亲人 nepoti 年亲人 their loved ones ; Years their loved ones ; In relatives 亲人组 Family group ; Close ...

b. The closed kinsfolk which prohibit marriage c. Who take the ill cannot be marriage of the medical before marriage and it is not be cured after marriage. d. Who is not over the legal age. Documents for a Domestic Citizen and a Resident form the HongKong Region A. Domestic citizens ar...

培根:论父母与子女 | Of Parents & Children
Let parents choose betimes the vocations and courses they mean their children should take; for then they are most flexible; and let them not too much apply themselves to the disposition of their children, as thinking they will take best to that which they have most mind to. It ...

读书笔记NO.18Harry Po the Philosopher's Stone (Rowling, J.K...
she couldn’t believe it was her Ickle Dudleykins, he looked so handsome and grown-up.他们可以听到信件不断涌入房间,在墙上地板上弹跳。They could hear the letters still streaming into the room, bouncing off the walls and floor.随着夜晚来临,暴风雨如期而至 As night fell, the ...

Marriage is not the tomb of love, it is safe for the love we had home, no family love is not the same between the two last long, with intermediate substitutions in order to maintain the feeling has always been in love.And a home of love is to enter a life in a position...

"What is you dolly's name?" the visitor asked." the cat's got her tongue, I think," the mother replied for her.“你的洋娃娃叫什么名字?”客人问道。“他的舌头被猫叼走了。”女孩子的母亲替他答道。And Wee Willykins kissed and hugged the hoppitty pot and promised always to...

贝贤13122476309问: 已知集合A={x|x²+x=6},B={x|ax - 1=0},满足B∩CRA=∅,且A≠B,则a的所有可能取值所构成的集合是? -
坡头区海斯回答: A:x²+x-6=0; (x+3)(x-2)=0; x=-3或x=2; B:ax=1; x=1/a; ∵B∩CRA=空集 而且B≠A ∴(1)B为空集;所以a=0; (2)B为-3;所以1/a=-3;a=-1/3; (3)B为2;所以1/a=2;a=1/2; 综合a集合{-1/3,0,1/2}您好,很高兴为您解答,skyhunter002为您答疑解惑 如果本题有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意记得采纳 如果有其他问题请采纳本题后另发点击向我求助,答题不易,请谅解,谢谢. 祝学习进步

贝贤13122476309问: 已知集合A={y|y=ln(x2+1),x∈R},则CRA=( )A.?B.( - ∞,0]C.( - ∞,0)D.[0,+∞ -
坡头区海斯回答: 因为x2+1≥1,所以ln(x2+1)≥0.所以,A={y|y=ln(x2+1),x∈R}={y|y≥0}=[0,+∞).则CRA=(-∞,0).故选C.

贝贤13122476309问: 已知全集为r 集合a={x|a+1<x<a+2} b=[ - 2.6] 若a=3 求(CrA)∩B -
坡头区海斯回答: A={x|a+1<x<a+2}a=3A={x|4<x<5}B=[-2,6] ={ x| -2≤x≤6 }CrA = { x| x≤4 or x≥5}(CrA)∩B={ x| x≤4 or x≥5} ∩ { x| -2≤x≤6 }={x| -2≤x≤4 or 5≤x≤6}

贝贤13122476309问: 已知a={xl - 1<x≤3},b={xlm≤x<1+3m}.若b∈cra,求实数的取值范围 -
坡头区海斯回答: 设A在R中的补集为M 则 M = { x | x ≤ - 1 或 x > 3 } B ⊆ M ①B=Φ m ≥ 1 + 3m m ≤ - 1/2 ②B≠Φ 即 m > - 1/2 1+3m ≤ - 1 或 m >3 m ≤ - 2/3 或 m>3 ∴m > 3 综上,m ≤ - 1/2 或 m > 3

贝贤13122476309问: minecraft服务器中如何设置一出生自带的物?minecra
坡头区海斯回答: 输入/SETSPAWN 就在你现在站的地方设置为出生点

贝贤13122476309问: 已知A={y|y=x² - 2x+3,X∈R},B={y|y= - x²+4s+1,X∈R},则(CRA)U(CRB)=-------
坡头区海斯回答: ∵y=x²-2x+3,X∈R =(x-1)²+2≥2∴A={y|y≥2}∵y=-x²+4x+1 =-(x-2)²+5≤5∴B={y|y≤5}∴CRA={y|y<2} CRB={y|y>5}∴(CRA)U(CRB)={y|y<2或y>5}

贝贤13122476309问: 若集合A={x|mx^2+8mx+21>0},CrA不等于空集,m取值范围 -
坡头区海斯回答: 楼上写的有错误,把m=4代进去明显不可以CRA={x|1∵(CRA)∩B≠Φ∴m+1>1且m∴0

贝贤13122476309问: 集合A={x丨ax+b≠0},B={x丨cx+d≠0},U=R,则{x丨(ax+b)(cx+d)=0}等于 A(CRA)∩(CRB) B(CRA)∪(CRB) -
坡头区海斯回答:[答案] 选B(CRA)∪(CRB) {x丨(ax+b)(cx+d)=0}表示(ax+b)(cx+d)有一个为0即可

贝贤13122476309问: Minecraft官网购买Minecraft步骤?Minecra
坡头区海斯回答: 下载需要添加的mod.必要的mod 3部曲modloader,minecraftForce,还有个忘了.然后就选择要加的mod,一个个加进去测试(记得备份),当不能进入游戏时就查查是否是id重合.是就改(这里要一点点会看英文的水平.)不是id就是数据重合.数据重合可能有修复的mod但是两者原是不能加进来的.就不要加了.换另一个.........这样.就很快能弄出个整合包了.

贝贤13122476309问: 已知集合A={x|x≤2或x≥7},集合B={x| - 4<x<3},集合C+{x|2m - 1<x<2m+1} -
坡头区海斯回答: A={x|x≤2或x≥7},集合B={x|-4<x<3}A∩B={x|-4<x≤2}CrA={x|2<x<7}CrA∪B={x|-4<x<7}A∪C≠AA∩C≠∅2m-1<2m+1恒成立C一定不是∅如下图3种形式①2m-1<2,且2m+1>7②2m-1<22<2m+1<=7③2<=2m-1<72m+1>7①∅②1/2<m<3/2③3<m<43组取并集∴实数m的取值范围{m|1/2<m<3/2或3<m<4}如果您认可我的回答,请点击“采纳为满意答案”,祝学习进步!

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