
作者&投稿:彤柳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


ln2a中,2a>0,求得a>0 所以ln(-2a)=ln2+ln(-a)

make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b 为什么using...
1. 也可以改成: make coversations by using the information in 2a and 2b.这样看起来就清楚了,这个using后这部分都是方式状语。2.动词做状语时,用非谓语动词: doing (和主语是主动关系);done (和主语是被动关系),to do(目的和将来)例如:He looked at me, (crying )hard .他看着我...

Draw lines to the reasons in the chart in 2a.在2a的表格里给原因画上线。Peter:Hey,Dad?彼得:嘿,爸爸?Dad:Yes?爸爸:什么事?Peter:Could I go out for dinner with my friends tonight?彼得:今晚我可以跟我的朋友们一起出去吃晚餐吗?Dad:Sure,that should be OK.爸爸:可以,那没问题。Peter:Could I ...

人教版七年级下册英语Unit7《What does he look like?》教案
Look at the sentences in 2a. Read them aloud. (2)T: Now listen carefully and answer the questions. (3)T: Can you answer the questions? Please check your answers. (4)T: Now, please take a look at 2b. Listen again and fill in the chart. (5)T: What does … look like? S: ...

1. Lookat the chart in 2a. 2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen andcheck the words they hear. 3. Playthe recording again to check the answers. Work on2b: 1. Let Ss read the sentencesbelow. Explain some main sentences for the Ss. Make sure they know what to do. 2. Play...

8. Work on 2a & 2b (完成2a和2b) (1)T: Please turn to Page 8. Look at the words in 2a. Read them aloud. (2)T: Now let’s listen to the recording carefully and circle the words you hear. (3)T: Can you get the answers? Please check the answers. (4)T: Please look at 2b...

T: The students are talking about different clubs in the school. Listen to the recording and circle the clubs you hear in 2a. (Play the recording for the Ss.) T: In this conversation, the students are talking about what they like and what clubs they want to join. They are Lisa, Bob...

充电宝的接口的区别:5v 1A;5v 2A;In;micro
你好 5v1A,一般这个充电口是给手机充电的。5v2A这个充电口一般是给平板或者快充手机电电的。

1. First, let's read the sentences in 2a together. Now, let's listen to the recording. Check the activities Alan and Cindy talk about.2. Work on 2b: Listen to the recording again. Can Alan and Cindy do these activities? Circle can or can't above.Ⅶ. Pair work 1. ...

钱颜17284508063问: sin2a怎么求? -
三亚市新奕回答:[答案] sin2a=sin(a+a)=sinacosa+cosasina=2 sinacosa

钱颜17284508063问: 有谁知道倍角公式sin2a=? -
三亚市新奕回答:[答案] sin2a=2sinacosa 推导: sin2a=sin(a+a)=sinacosa+cosasina=2sinacosa 注:sin(a+b)=sinacosb+cosasinb

钱颜17284508063问: sin2a和cos2a 分别等于什么 -
三亚市新奕回答:[答案] sin2a=sin(a+a)=sinacosa+cosasina=2sinacosa cos2a=cos(a+a)=cosacosa-sinasina=cosa^2-sina^2=1-sina^2-sina^2= 1-2sina^2=cosa^2-(1-cos^2)=2cosa^2-1

钱颜17284508063问: 二倍角的正弦公式sin2a= -
三亚市新奕回答:[答案] sin2A=sin(A+A)=sinAcosA+cosAsinA=2sinAcosAtan2A=tan(A+A)=tanA+tanA/1-tanAtanA=2tanA/(1+tanA^2)主要用和角公式推导也可以用向量法推导

钱颜17284508063问: sin2A=1 A是多少 -
三亚市新奕回答: 2A = 2kπ + π/2 所以 A = kπ + π/4, k∈Z

钱颜17284508063问: sin2A 等于多少sin 和多少cos -
三亚市新奕回答:[答案] sin2A=2sinAcosA sin2A=sin(A+A)=sinAcosA+cosAsinA=2sinAcosA

钱颜17284508063问: sin2a是奇函数还是偶函数 -
三亚市新奕回答:[答案] 当然不是,只表示当角为2a时的正弦值. y=sin2a,而且a的取值范围关于原点对称时,才表示奇函数.

钱颜17284508063问: sin2a=sin2b 为什么会得出直角三角形? -
三亚市新奕回答:[答案] sin2a=sin2b 有2种情况 一是a=b 另一种是由sin2a=sin(180°-2a)=sin2(90°-a)=sin2b 所以得出90°-a=b 即a+b= 90°

钱颜17284508063问: 万能公式sin2a=1 - cos2a/2 -
三亚市新奕回答:[答案] 万能公式推导过程: sin2a=sin2a/1=sin2a/(cosa*cosa+sina*sina)=2sina*cosa/(cosa*cosa+sina*sina)=2tana/(1+tana*tana) 备注:最后一步分子分母同时除以cosa*cosa);

钱颜17284508063问: sin2a等于什么? -
三亚市新奕回答: sin2a=2sinacosa

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