
作者&投稿:佴弦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我的邻居 英语作文60字加翻译
My neighbour Tom is my neighbour . We are not only neighbour but also we are classmates.He is outgoing and kindly to his neighbours. He is taller than me. He has curly golden hair. He is...

I opened my book and the light covered the King and he vanished like smoke. I felt really happy because now the people in Wonderland can be happy again. So,I lived happilly ever after with my strange,mad friends.Of couse, the King never came back again.续写《爱丽丝梦游仙境...

My name is Li Ming.chairman of the Students' Union in our university. It is my honor to organize the forthcoming online meeting on Chinese-European culure exchange,andIam wring this email o cordilly ivite ou to participate in this meting.Due to the widespread impact of the ...

英语作文 题目是 my borthday is coming
On that day, I'll receive many gifts from my parents. At the same time, I'll invite some of my friends to my home. Then we'll have a good time together. We'll sing and dance happily. At last, we'll taste the delicious cake. And we'll go on playing hapilly toget...

have a change!”I opened my book and the light covered the King and he vanished like smoke. I felt really happy because now the people in Wonderland can be happy again. So,I lived happilly ever after with my strange,mad friends.Of couse, the King never came back again....

请高手帮我翻译成英文,谢谢! 不要机器翻译..
Opening our dairies, our memories,I can see every wonderful day.Remembering our first encounter, every encounter,I was too excite to fall asleep.I stretched my both arms to let you listen to my hearbeating.I was touching your beautiful hair,and stared at you,and your pretty face...

league has came to much more highlighted.Especilly in China,all the Chinese basketball fans see the Rockets as their hometeam.I'm the super fan of it.And of course,fan of Yao. Several days ago,Yao twisted his ankle in the match VS Orlanto Magic.It really depressed me as ...


一篇关于接待外国学生社团的英语作文 急!!!30分钟内完成!!
a professor from Mercer said to us:"why are you all so shy?" He was a Chinese-Amerrican, doing research in the direction of Caner Epidemeology. I like the teacher especilly after his lecture in the afternoon. It's about the lung cancer,adenocarcinoma and the influence f...

莎士比亚的四大喜剧(in English)

杨飞18957608252问: silly me 中文 -
乌兰浩特市思泽回答: 这个句子一般用于自嘲:我怎么这么傻!比如上课某同学回答了老师的问题,结果发现回答错了,而且正确答案很简单,这时这个同学就可以说silly me!我刚才怎么没想到呢?

杨飞18957608252问: sill me!什么意思, -
乌兰浩特市思泽回答: sill是silly的拖长音,这个词比较口语化 其实就是Silly me 翻译过来是“真笨啊我”

杨飞18957608252问: 可笑的我 用英文怎么写? -
乌兰浩特市思泽回答: silly me.造句:Silly me,I actually thought that really happen.译:可笑的我,我还以为那件事真的发生了.

杨飞18957608252问: silly me怎么读 -
乌兰浩特市思泽回答: silly读……有视频,一看就懂

杨飞18957608252问: {傻傻的我}英语怎么讲? -
乌兰浩特市思泽回答: I am stupid. Stupid I!

杨飞18957608252问: silly fool idiot 哪个用来骂人比较狠? -
乌兰浩特市思泽回答: idiot肯定最难听,相当于中文的2bfool其次,相当于中文的傻蛋 或者白痴silly是分量比较轻的,很多人都会用silly自嘲(比如不小心绊了一跤,很多人会说“silly me”,意思是“我好逊”)

杨飞18957608252问: 韩文silly me 的中文意思 -
乌兰浩特市思泽回答: 不知道你想知道的单词是什么字...是不是你要写的是 “失礼”?也许是 “스르메” 干鱿鱼...因为不知道你指的是什么 只能这么猜了

杨飞18957608252问: silly me
乌兰浩特市思泽回答: Silly me 歌手:reba 专辑:reba Funny how love comes and goes 爱情来了又去真是有趣 With the tears that fill my life 我的生活充满泪水 Does it show 它表明什么 So listen to my heartbeat once again 再听一次我的心跳 Because of you 因为你 I ...

杨飞18957608252问: how silly of me为什么要用of -
乌兰浩特市思泽回答: 这是省略的说法,全句应该是:how silly of me it is to do... .也可以说成 how silly I am to do ... .

杨飞18957608252问: 一个英语单选题------------高手帮忙解释27、—Silly me!I forget what my luggage looks like.—What do you think of - ___ - over there?A:the one B:this C:it D:that... -
乌兰浩特市思泽回答:[答案] 你好,原句翻译: 我真糊涂.我忘记我的行李是什么样子的了. 你觉得那边的那件怎样? 析:luggage是不可数集合名词,不能用one(=a+可数名词单数)来表示.(我本想用A的) it指前文提到过的确切的同一事物.这里不知道是哪一件,不能用C this有指示...

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