
作者&投稿:漫群 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

∑(CL × VCC2 × fo) = sum of the outputs.2. For 74HC74 the condition is VI = GND ...ICC, IGND VCC or GND current −±100 mATstg storage temperature −65 +150 °CPtot power...nCP) to output (nQ, nQ) propagation delays, the clock pulse width, the nD to nCP set-up,...

恶魔王·魔折罗 06133894 DP2600 )$]Foeq+i 狂暴丧尸龙 85605684 DP2600 Z*~ zUf 破坏龙甘多拉 64681432 DP5200 =GC q}+d 吸血鬼创世主 22056710 DP5200 8*Ib. mp 胜利龙 44910027 DP5200 E).w~<, 冥王龙 重力场破坏离子 24857466 DP3900 xAN1BK 金属恶魔牛 50705071 DP2600 ...

邢逃15399701089问: sign up for什么意思? -
马边彝族自治县皿治回答: 报名参加 sign up for +sth

邢逃15399701089问: sign up 和 sign up for 的区别 -
马边彝族自治县皿治回答: 1. sign up意思是“与...签订合同”.如:They manage to sign up all the best performers.他们设法跟所有最佳演员签订合同.2. sign up for意思是“报名参加...”.如:Why not sign up for the competition?为什么不报名参加这项竞赛呢?

邢逃15399701089问: 懂英语的来!给讲讲sign up for和sign up with的区别.百度的就算了吧! -
马边彝族自治县皿治回答: sign up for和sign up with的区别是:意思不同、用法不同 一、意思不同 1、sign up for的意思是:报名参加;学生会报名;注册,选课 例句: She's decided to sign up for music school.她已决定报名上音乐学校.2、sign up with 的意思是:注册...

邢逃15399701089问: sign up for 等于什么? -
马边彝族自治县皿治回答:[答案] register是名词吧,给你个参考资料自己看看吧

邢逃15399701089问: 求问sign me up for什么意思 -
马边彝族自治县皿治回答: sign up for1、释义:注册,选课;报名参加2、短语:Sign-up for Points 注册赚钱 Sign me up for the extended warranty 给我再签一些保单3、例句:One great way to meet new people is to sign up for a class that you always wanted to take . 认识...

邢逃15399701089问: sign up for用上面这个英语单词翻译:在报名参加这门课程前,你最好对它有所了解. -
马边彝族自治县皿治回答:[答案] before you sign up for this courses,you should know somthing about it .

邢逃15399701089问: sign up for能放最后吗 -
马边彝族自治县皿治回答:[答案] 不能,因为for后要加名词或名词短语

邢逃15399701089问: sign up for -
马边彝族自治县皿治回答: before you sign up for this courses,you should know somthing about it .

邢逃15399701089问: sign up for,take part in和join in的区别 -
马边彝族自治县皿治回答: 1、sign up for 指“报名/申请参加...”,如:Can I sign up for this course in advance? 我能事先申请上这一课程吗 ? That sounds fantastic. Where do I go to sign up for that tour? 那听起来好极了. 我到哪里去报名参加呢 ?2、take part in:...

邢逃15399701089问: sign的用法
马边彝族自治县皿治回答: 作为动词: 1 sign one's name (签字,签名) 2 sign up for sth (报名参加-- -)=== enter for sth. 3 sign sb to do sth. (示意某人做某事)

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