
作者&投稿:黄姚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

犁弯13130904293问: shrimp dumpling是什么意思 -
藁城市杜仲回答:[答案] shrimp dumpling虾饺双语对照词典结果:Shrimp Dumpling虾饺皇; 展开更多词典例句:1.At carrianna chiu chow restaurant we started with a few chiu chow-style dim sum such as steamed turnip cake with preserve...

犁弯13130904293问: shrimp - dumplings是什么意思 -
藁城市杜仲回答: shrimp-dumplings 虾饺;虾饺皇1.Take a dish of chicken legs, shrimp dumplings and two three bun cage.拿一碟凤爪两笼虾饺和三个叉烧包.2.The most popular dim sums are Shrimp dumplings, steamed dumplings with the dough gathered at the top, beef balls, and rice noodle rolls.最受欢迎的点心是虾饺、带摺的蒸饺、牛肉丸和肠粉.

犁弯13130904293问: 虾饺皇用英语怎么说 -
藁城市杜仲回答: 虾饺皇shrimp dumplingShrimp dumpling, 虾饺皇是广东具代表性的汉族传统名点,以一层澄面皮包着一至两只虾为主馅,份量大小多以一口为限.传统的虾饺是半月形、蜘蛛肚共有十二褶的,馅料有虾,有肉,有笋,现在流行的是独虾虾饺.优质美味的虾饺一定要皮薄而软,如果饺皮是半透明则更佳;虾要爽口弹牙,饺内有少量汁液,全只饺要够热则为最佳.希望能帮助到你,望采纳!!!!

犁弯13130904293问: 请用英语的一段话来介绍“虾饺”,初一水平容易懂的! -
藁城市杜仲回答: Shrimp dumpling (or shrimp bonnet ) is a traditional Chinese dumpling served in dim sum(”点心“的粤语发音). The wrappers are made with boiling water. And the filling contains shrimp, cooked pork fat, bamboo shoots, scallions, cornstarch, ...

犁弯13130904293问: 英文好的进~关于广东早茶的英文 -
藁城市杜仲回答: 【菜名】 虾饺 【别名】 水晶虾饺 、广东虾饺、广式虾饺 【英文名】 Shrimp Dumpling 【所属菜系】 粤菜 【特点】 透明玲珑,滑爽鲜美. 虾饺,是广东茶楼、酒家的传统美点.广东人饮茶,少不了来一笼虾饺.上乘的虾饺,皮白如雪,薄如...

犁弯13130904293问: 关于广东饮茶英文~麻烦提供一下广东那边饮茶点心的英文译名~例如,豆腐花,龟苓膏,虾饺之类的~不是就那三种啦, -
藁城市杜仲回答:[答案] 目前通用的翻译是:Shrimp Dumpling 虾饺 豆腐花 beancurd jelly龟苓膏Guiling Jelly (Chinese Herbal Jelly--直译是“中国草药果冻”) 多说几个可能是广东那边的~:烧卖shao-mai肠粉rice noodle roll饮茶 yum cha--...

犁弯13130904293问: 有没有人知牛腩云吞麫的英文 -
藁城市杜仲回答: 1a. 如果是牛腩加云吞的话: Wonton (一译Shrimp Dumpling, 不过正如"Tofu"一样, 这个译音已经被很多外国人接受) & Tenderloin on Noodles in Soup1b. 如果是包着牛腩的云吞的话: Tenderloin Dumpling on Noodles in Soup2. (又一...

犁弯13130904293问: 广式早点虾饺怎么做? -
藁城市杜仲回答: 虾饺------广式传统名美食. 馅:鲜虾仁(盐、食粉、蛋清腌过)、肉茸、笋粒、菇粒、葱花.以上料拌至起胶成馅. 皮:澄面.滚水搞成半熟面团,分细旧,压成圆薄面皮. 皮包馅成手爪形(象饺子),上笼猛火蒸5分钟即可.

犁弯13130904293问: 用英语介绍几种广东点心或者美食!不用长! -
藁城市杜仲回答:[答案] There are many tasty traditional snacks in Guangdong.Shrimp Dumpling is one of my favorite. It is a exquisite mini dumpling with fresh shrimp in it. Egg tart is a popular snack in Guangdong. People us...

犁弯13130904293问: a shrimp dumpling的同义句 -
藁城市杜仲回答: a dumpling with shrimp filling / a shrimp bonnet

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