
作者&投稿:赧薛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

中文缩写指南:1、BT:①Bit Torrent的缩写,是一种P2P(点对点)共享软件,中文译名“比特流”或“变态下载”。②“变态”的缩写。2、ZT:①“转帖”的缩写。②“猪头”的缩写,引申有ZT3,猪头三;ZT4,猪头四。 例句:青眉郑重告诉侠客社区的侠友们,ZT一定要注明。3、PP:①“片片”的缩写,...

This is meant to be you, make a pair, and e orange peel, orroans best doe an an, marry a optimistic man, finally turned into teone to teach, when you meet someone you love, you will know how to love.描写城市的英文句子 1、The boat races during the Dragon Boat Festiv...

Now you can’t trust everybody man,This situation right here got me lost for words, fo’ sho

能介绍一些类似于ASL LOL之类的常用全球聊天网站常用简缩语吗?_百度知 ...
TANSTAAFL There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch TARFU Things Are Really F***ed Up TDTM Talk Dirty To Me TEOTWAWKI The End Of The World As We Know It TFN Thanks For Nothin' THX or TX or THKS Thanks TIA Thanks In Advance TIAIL Think I Am In Love TIC Tongue In Cheek TLA Thr...

我只记得有段歌词是iwillrememberhowyoukissme... 我只记得有段歌词是i will remember how you kiss me 展开  我来答 42个回答 #热议# 如何缓解焦虑情绪?泷瑞渊6 2014-05-24 · TA获得超过199个赞 知道答主 回答量:126 采纳率:50% 帮助的人:68万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 ...

Record.And They are all great rappers.that's it.3 4 5: Dat's fo突然想起)right! Em just droped his new joint "We made you"..We should check dat out...1\/2\/3\/5:yeah...that's what i'm talking about ...common ...let's go...(全部下去)...

SNAFU Situation normal, all f***ed up SO Significant other SOL Smilling out loud or sh*t out of luck SOMY Sick of me yet? SOT Short on time SOTMG Short on time must go STFW Search the f***g Web STW Search the Web SU Shut up SUAKM Shut up and kiss me SUP What's up SWAG...

I tear the club up fo sho This flow is gon’ bring mo dough You know but ya acting like ya don’t know Who run it?You know ya acting like ya don’t know I tear the club up fo sho This flow is gon’ bring mo dough You know but ya acting like ya don’t know [...

老屠18233805881问: “showed”和“shown”的区别是什么? -
临海市银翘回答: 过去式是showed, 过去分词是shown和showed 但是showed不常用.showed [ʃəud] v. 给…看( show的过去式和过去分词 ); 表现出; 显露出; 上演 shown 英[ʃəʊn] 美[ʃoʊn] v. 表现出; 给…看( show的过去分词 ); 显露出; 上演; [例句]Smiling and laughing has actually been shown to relieve tension and stress. 事实证明,微笑和大笑能够缓解焦虑和压力. [其他] 原型: show

老屠18233805881问: 过去分词shown showed区别 -
临海市银翘回答:[答案] 过去式是showed 过去分词是shown和showed 但是showed不常用 加油!

老屠18233805881问: showed和shown的区别 -
临海市银翘回答: showed是过去时,shown是完成时,你前面是has,has/have+完成时表示已经怎么怎么样,所以应该用shown,而且has不能加过去时.望采纳!

老屠18233805881问: showed和shown的区别老师说是有区别的,因为一道语法选择,Research has___ - that most people pay more attention to,and believe more readily,their ... -
临海市银翘回答:[答案] 虽然词典上是说 show 的过去分词可以是 showed 或者 shown,但是实际应用上 has shown 远比 has showed 普遍.以后遇到这种题目的话,除非没有 shown 这个选择,只能选 showed,如果两个选择都有的话,还是选 shown 吧.

老屠18233805881问: 为什么有些动词有两个过去分词? 例如:show的过去分词有shown 和showed ? -
临海市银翘回答: 一个是规则的变化,一个则是不规则变化

老屠18233805881问: havebeenshown/showed怎么分?分为have been shown和showed? -
临海市银翘回答: have been shown=have been showed都是show的现在完成时表被动,show的现在分词有两种表示,即shown或showed

老屠18233805881问: 一些过去分词的区别?
临海市银翘回答: 主要是在hung上,他有两层意思. 1 当他的意思是挂的时候,就是hang hung hung 2当意思是绞死的时候,那就是hang hung hanged 关于forget forgot forgotten show showed shown 这些词语的顺序都是 原形 过去式 过去分词

老屠18233805881问: 访谈节目用英语怎么说 -
临海市银翘回答: 访谈节目的英文:talk showshow 读法 英 [ʃəʊ] 美 [ʃo]1、作及物动词的意思是:显示;说明;演出;展出 2、作不及物动词的意思是:显示;说明;指示 3、作名词的意思是: 显示;表演;炫耀 短语: 1、for show 为了外表,为了装门面...

老屠18233805881问: 老师在讲show出示,给……看时的例句she showed me the photo这里为什么用show的过去式加ed -
临海市银翘回答: show 的过去式是 showed ,过去分词是 shown . 这里用过去式是强调过去的动作:她把那张照片拿给我看了.【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答.

老屠18233805881问: 英语,不规则动词中,一个动词有两种过去式和过去分词,他们词义和用法一样吗? -
临海市银翘回答: 1. show过去式是showed过去分词是shown和showed 但是showed不常用. 2. speeded/sped用法上没有区别,但是有可能是习惯和地区使用上有差别. 3. woke、waked两个单词同意,都作为wake的过去式使用.而wake过去分词则为woken或waked. 总结:英语中有很多单词都有两种过去式或过去分词,有些意思相同可以替换;而有些则意思不同, 不可以替换. 如lie作为“躺”时:过去式为lay 过去分词lain 作为“撒谎”:过去式lied 过去分词lied 其他明确区分可以查英汉大字典,一查便知,谢谢.

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