
作者&投稿:向枝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

hold onto
We must be ready to hold off the coming storm's attack.我们必须准备好阻挡即将来临的暴风雨的袭击。Will the rain hold off until after the game?这场雨能拖到比赛结束之后再下吗?hold on(打电话时用语)请等一下,不要挂上Could you hold on? I'll just see if the manager's in.你不要挂断...

二、作情态动词时使用上的不同 1、should的用法 (1)(表示语气较强的假设)万一,竟然 If the car should break down on the way, you would have to walk back.万一汽车中途抛锚,你就得走回来。(2)(表示可能性、推测、推论或期待)可能,该 She should be here any minute.她该马上就到。(...

will be和shall be的区别
It'll be a hot night for me.We'll go to bed.They'll wake up here.②要表达主语的“意志”,通常都用“will”(文法上称为意志将来)。I won't see him again.我不愿意再和他见面。Who will go and help that poor old man?谁愿意去帮助那个可怜的老人?Mary will. (玛丽愿意。)...

It ought to be a fine day tomorrow morning.4. “ought to + have + 过去分词”表示过去应做某事而实际未做 You ought to have told me that (but you didn't).这时ought to和should可以互换使用。二、ought to的否定式和疑问式 1. ought to的否定形式是ought后直接加not构成,其否定形式...


服装设计师 Ann Hould-Ward 也因此获得了1994年度,“最佳服装设计”托尼奖(Tony Award)。 曲目 Act I Prologue Belle No Matter What No Matter What (reprise) Me Belle (reprise) Home Home (reprise) Gaston Gaston (reprise) How Long Must This Go On? Act II Be Our Guest If ...

1. C demand的宾语从句必须采用虚拟语气,即从句的谓语动词由“should + 动词原形”构成,且shoule可以省略。2. A as if引导的从句如果表示虚拟的情况时,也必须采用虚拟语气。如果从句动作发生在主句动作之前,则从句采用过去完成时。3. B the suggestion的同位语从句,不缺成分时,从句用that引导;且...

At a glance, this seems to be a simple question that requires only a "yes" or "no" answer. However, due to various incidents that have occurred recently, this issue has now become a topic worth contemplating about.Imagine if your very own grandfather or grandmother fell. Would ...

例子:At the first day, I booked a kind of magazine that Tom had recommended to me.(定语从句)在第一天,我在读汤姆推荐我的杂志。he fact can`t be accepted by the fans that we lost the swimming game .(同位语从句)因为他放不下架子,所以我们输了游泳比赛。

第一句为例,your new bike 是主语,looks是系动词,very是副词,修饰得是后面的形容词nice,而nice则是表语。系动词包括很多,例如get,be,bee,look, *** ell等等,它们可以直接加副词,形容词,例如我印象中最典型的一个,The eggs got bad,so we 憨hould through them away.(这些鸡蛋已经变质...

羊哈15389918293问: 一个比较简单的语法问题,一般句子中什么时候用should,什么时候用should be?,should be后面接动词一般是什么式?被动?原型? -
永年县归芪回答:[答案] should虚拟语气词 ,用法 should + do(动词原形). 而should be只是他的用法,这里的be是系动词 ,在情态动词should后用原形,should be+adj (形容词) eg.Everyone should be here on time.大家都应该按时到.

羊哈15389918293问: should be 的用法及后面跟什么词? -
永年县归芪回答: should虚拟语气词 ,用法 should + do(动词原形).而should be只是他的用法,这里的be是系动词 ,在情态动词should后用原形,should be+adj (形容词)eg.Everyone should be here on time.大家都应该按时到.知识拓展:情态动词should\could\...

羊哈15389918293问: should be后接动词不定式还是原形 -
永年县归芪回答:[答案] should be + done或形容词The trees should be watered. (树应该被浇水)He should be good. (他应该是好的)

羊哈15389918293问: should be和should的区别,will be 和will的区别 -
永年县归芪回答: should be后可接动词,名词,形容词等,而should后只能接动词; will be/will的区别也在于此. 例句:He should be here by now. 他现在应该到了. You should go tonight. 你今天晚上应该去. I will be late. 我要迟到了. He will come. 他会来的.

羊哈15389918293问: should什么情况下后面要加be? -
永年县归芪回答: should be +形容词或名词You should be a good personYou should be smart被动语态 Sth should be+形容词

羊哈15389918293问: 什么should后面跟be? -
永年县归芪回答: 首先呢,be也是动词,叫做系动词或be动词,是am, is, are等的原型. 其次呢,什麽时候加be什麽时候加其他动词完全要靠句意以及上下文来判断的哦.

羊哈15389918293问: SHOULD BE是什么意思 -
永年县归芪回答: 应该是....... 后面接形容词 或者名词代词

羊哈15389918293问: should be后面要加过去分词吗? 为什么?// -
永年县归芪回答: 要的~因为be要用被动语态,should be表示应该被,被动语态就是be+过去分词 有什么不懂的再说~

羊哈15389918293问: I think a friend should be kind. 为啥should 后+be? -
永年县归芪回答: should是情态动词 情态动词后+动词原形 am,is,are的原型为be

羊哈15389918293问: I should be 加名词和形容词哪个对,表示什么 -
永年县归芪回答: should be 是带情态动词的系动词,后面既可以用名词作表语表示主语的职业或身份等,也可以用形容词作表语表示主语的特征或状态.例如: I should be a teacher.我本该成为教师. I should be busy. 按理说我应该很忙.

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