
作者&投稿:芒邵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

en-, enslave, enable, enrich ad-, ac-, af-, ag-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-, adapt, accord, affix, aggression, arrive, assist, attend, attract, arrange, assign(委派) 11. 表示数量关系的前缀 1)表示“单一”,“一” mon-, mon-, monotone(单调),monopoly, monarch uni-, un-, unifo...

后初15520279755问: 英语中两个副词可以连用吗 这叫神马语法shortly afterward ,he stopped the car 两个副词做时间状语? -
广阳区苁蓉回答:[答案] 完全正常的现象,因为副词的功能就是修饰动词,介词,形容词和另外一个副词,比如: I love English very much. Before long he went back to his hometown.

后初15520279755问: shortly afterwards是什么意思 -
广阳区苁蓉回答: shortly afterwards 不久之后 双语对照词典结果: 网络释义 1. 不久之后 2. 没过多久 例句:1. Result: she left the company shortly afterwards. 结果,她不久后就离开了公司

后初15520279755问: Shortly afterward,Anna left the shop. 求分析shortly after的词性及句子的语法结构 -
广阳区苁蓉回答: Shortly 副词, 修饰同是副词的afterward;Shortly afterward作句子状语.Anna主语, left谓语动词, the shop宾语

后初15520279755问: 不久以后 英文翻译 -
广阳区苁蓉回答: 不久之后 有多种搭配翻译.如: 第一:Soon afterward Soon afterwards he joined the party. 不久之后,他就参加了派对. 第二:Shortly after They arrived shortly after. 不久以后他们抵达了. 第三:Shortly afterwards 不久之后 Shortly afterwards,he ...

后初15520279755问: 往后的英文单词怎么拼 -
广阳区苁蓉回答: 往后 [词典] in the future; afterward; backward; from now on; later on1、Nuclear weapons will play a less prominent part in NATO's armoury in the future.往后核武器在北约武器装备中所起的作用将不那么显著.2、We began mass-producing it ...

后初15520279755问: 英语“之后不久”怎么说? -
广阳区苁蓉回答: soon after 或者shortly after 或者later on或者mtv unplugged in new york 或者soon to follow.或者shortly afterward

后初15520279755问: Shortly after wards,the police stopped the car and both men were awested.这句话怎么翻译?
广阳区苁蓉回答: 你写错了,是Shortly afterwards, the police stopped the car and both men were arrested. 意思:一小段时间后,警察把车拦下来了.那两位男人都被逮住了.

后初15520279755问: 英文单词“shortly”是什么意思 -
广阳区苁蓉回答: shortly [5FC:tli] adv. 立刻, 不久, 简略地, 简言之, 即刻shortly [5FC:tlI] adv. 很快地;马上 "Shortly afterwards, the police stopped the car and both men were arrested." "过了没有多久,警察截住了那辆汽车,两个贼都被抓获了." 不远地...

后初15520279755问: “不久之后”的英文怎么说 -
广阳区苁蓉回答: shortly after

后初15520279755问: 《狼》 蒲松龄 -
广阳区苁蓉回答: 原文:一屠晚归,担中肉尽,止有剩骨.途中两狼,缀行甚远.屠惧,投以骨.一狼得骨止,一狼仍从.复投之,后狼止而前狼又至.骨已尽矣,而两浪之并驱如故.屠大窘,恐前后受其敌.顾野有麦场,场主积薪其中,苫蔽成丘.屠乃奔倚其...

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