
作者&投稿:禹养 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

hopping的意思是跳跃或蹦跳。以下是 1. 基本定义:在英语中,"hopping"一词通常被用作动词,表示跳跃或蹦跳的动作。这个词语可以用于描述动物,尤其是兔子或者其他小型动物的跳跃行为。例如,我们可以说:“The rabbit is hopping around the garden.”2. 其他含义:除了表示跳跃的动作外,"hopping"还可以...

Nowadays,the phenomenon of job-hopping has arouse wide concern among the people who care about the young people.Especially to the young generation living in the big cities, they tend to regard the job-hopping as a ordinary thing,ignoring the fact that this behavior may pose underlying threat t...


《在他的眼中系列》作者: hopping(点儿)《幸福不快乐系列》作者: hopping(点儿)穿越指环王,穿遇指环王 魔戒之能源王朝 异界指环王

英语作文:job-hopping 跳槽范文二:题目: 有些人喜欢始终从事一种工作,因为他们认为在一个领城工作的时间越长,业务就越熟练。有的人则不同,他们惯于跳槽,总是追求新鲜的、刺激性的事。他们似乎从不安于现状。有的人喜欢多挣钱、广结交,于是不断地跳槽。people have different attitudes towards ...

hop的ing形式是双写p再加ing,即hopping。hop可作动词和名词,作为动词时,意为单脚跳行、齐足跳行、突然快速去某处;作为名词时,意为单足短距离跳跃、短途旅行、短距离跳跃等。hop的中文含义及用法介绍 1、作为动词时,意为单脚跳行;齐足(或双足)跳行;突然快速去某处。例句:I couldn't put my ...

跳槽英语作文 篇1 My View on Job-hopping Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on dob-hopping. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:...

跳槽英语作文 篇1 My View on Job-Hopping Many people are inclined to do one job in their lives. In their opinions, people who change their jobs frequently are superficial and tactless. They believe that the only way to success is to stick to one job, because constant practice...

不同的人对跳槽有不同的看法。有些人喜欢频繁的更换自己的工作,因为他们不知道自己擅长什么;而一些人则是一份工作做到老,他们认为频繁的更换工作会影响业务的提升。就我来看,我认为跳槽有好有坏。On one hand, job-hopping can help those young people who just graduate from universities to ...

不同的人对跳槽有不同的看法。有些人喜欢频繁的更换自己的工作,因为他们不知道自己擅长什么;而一些人则是一份工作做到老,他们认为频繁的更换工作会影响业务的提升。就我来看,我认为跳槽有好有坏。On one hand, job-hopping can help those young people who just graduate from universities to ...

饶黛17746415040问: shopping 英语作文 -
博白县复方回答: I like shopping, because it makes me feel funny! I like shopping with my mother, because my mother can buy me clothes and what I want. I also like going to super-market with my mother to buy some food. I like shopping very much!

饶黛17746415040问: shopping作文 -
博白县复方回答: Going shopping is fun I like going shopping very much!Because it can make me happy and relax.The supermarket is very large,There are all kinds of things.I can buy what I want to buy.I often buy some junk food.Maybe it isn't for my healthy,But I like it ...

饶黛17746415040问: shopping 英语作文内容是这样,只翻译就好,注意事态哈! 我很喜欢购物,因为让我感到很有趣!我喜欢和妈妈一起逛商场购物,因为妈妈能给我买衣服和... -
博白县复方回答:[答案] I like shopping, because it makes me feel funny! I like shopping with my mother, because my mother can buy me clothes and what I want. I also like going to super-market with my mother to buy some food. I like shopping very much!

饶黛17746415040问: 请帮我写2篇英语作文,在150字左右就可以了SHOPPING1.列举出人们购物的主要场所;2. 描述你所喜欢(或不喜欢)的购物场所,并解释原因.There are ... -
博白县复方回答:[答案] shoppingsometimes,people like to go out to marketplace or supermarkt for shoping in weekend or holiday,because at that time,business like making promotion for selling.Shopping is one of my pastimes.My...

饶黛17746415040问: 英语作文Shopping可以写什么内容?急!!!
博白县复方回答: 首先,写一下对shopping的个人感受,,hate or just so so. 其次,写一些购买的东西,(物品的特点,颜色,质量).再次,写一下购物的习惯.最后,结尾.(重申个人感受或给他人提建议,e.g. why not go shopping with me ?) 你想到啥就写啥,要写有把握的句子,可以适当的用一些从句,别犯语法错误就行.

饶黛17746415040问: shopping 作文80词 -
博白县复方回答:[答案] I went shopping with my mama yesterday,because she wanted to buy some daily necessities.We went to the nearest supermarket on foot.There're many kinds of goods in it,such as fruit,vegetables,meats, magazines,electrical equipment.We bought teeth...

饶黛17746415040问: shopping in the supermarket作文怎么写,至少5句 -
博白县复方回答: 您好:i will help my mother do some shopping.we are short of some i need to make a shopping list in order to buy some food we need.we need five kilos of rice,a kilo of apples,a box of milk,three kilos of eggs,two tins of coke and vegetables...

饶黛17746415040问: 初一买东西的英语作文带翻译50个单词 -
博白县复方回答:[答案] 买东西(shopping)Last Sunday,I went to the bookstore to buy some books.It had a lot of books such as history books,kung-fu novels,and comic books.I bought two science fiction books because they are m...

饶黛17746415040问: 根据shopping写一篇作文50字 -
博白县复方回答: I will help mom to do shopping.and she gave me a shopping list incase i miss something. the shopping list reads:5 kilograms of rice,apple 1 kg,milk 1 kg,egg 0.5kg,vegetable 1 kg, I am happy that i can help mom buy the food.

饶黛17746415040问: 在超市购物英语作文加翻译 -
博白县复方回答:[答案] My View on Shopping OnlineWhen it comes to online shopping,different people holds different ideas towards it.Some people seem extremely enjoy the way of buying things online because they feel online s...

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