
作者&投稿:郅治 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

hop n. & vi. 单足跳;vt. 跳过 aid n. & vt. 帮助;援助 brace n. 支架;固定器(矫形) leg brace 腿固定器 fall n. (美)秋季 limp vi. 蹒跚;瘸着走 Wesley n. 韦斯利(男名) yard n. 院子 bother vt. 打扰;扰乱;麻烦 make up for 弥补 shoot vt. 投掷;抛出 shoot a basket 投篮 bounce vi...

long jump 跳远 (美语:broad jump)triple jump, hop step and jump 三级跳pole vault 撑竿跳throw 投掷throwing 投掷运动putting the shot, shot put 推铅球throwing the discus 掷铁饼throwing the hammer 掷链锤throwing the javelin 掷标枪walk 竞走12. basketball 篮球球场-court前锋-forwards后卫-guards中锋-cent...

ranking the first Kings 1, NBA 17th; two-thirds vote in 100 balls, set a rookie first; an average of 1.90 steals per game, out Rookie No. 1; assists the first rookie out 2; 12.8 points,

long jump 跳远 (美作:broad jump)triple jump, hop step and jump 三级跳 pole vault 撑竿跳 throw 投掷 throwing 投掷运动 putting the shot, shot put 推铅球 throwing the discus 掷铁饼 throwing the hammer 掷链锤 throwing the javelin 掷标枪 walk 竞走 3. Individual Sprots 体育项目 gymn...

中费15259402037问: shop+assistant是什么意思 -
邕宁区氢溴回答: shop+assistant 商店导购员

中费15259402037问: 英语介词填空: 1.I got a job -- a shop assitant. 2.Tom wants to be a reporter - -a sports magazine. -
邕宁区氢溴回答: 1、as2. for 首先,assitant,你打错了,应该是assistant. a shop assistant意为“店员”,我找到一份店员的工作,应理解为 “作为一名店员”.第二题是成为体育杂志的记者,用介词for.

中费15259402037问: shop assistant是什么意思 -
邕宁区氢溴回答: shop assistant[英][ʃɔp əˈsistənt][美][ʃɑp əˈsɪstənt] n.店员; 复数:shop assistants例句: 1. Your partner is a shop assistant. 你的伙伴是一个商店服务员.2. You are a shop assistant. You provide detailed information for some jackets, which are on sale. 你是一个店员,你给一些待售的夹克衫标上详细信息

中费15259402037问: shop assistant的中文意思是? -
邕宁区氢溴回答: shop assistant 店员 双语例句 1.After I paid the money, the shop assistant gave me a receipt. 我付过钱之后,店员便给了我一张收据.2.One day, he went to an exclusive shop in London and asked for 'Myrolite', the shop assistant looked puzzled ...

中费15259402037问: shop同类词 -
邕宁区氢溴回答: 您好! shop的意思是:商店,表示地点.因此shop的同类词有: theater 电影院, swimming pool 游泳池, toilet 公共厕所, bus stop 汽车站, post office 邮局, hospital 医院, school 学校, police station 警察局, library 图书馆,bank 银行, fire station 消防站, zoo 动物园, restaurant 餐厅, book store 书店,market 市场

中费15259402037问: 英语<填空>快~!!~~
邕宁区氢溴回答: I called the TV station.Isn't that (amazing ) the shop (assitant ) called the police I was very (surprised ) went into a souvenir shop An (alien ) got out and walked down center street (landed ) right in front of me i showed great interests in music

中费15259402037问: "Is this shop the one where you visited the fampos shop assitant"为什么会有"the one where"?
邕宁区氢溴回答: the one 是shop的同义语, 指的是“同一家商店”, where 引导从句修饰 "the one"

中费15259402037问: 英语:去商店为什么不能用go to shop 而要用go to a shop 或者是go to the shop.
邕宁区氢溴回答: 您好,我来为你解答:shop是个名词,前面必须要有定冠词或者不定冠词来修饰它,如果没有的话,可数名词后面要加s的比如说,那里有苹果,你习惯性的会在前面加冠词修饰:那里有一个苹果,还是有很多苹果,或者.简单的说吧,名词前面习惯性的要有冠词修饰来确定他的数量,楼上说的go shoping是固定短语跟这个没多大关系,望采纳!

中费15259402037问: 请教高手几外问题,谢谢了! -
邕宁区氢溴回答: 1. 那位在和经理谈话的音乐家明年要去欧洲. 那个在和售货员交谈的记者很幽默.2.第一个用了in ,是因为从句中do well in 的短语,which 做in 的宾语.第二个没有,是因为which 可以直接...

中费15259402037问: shop.shopping的用法 -
邕宁区氢溴回答: 区别就在于"shop"是动词而"shopping"是名字. 例句:A.Let's go shopping.(此句中shopping为shop的现在分词,用法同go skating/go golfing) B.Let's do some shopping.(此句中shopping为名字的shopping,意为购物). shop n. 商店;店...

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