
作者&投稿:晋玛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

n.大笑;大喊;可笑的事情(或人);(车辆的)喇叭声;(猫头鹰的)鸣叫声 第三人称单数: hoots复数: hoots现在分词: hooting过去式: hooted过去分词: hooted 双语例句 1 Tug boats hooted at it.拖船对它鸣响汽笛。2 You ought to meet her ─ she's a hoot!你应该见见她——她笑料十足!《...

Not the first time,an argument had broken out over breakfast at number four,he had been "waken" in the early "morning" of the "house" by a loud,hooting noise from his nephew's room.并且是个强调句,其中 he had been "waken" in the early "morning" of the "house" by a ...

be prepared to "window shop"only. This is shopping for the rich. There are other, less expensive shopping areas nearby, and you'll soon come across famous stores such as Bloomingdales, Macy's and FAO Schwartz.

hooting noise (被动语态宾语)from his nephew's room(介宾短语作定语修饰宾语).不能将Not the first time,an argument had broken out over breakfast at number four,理解为时间状语因为he had been worken in the early hourse of the morning by a loud,hooting noise from his nephew's r... the taste dancin on our tongues和Hooting & Howling的歌词...
Hooting&Howling Carry me hooting and howling to the river to wash off my hands of the hot blood, the sweat and the sand Any rival who goes for our girls will be left thumb sucking in terror and bereft of all coffin bearers A crude art, a bovver boot ballet - equally ...

您好,audience 英 #712#596di#601ns美 #712#596di#601ns观众听众读者读者接见拥护者爱好者阅听人拜会等等的意思复数 audiences 例句He had the audience hooting with。audience是集合名词,用作主语时,其谓语可用单数视为整体或复数视为个体如The audience is are listening attentively听众都在聚精会...

亡命之徒-voice的歌词是:In the AOTU worldIn the AOTU worldLet’s have a drink and kiss honors Fight for a peaceful AOTU world with your magic and your thirsty weaponsNo matter whatever you choose we’ve a same destination WhistleAn owl flying over heads and hootingIgnoreThe voice...

亡命之徒-voice是林方舟唱的,歌词如下:In the AOTU worldIn the AOTU worldLet’s have a drink and kiss honors Fight for a peaceful AOTU world with your magic and your thirsty weaponsNo matter whatever you choose we’ve a same destination WhistleAn owl flying over heads and hootin...

翠杰13178526583问: 拍摄现场用英语怎么说 -
丹徒区桑菊回答: 拍摄现场 shooting site; filming site/location

翠杰13178526583问: 怎么用英语表达“新西兰是指环王的拍摄地” -
丹徒区桑菊回答:[答案] New Zealand is the shooting site of the Lord of the Rings 或者 The Lord of the Rings shoot in New Zealand

翠杰13178526583问: shooting rampage和shooting spree都是什么意思? -
丹徒区桑菊回答: 枪击案 突发性枪杀

翠杰13178526583问: shooting是什么意思 -
丹徒区桑菊回答: shooting 【读音】 英 ['ʃuːtɪŋ], 美 ['ʃutɪŋ] 【意思】n. 射击;打猎;摄影;射门 v. 射击(shoot的ing形式) 【网络短语】 Shooting 射击, 射门, 投篮 shooting schedule 摄制计划, 拍摄日程, 拍摄计划 shooting range 靶场, ...

翠杰13178526583问: NBA中的shooting guard和point guard 是什么意思?有什么区别? -
丹徒区桑菊回答: shooting guard是得分后卫,point guard是组织后卫.另外,center是中锋,small forward是小前锋,power forward是大前锋.这都是篮球上的专有名词. 如果非要从字面上分析,shoot在篮球中是投篮的意思,所以负责主要投篮的后卫,肯定...

翠杰13178526583问: SHOOTING GUIDE是什么 -
丹徒区桑菊回答: shooting guide拍摄指南

翠杰13178526583问: Shooting, originated as a means of survival,为什么Shooting后加,而不是Shooting was originated -
丹徒区桑菊回答: 你好.originated as a means of survival是shooting的定语部分,不是它的谓语部分.我完善了你的作品:Shooting, which was originated as a means of survival, is now widely used in sports all over the world.

翠杰13178526583问: shooting+in+the+enrapt+fire+condition是甚么意思
丹徒区桑菊回答: 推测可能为枪战片电影里的台词,字面意思为“在熊熊大火中扫射”,准确的意思请提供上下文或背景资料.

翠杰13178526583问: shooting gallery是什么意思 -
丹徒区桑菊回答: shooting gallery 射击场 双语对照 词典结果:shooting gallery [英][ˈʃu:tɪŋ ˈɡæləri][美][ˈʃutɪŋ ˈɡæləri] n.射击场; 复数:shooting galleries 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.At the shooting gallery upstairs, children bang away with air ...

翠杰13178526583问: shooting sample是什么意思 -
丹徒区桑菊回答: shooting sample 射击的样品 sample [英][ˈsɑ:mpl][美][ˈsæmpl] n.样品,华样; 标本,榜样; (化验的)取样; [信]信号瞬时值; vt.取…的样品,尤指用样品来检验; 品尝; 抽样调查; adj.作为代表或范例的; 第三人称单数:samples过去分...

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