
作者&投稿:其倩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

- [熊形态] Things are about to get Grizzly! 有东西要变成灰色(灰熊)了! - [冬眠] Sleep, and be healed! 睡吧,得到治疗 - My path is clear. 我的道路通畅 - At once. 马上 - Of course. 当然 - Unodurah!** 夜精灵语 =骂玩家音效= - Only you can prevent forest fires! (听起来象是恶棍...

-=兽人=- 苦工- =建造音效= - Ready to work! 准备工作 =选定音效= - Hmmm? 恩?- Yes? 是的?- Something need doing? 要做点什么吗?- What you want? 你想要什么?=行动\/执行动作音效= - Okie dokie. 好的好的 - Be happy to. 很乐意 - Work, work. 干活呀干活 - I can do...

Lights go dark, the screen lights up, my left-hand side is the darkness.Look at the screen in which right Liangxiaowucai slowly getting old, along with structures that are called home, cabin, along with running a tiny balloon business, along with the dream of travel in order ...

解恒13364251929问: shoot的过去式和过去分词 -
亳州市化瘀回答: shoot的过去式是:shot ;过去分词是:shotshoot 读法 英 [ʃuːt] 美 [ʃut]1、vt. 射击,射中;拍摄;发芽;使爆炸;给…注射 2、vi. 射击;发芽;拍电影 3、n. 射击;摄影;狩猎;急流 短语: 1、shoot for 争取,为…而努力 2、shoot up 射出...

解恒13364251929问: shoot过去式和过去分词是什么 -
亳州市化瘀回答:[答案] shoot-shot-shot

解恒13364251929问: shoot的过去式和过去分词是什么 求解答 ,必采纳 -
亳州市化瘀回答: shot

解恒13364251929问: shoot 的过去分词、过去式是什么? -
亳州市化瘀回答: shoot 的过去分词、过去式是 shoot-shot-shot

解恒13364251929问: shoot的过去式可以是shooted吗? -
亳州市化瘀回答: 不可以,shoot的过去式和过去分词都是shot. 1.shootvt. 射击,射中;拍摄;发芽;使爆炸;给…注射 vi. 射击;发芽;拍电影 n. 射击;摄影;狩猎;急流2.用法:bamboo shoot 竹笋,笋 shoot at 力争;向…射击 shoot down 击落;驳倒,否...

解恒13364251929问: shoot 与 shot 有何不同? -
亳州市化瘀回答: shot是shoot的过去式及过去分词.

解恒13364251929问: 射击的过去式是什么? -
亳州市化瘀回答:[答案] shoot-shot-shot shoot的过去时和过去完成时都是shot

解恒13364251929问: shoot的过去式 -
亳州市化瘀回答:[答案] shot

解恒13364251929问: shoot和shot的区别? -
亳州市化瘀回答: shoot和shot的区别主要有以下几点: 1、动词shoot和shot时态不同. 当shoot和shot作动词时,shoot是原型,而shot是shoot的过去式和过去分词.如: He taunted armed officers by pointing to his head, as if inviting them to shoot.他用手指着自...

解恒13364251929问: shot是什么意思 -
亳州市化瘀回答: shot 英 [ʃɒt] 美 [ʃɑt] n. 发射;炮弹;射手;镜头 v. 射击(shoot的过去式和过去分词) adj. 用尽的;破旧的;杂色的,闪光的 [网络短语] shot put 铅球,推铅球,掷铅球 hook shot 钩射投篮,勾手,勾手

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