
作者&投稿:松矿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、在美国英语中,"should"和"shall"的用法较为灵活,而在英国英语中,"should"和"shall"有更明确的区分。2、 "Should"可以用来表达过去发生的事情,表示本应该发生但未发生的事情,例如:"He should have arrived by now."(他现在应该已经到了。)3、"Shall"在口语中较少使用,通常可以用其他...

should be的用法should的用法should和should的用法区别有哪些_百度知 ...
例子:- This problem should be solved.(这个问题应该被解决。)- You should see a doctor.(你应该去看医生。)2.用法:should be用于强调某事在特定情况下应该是或理应是什么样的。should用于表示义务、建议、期望或可能性。例子:- He should be studying at home.(他应该在家学习。)- We should...

You should do what your parents tell you.你应该照你父母的话去做事。He should do some work, but he doesn’t want to.他应该做些工作,但是他不想做。也可指现在,如:You shouldn’t feel so unhappy over suchtrifles.对这种小事,你不应该感到这么不高兴。You shouldn’t be sitting in...

should英 [ʃʊd] 美 [ʃʊd]应该;将会;可能;本应 应该; 应; 要; 该 1.应该 The day was drawing near when we should have completed the reservoir.我们完成水库工程的日子不远了。The suggestion is that they should start from scratch.提出的建议是, 他们从头...

(5)用于if引导的从句中,表示与将来事实可能相反的假设。If it should rain tomorrow, we would stay home. 如果明天下雨,我们就呆在家里。四、在条件状语从句中,should 表示“万一”,即可表示不能实现的'假设,又可表示可以实现的假设。If he should fail to come, ask Comrade ...

初三英语题 should表示竟然
万一汽车中途抛锚,你就得走回来。3. (表示可能性、推测、推论或期待)可能,该 She should be here any minute.她该马上就到。Dinner should be ready by now.此刻晚饭应该做好了。4. (表示义务、责任)应该,应当 You should do as she says.你应当照她说的去做。He should work harder.他应该...

should 的用法
一、Should表示义务、责任、劝告、建议,其同义词是ought to;在疑问句中,通常用should代替ought to.例如:You should go to class right away.你应该马上去上课。Should I open the window?二、Should的含义较多,用法较活,现介绍三种其特殊用法。例如:I should think it would be better to try...

Should是情态动词 情态动词(Modal verbs)本身有一定的词义,表示语气的单词。但是不能独立作谓语,只能和行为动词一起构成谓语。情态动词用在行为动词前,表示说话人对这一动作或状态的看法或主观设想。 情态动词虽然数量不多,但用途广泛,主要有下列: can (could), may (might), must, need, ought...

语法大神求助 如何区别should have done的不同逻辑意思
= That he passed the exam is surprising. 他通过了考试的这件事情是令人吃惊的。it 是形式主语,that he passed the exam是主语从句;语序、结构无论怎么变化,意思没变,事实是肯定的,“他通过了考试,他考试及格了”2 He should have passed the exam last week. 他上周本来应该通过考试的...

It is a great pity\/ shame\/ that he should be so conceited. 真遗憾,他竟会这样自高自大。 九. “ should have + - ed 分词”结构用来表达下述意义: 1. 表示“应该已经……”,“本来应该……”,即过去该做某事但实际没有做,其否定式“ shouldn't have + - ed 分词”意为“本来不应该……”。例...

尔贾17532947359问: clean,cleans,cleaning,to clean的用法 -
舒城县芩暴回答:[答案] 要根据你选用的句型以及时态来决定用哪个短语或单词,比如: I should clean the house.我应该打扫房间.should是情态动词,后接动词原形. He cleans the house.他打扫了房间.He是第三人称单数,所以用cleans. She is cleaning the house now.她现在...

尔贾17532947359问: she+cleans+her+bedroom+everyday变成一般将来时 -
舒城县芩暴回答: She cleans her bedroom everyday. [一般现在时]她每天打扫卧室.cleans 改为 will clean 变成[一般将来时] ; everyday 改为 tomorrow ; next week ; next Sunday......等时间副词She will clean her bedroom tomorrow. [一般将来时]她明天会打扫卧室.

尔贾17532947359问: 句型转换(英语六年级上) -
舒城县芩暴回答: 1、Who is she? 2、否定:I didn't send a email to my last night. 一般疑问:Did you send a email to your last night? 3、What does she do every day? 4、否定:There won't be an interesting film next week. 一般疑问:Will there be an interesting film next week? 5、Where does he come from? 6、Why was she late this morning? 希望对你有帮助,望采纳.

尔贾17532947359问: 英语一般现在时的结构和用法 -
舒城县芩暴回答: 以clean为例 (三单+s\es) I clean we clean you clean you clean + the classroom.he\she\it cleans they clean 疑问句 Do you(we,they,I) clean the classroom?Does he(she,) clean the classroom?

尔贾17532947359问: she must cleans the car错在哪 -
舒城县芩暴回答: cleans去掉s,must是情态动词,后跟动词原形she must clean the car.

尔贾17532947359问: she+could+do+without什么句型?
舒城县芩暴回答: 您好,She could do without. 句中的 without 是副词词性,通常译为【没有、在没有的情况下,如果没有】,所以 She could do without. 可以翻译为【(她)没有也能做到.】句子的结构是(主谓状).

尔贾17532947359问: 她有时擦黑板 英语怎么说 -
舒城县芩暴回答: She sometimes cleans the blackboard .

尔贾17532947359问: 请哪位给我讲一下rather than的用法 -
舒城县芩暴回答: rather than 用法小结 rather than 是一个并列连词,用法比较复杂,现归纳如下: 1. rather than 与would 连用时,构成“would rather...than...”句式,意思是“宁愿……而不愿……”,表示主观愿望,即在两者之中选择其一.例如: She'd rather ...

尔贾17532947359问: - --- - cleans the blackboard should be praised. A. That B. Who C. The one who D. The students who -
舒城县芩暴回答: who cleans the blackboards常被误作为主语从句,其原因是受汉语影响.引导名词性从句(主语从句)常常是:whoever,whichever等等. 不说who comes will be wellcome.而说:Whoever comes will be wellcome.或者:Anyone who comes will be wellcome.或者:Those whom come will be wellcome. 所以,上面只有选the one who,因为从句的谓语是单数第三人称. The onw who cleans the blackboard should be praised.

尔贾17532947359问: 她在打扫家英语翻译
舒城县芩暴回答: She cleans the room.

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