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am的复数是are me是I的宾格 所以其复数相同 是 we 而my的复数是our you 的意思是你,你们 所以,复数仍是you 同理,your 的复数仍是your his和her的意思分别是:他的\/她的 他们的复数形式是一样的都是their

农夫和金鱼 英语版(我已经简略了,请帮我翻译,初二水平)
And after he had looked at her awhile, he said, "It is nice that you are king. Now we don't have to wish for anything else." "No, husband," she said, "I have been king too long. I can't stand it any longer. I am king, but now I would like to become emperor." "Oh,"...

am和live都是动词,而一句话中不能有两个动词,如果同使用,live要改成living,就构成了be+doing的现在进行时态了。对了,am就是be动词的一种形式,am is are 都是。

...和第三人称,谢谢,还有后面那些带is \/am\/are 详解,Than
第一人称 单数I,me,my,mine 复数we,us,our,ours 第二人称 单数you,you,your,yours 复数you,you,your,yours 第三人称 单数he,him,his,his(阳性)she,her,her,hers(阴性)it,it,its(中性)复数they,them,their,theirs 在上列人称代词的不同形式中,还包含了主格(Subjective...


is的用法:第三人称单数+is,如he(男)+is; she(女)+is; it(不是人)+is。例句:She is very virulent about her former employer.她对她过去的.老板恨之入骨.am的用法:第一人称I+am。| am还可缩写成I'm。但是am与not不能缩写。例句:With respect to your other proposals,I am not yet...

him何he有什么区别 he是主格形式 做句子主语,表示动作的实施者 him 是宾格 做句子宾语的, 表示动作的承受者 he teaches me a lot of knowledge i miss you she he 和 my your her his有什么区别 前者为人称代词,我你他\/她 后者为物主代词,我的,你的,他\/她的 a friend ...


如:He hit her in the face. 他打在她的脸上。(其中的 the 不宜改为 her)3、英语中有许多习惯用语要用物主代词。如:do one's best 尽力。try one's best 尽力。earn one's bread 维持生活。hold one's breath 屏息。eat one's words 收回前言。in one's best 穿着节日盛装。

隗尚15022625821问: She - __ - her ambition of becoming a Fellow of American Science Academy. -
罗城仫佬族自治县万吉回答:[选项] A. acquired B. obtained C. earned D. attained

隗尚15022625821问: She fulfilled her -- ambition -- to run the 10000 meters race within 30 minutes.Ambition是否应为复数形式?为什么? -
罗城仫佬族自治县万吉回答:[答案] ambitions n.野心;雄心;抱负(ambition的复数形式);理想 ambition [æm'biʃən] n.野心,雄心;抱负,志向 vt.追求;有…野心 例句 As expected,Mr Obama held back from producing a detailed new plan for dealing with Iran's nuclear ambitions. ...

隗尚15022625821问: Her ambition(to be an astronaut)was never fulfill? -
罗城仫佬族自治县万吉回答: 句子分析: 括号里的不定式短语to be an astronaut 可以理解为主语her ambition的定语,也可以理解为主语her ambition 的同位语. 定语(用来修饰名词)、同位语(用来解释、补充、说明前面的名词)是句子的次要成分,不能作主语.

隗尚15022625821问: 不定式和不定式短语用法上有区别吗?不定式(to+动词原形,之后不带任何成分)可以做宾语? -
罗城仫佬族自治县万吉回答: 先回答你区别.其实这个很明显的.看下字面的意思就能明白了. 不定式(to+动词原形,之后不带任何成分)可以做,主语,表语: To see is to believe.眼见为实. 作宾语: 如:I can afford to buy a house.类似的词语还有afford, appear, agree,...

隗尚15022625821问: She fulfilled her - ------ - to become the first to run the 10,000 meters within 30 minutes.
罗城仫佬族自治县万吉回答: 答案A 她实现了她的梦想.Ambition:雄心,志向;amusement:娱乐;appreciation:欣赏;assessment:评价;看法

隗尚15022625821问: 用ambition造句,?? -
罗城仫佬族自治县万吉回答: 她的抱负很大,Her ambition is really strong.

隗尚15022625821问: 英语,hers,her,his,him的用法. -
罗城仫佬族自治县万吉回答: hers = her+N 例如: her pen =hers his 则可同时作为所有格或者像上面那样的用法 him 就是受词罗!

隗尚15022625821问: she hopes to be a famous scientist.(保持原意) - -------ambition - ---- - to be a famous scientist. -
罗城仫佬族自治县万吉回答: she hopes to be a famous scientist.(保持原意) ---Her-----ambition ---is--- to be a famous scientist.

隗尚15022625821问: The more he tried to please her, -- she seemed to appreciate it. -
罗城仫佬族自治县万吉回答: 选C译为:他越尝试讨好她,她似乎越反感他的做法the more... the less...都是越... 的意思为了翻译上的通顺,后半句译为 似乎越反感后半句的直...

隗尚15022625821问: 句子翻译(英译中)(二)Heissuchadeterminedp
罗城仫佬族自治县万吉回答: He is such a determined person that he will solve the problem however difficult it is. ... She fulfilled her ambition to become the first woman to run the 10,000 meters in under ...

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