
作者&投稿:常炭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

()He dones't like reading—— chess. A.and play
reading or playing 这个一起的 like reading or like playing 省略掉后面的like Every man dies.Not every man really lives.​所有生命都终将枯萎,但并不是所有生命都曾经绽放

请问,是“He isn't do some reading”还是“He isn't do any reading...
用一般现在时是很奇怪的,通常表达过去已经发生的事。或者正在进行的事。例如:He didn't do any reading.He isn't doing any reading.祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*)请及时采纳,多谢!

He dones't like ———(thief)横线怎么填?

1.He can't find his football, can you help him?2.Please come to see my father's new car.3.She spend a lot on her clothes every year.4.He doesn't have enough money to buy a warm overcoat for his grandmother.


won't 表示将来时态的否定 例如: I won't go to school tomorrow.doesn't 表示一般现在时态的否定,用于第三人称单数 例如: He doesn't get up early everyday.

英语所给词填空much many few little
1 much 2 many, few 3 little 4 few 5 little 6 few 祝假期愉快,学习进步!本题不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!手机提问 ,请 点击 右上角“ 满意”按钮 ,谢谢!

___you enjoy___your school friends
1.What's like many 3.have a good time talking 4.the most 5.drives

...onr blue pen and two red _?'s b.thoes d.ones...
d ones 代替上文出现过的复数的人或物,以避免重复。本句ones 代替pens 希望能够帮到你,望采纳

5.After the father died of illness, the mother sometimes works as the father, depends on her tailoring meager income to pulling several children,suppried for their education,the day passed miserable beyond description.when the street's shoemaker Uncle Li knew,wherever matters he always...

错非18694699836问: hasn't she?has she?does she?does't she?有什么区别 -
船山区十全回答: 他们都是反意疑问句,区别在于时态和语意不同. hasn't she?是现在完成时态,否定形式. has she?是现在完成时态,肯定形式. does she?是一般现在时态,肯定形式. does't she?是一般现在时态,否定形式.反义疑问句(The ...

错非18694699836问: won't与dones't区别 -
船山区十全回答: won't 表示将来时态的否定 例如: I won't go to school tomorrow.doesn't 表示一般现在时态的否定,用于第三人称单数 例如: He doesn't get up early everyday.

错非18694699836问: she dones't go home on foot改为肯定句 -
船山区十全回答: She dones't go home on foot改为肯定句 参考答案: She goes home on foot. 参考译文: 她走路回家.

错非18694699836问: she does,doesn't she是怎么用的,帮忙讲解一下这个句子 -
船山区十全回答: 这个是反义疑问句,主要形式:陈述部分肯定式+疑问部分否定式 ;陈述部分否定式+疑问部分肯定式 .这句话意思是 她做了,不是吗? 想表达的意思在逗号前面,后面的是为了表示感情色彩

错非18694699836问: she wasn't understood.为什么用wasn't, 而不是didn't? 什么时候用is什么时候用does? -
船山区十全回答: 她当时没有被别人理解,是一个一般过去时地点被动句.被动语态的构成是“助动词am/is/are/was/were/be + 动词的过去分词”,如果要表达一般现在时的被动语态,就用到is,例如:She isn't understood by her friends. 用does表示一般现在时、主动语态,如:What does she get up every day? She does know the truth.(这句中用does是为了强调)

错非18694699836问: does提问如何做否定回答 -
船山区十全回答: 肯定回答,YES,主语+DO或者DOES.否定回答:No,主语+Don't或者doesn't.

错非18694699836问: 一般疑问句,用什么回答 -
船山区十全回答: ①助动词Do+主语+V原形... 肯定回答:Yes,主语+do.否定回答:No,主语+do not(don't). Eg:Do you know the answer?Yes,we do.No,we don't. ②助动词Does+主语(第三人称单数)+V原形... 肯定回答:Yes,主语+does.否定回答:No,主语+...

错非18694699836问: She+doesn't+seem+to+like+dancing.+主语和谓语 -
船山区十全回答: 答案是:She doesn't seem to like dancing意思是: 他似乎不喜欢跳舞. She(主语) doesn't seem(谓语 )to like dancing(表语)

错非18694699836问: she+could+do+without什么句型?
船山区十全回答: 您好,She could do without. 句中的 without 是副词词性,通常译为【没有、在没有的情况下,如果没有】,所以 She could do without. 可以翻译为【(她)没有也能做到.】句子的结构是(主谓状).

错非18694699836问: she doesn't have any 为什么have不变单三 -
船山区十全回答: 因为 does 已是三身并控制整句句子的动词, 故 does 后跟的动词维持完形不变.

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