
作者&投稿:蓟砍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He will throw open his door to any of your friends
对的,不是throw 和open his door,是throw open(开放)his door 直译:他会对你任何朋友开放他的大门 意义:凡是你的朋友他无不竭诚欢迎

填空i can throw the ball high( )the sky
2、例句:The interception by an infielder of a throw to home plate from the outfield.内场手截球并从外场将球投回本垒板。二、to the sky 1、读音:英 [tu ðə skaɪ] 美 [tu ðə skaɪ]2、例句:He stood with his arms raised to the sky, ...

首先这句话有情态动词 can,所以can提前,然后第一人称 I 变成第二人称 you,其他的照搬,所以一般疑问句是 Can you throw it ? (你能把它丢掉吗?) 二、拓展 接下来我们再来分析一下陈述句变成一般疑问句的原则,记住口诀“一提,二改,三帮,四问号。” ① 一提:如果一个句子中有 be 动词或者情态动词,改为一...

It's my turn to throw.轮到我投了。He threw his last four grenades.他投出了最后四颗手榴弹。Throw me that book.把那本书扔给我。He was thrown a book.有人扔给他一本书。He threw some coins to the beggar.他向乞丐丢去了几个硬币。He threw the door open and walked in.他猛地...

原句:I can throw it.(我可以扔了它。)改一般疑问句:Can you throw it?(你可以扔了它吗?)陈述句变一般疑问句的方法:1、be动词的疑问式:be动词根据不同的时态和人称可以有am, is, are, was, were等不同形式,可用作连系动词和助动词,构成疑问式时,应将be的适当形式置于句首:I ...

thrown可以用作主动语态或被动语态的谓语动词,它与助动词"have"或"be"的不同形式配合来表示完成时态或被动语态。例如,"He has thrown the ball"(他已经扔掷了球)和"The ball was thrown by him"(球被他扔掷了)。总结:thrown是动词"throw"的过去分词形式,用于表示投掷、抛出或甩出的动作,...

throw的中文意思:v.投;掷;抛;扔;摔;丢;猛推;使劲撞。n.抛;扔;摔;投(球);掷(色子);投掷的距离;(沙发等的)套,罩。1、读音:英 [θrəʊ],美 [θroʊ]。2、固定搭配:throw in 额外奉送,外加, 穿插。throw off 脱去; 摆脱;抛弃, 扔掉。throw oneself...

He throw three free throws.这句绕口令什么意思?

1.he___(throw) the ball to me,and i caught it
1.threw 2.risen 3.sixth

Peter is a naughty boy.He often ___(throw)rubbish on the floor.Lo...
前句的谓语动词为is,这就表示后面一句的形态为一般现在时 ,主语为he ,所以throw加s ,throws

除龚13767627959问: she can"t - ---(swim),because she is afraid of water. -
房山区复方回答: 1. swim can't为情态动词否定式,其后加动词原形2. B 翻译:你想要绿茶还是橘子汁?or的意思是“或者”,表示选择,此问句是一个选择疑问句.green tea和orange juice一般不会混喝,排除C;也不会同时喝,排除A.

除龚13767627959问: she can't swim well翻译 -
房山区复方回答: 她不能很好的游泳

除龚13767627959问: she can swim very fast.改为否定句 -
房山区复方回答: She can't swim very fast.她不能游得很快.精小锐

除龚13767627959问: “她来月经了,所以不能游泳”的英文要怎么说? -
房山区复方回答: She is on her period, so she cannot swim.On her period 意为大姨妈来了...o(∩_∩)o...

除龚13767627959问: 填空()()she()? 答语是:She can swim. -
房山区复方回答: What can she do?因为回答是肯定句,所以问句一定是特殊疑问句.

除龚13767627959问: She can swim.(对画线部分提问) -
房山区复方回答: swim 划线 What can she do? She 划线 Who can swim? 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳, 如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

除龚13767627959问: She can -- (swim)in the river He--(go)to the movie every Saturday Lucy--(not watch)TV in the evening -
房山区复方回答: swim 用原形 因为can是情态动词 后面接动词的话用原形 goes 因为主语是he 而every Saturday是指每周六 一般现在时 谓语动词用第三人称单数 doesn't watch 因为 表示Lucy晚上不看电视 如上一题解释 只不过是否定句 用助动词进行否定 嘿嘿 希望对你有所帮助 祝楼主进步哈

除龚13767627959问: 小学英语句型? -
房山区复方回答: 一般过去时: 肯定句:主语+动词的过去式+...... 否定句:主语+did not+动词原形+..... 疑问句:Did+主语+动词原形+..... 进行式:主语+be动词+现在分词+...... 一般将来式: be going to+动词原形+...... 主语+will/shall+动词原形+.... 过去将来式: 主语+...

除龚13767627959问: shecanswim,疑问句星座肯定句 -
房山区复方回答: 原句:She can swim.她会游泳.疑问句:Can she swim?她会游泳吗?肯定句:Yes,she can.是的,她会(游泳).否定句:No,she can't.不,她不会(游泳).

除龚13767627959问: I can't swimming.but she can.哪错了? -
房山区复方回答: can后面要用动词原形.所以是I can't swim.but she can.

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