
作者&投稿:弋克 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A little panda picks up a pumpkin and wants to take it home. But the pumpkin is too big. The panda can’t take it home.Suddenly she sees a bear riding a bike toward her. She watches the bike. “I know! I have a good idea.” she jumps and shouts happily, “I can ...

One day, a farmer found that a hare bumped against a stump and died because it ran so quickly that it did not see the stump. That a hare bumped into the sump was less likely to happen again. However, the farm chose to sit near the stump, waiting for another hare, instead of ...


医生们正尽全力寻找更快捷更安全的方式为人们整容。但是如同任何手术一样,整容手术是危险且痛苦的。同时对一般人而言价格不菲。由于这些原因,整容手术在未来将没有如今流行。个别拼写错误 hare-hard ant-any

他龟兔. (龟兔赛跑英美文学短历史剧)旁白:大家早安,现在,我会告诉你一个故事,盖龟 吴野兔. 在曾几何时 有一兔子和龟. 吴野兔很长的双腿和她的骄傲,她看不起 当李龟. 今天,附近的河流,有趣的是happing. 兔子:喜! mr.tortoise.what你在做什么? 乌龟:喜! 野兔小姐,我走路. 兔子:你为什么不...

回答:1-5 ACDDB

tortoise and hare的翻译是:
The tortoise, who had won the race, approached the hare and said, "You were so confident in your speed that you thought you could take a nap during the race. But I never gave up, and I kept moving forward. In the end, it was my determination and perseverance that won ...

Swimming is a good form of exercise.游泳是很好的锻炼方式。How long will it take her to swim the Channel?她游过英吉利海峡得用多长时间?The new students were just left to sink or swim.学校完全让新生自生自灭。The main course was swimming in oil.主菜油汪汪的。


bad about it ,becouse the people here seems to be very unhappy. I went through the forest and found out the Mathatter ,the March hare and their mouse weren't having a mad tea party,instead they were just drinking tea with a big frown on their faces. Suddenly I found out that I...

苏兔13713197148问: 求SHARE汉化版的下载 -
万盛区吉东回答: share下载 教程下载看到你求我自己传的..绝对能用

苏兔13713197148问: 谁能介绍几个软件提交站点??
万盛区吉东回答: 除了 还有哪些好的软件提交站点??

苏兔13713197148问: Today, if you find something useful on the Internet, you can download and - ------ - it in your personal computer file.
万盛区吉东回答: 答案A 本句意思为:现在,如果你在因特网上发现有价值的东西,你可以下载下来并存放在你自己的计算机文档里.save表示“储存”;spare则表示“抽出”;share表示“共享”;turn表示“转向”.

苏兔13713197148问: your Wall and your friends' home pagesWhat do you think about XXX application?XXX application for iPhoneABC is sharing the XXX application.Down... -
万盛区吉东回答:[答案] 答案来啦,不知意下如何?请笑纳. 我的书 商店 设置 编辑 完成 评分 发布 即将推出 从来没有读过 评论 在这里写下你的评论 ... XXX的iPhone应用 ABC是分享在XXX的应用. 下载:XXX在App Store应用程序. 要读取下载费用的应用越来越鬼故事. 你会...

苏兔13713197148问: 是Why I can not download还是Why can I not download 我看到的都是第一种表达,但不符合特殊疑问句的语序,疑问词+一般疑问句.这样的例子还有那些?高... -
万盛区吉东回答:[答案] Why can't I breathe 为什么每当我想起你, Whenever I think about you 我就无法呼吸? Why can't I speak 为什么每当我谈起你, Whenever I talk about you 却不知从何说起? It's 4)inevitable,无法避免, It's a fact that we're gonna 5)get down to it 我们...

苏兔13713197148问: 在一个迅雷快传 - 文件分享中下载一个压缩包,什么那个密码默示,搞不懂.请个位大神看看. -
万盛区吉东回答: 尊敬的迅雷用户,您好:由于迅雷快传是一个开放的平台,允许其他的用户对资源文件进行上传操作.因此会出现上传的文件具有密码这样的情况,如您的图所示,这是一个具有密码保护的文件,解压的时候需要输入密码,而密码就是:默示.更多疑问,欢迎您向迅雷网络平台提问.

苏兔13713197148问: xls文件怎么打开!102!6042e4c2 - 956c - 4ad8 - bf35 - 93f701b -
万盛区吉东回答: 把这个地址加入某单元格文字的超链接,就可以通过电子表格里的改文字调用浏览...

苏兔13713197148问: SHARE是什么意思 -
万盛区吉东回答: share1 名词 n. 1.一份,份儿;(分担的)一部分[S][(+in/of)] I have done my share of the work. 我已经做了我分内的工作. 2.股份;股票[C][(+in)] 3.市场占有率[U] 4.(工作、费用等的)分摊;分担;贡献[S] The young engineer had a large ...

苏兔13713197148问: 每次一打开迅雷就自动下载p2pshare.thunderaddin这个东西,发给在哪里还看不到,怎么阻止,它是迅雷的更新吗?
万盛区吉东回答: 是的,P2P是迅雷下载的主模式,没有关系,你让它下载完吧!不会有害的.具体的不知道怎么解释,但你可以放心是无害的,给点它时间就行.

苏兔13713197148问: With a job - share it can. 这句话帮忙分析一下语法,尤其是with+NP这一部分,谢谢~ -
万盛区吉东回答: 首先这不是个句子 句子不完整,不好解释啊 独立看的话,赞成楼上的:with a job-share,在这里应该属于条件状语

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