
作者&投稿:爨削 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It is an accident, I think I am not myself. I lose myself. I hate myself. Nobody can help me 这是一次灾难,我相信我已经不是我自己了,我已经迷失了自己,我讨厌自己,没有人能帮助我。I felt extremetly depressed, Honestly, I have no clue that what will happen next , ...

part of a fool的歌词谁知道?(英文)
I've been there before And I Just can't let go The memory and pain of the hurt I know Now deep in the night And there's pseeion inside Dare I follow my heart An innocent smile Then a walk in the night There it's dinner at home served with candle light And It's ...

求part of a fool的歌词
我曾经历过,而我无法忘怀 the memory and pain of the hurt i know now deep in the night 我知道回忆带给我痛苦现在在深夜里 and there's pseeion inside 心中有股热情 dare i follow my heart 我任凭自己跟着感觉走 an innocent smile then a walk in the night 一个天真的笑容让我在外漫走...

part of a fool中英文对照的LRC歌词 像那种上面是中文下面是英语_百 ...
[00:49.16]An innocent smile then a walk in the night 一个天真的笑容让我在外漫走彻夜不归 [00:53.72]There it's dinner at home served with candle light 虽然家中温暖的烛光晚餐在等着我 [01:00.91]And it's quite a while since I felt good inside 心中未曾快乐过 [01:04.35...

汝韩18841729605问: serves后面要不要加in -
尖草坪区西拉回答: serve这个词既可以做及物动词又可以做不及物动词,所以后边加不加in要看serve在句中的意思.当表示“为某人提供服务”的时候,就不加in,比如serve somebody, serve the country;当表示“服役”,并且后边没有描述服役对象的词(国家)的时候就加in,比如serve in the army.

汝韩18841729605问: 英语: 请问 serve 的用法?? -
尖草坪区西拉回答: 我就补充一下它的两个常见用法: 1.为...服务 是serve sb.不要加for serve the people your serve 随时为你服务/效劳 My car is at your serve. 其他的他们说的很详细了 1. 为...服务;为...服役;供职 2. 招待,侍候;上酒,端菜 3. 发(球)

汝韩18841729605问: serve的用法,要具体的
尖草坪区西拉回答:serve的用法 具体如下 1 动词:翻译成:服务, 服役, 供职, 招待, 侍候, 供应, 适合 2 ;动词 开饭;上菜;当…吃 以下为常见词组 3 翻译成:适于,常接for+名词 This thing will serve for a toy. 这东西可作玩具. 4 serve as [for] 作为...用; 担任; 起...作用 5 serve on 担任...的职; 成为...中的一员 6 serve out 发给, 分配 7 serve up 端出(饭菜等); 提出, 提供 8 serve with 向... 提供; 把(传票)交给 你的采纳 我的动力 希望我能继续帮助你

汝韩18841729605问: serve as后面要加冠词吗 -
尖草坪区西拉回答: 如果是可数名词的单数,肯定要加冠词啦.如: Old newspapers can serve as a blanket. 旧报纸可以当毯子用. This stick can serve as a ruler. 这根木棍儿可以当尺子.

汝韩18841729605问: 包含serve这个词组的单词有多少啊~ -
尖草坪区西拉回答: 有十几个吧,下面列出,+s,+(e)d,+edly,+ness都省略了(除非就只有1个变化), 而+r则保留了: conserve conserver cryopreserve deserve deserver disserve observe observer preserve preserver reserve reserver server subserve timeserver underserved unobserved unreserved

汝韩18841729605问: serve的用法 -
尖草坪区西拉回答: 应该是serve as a reminder吧 , serve及物应该有为后面的名词服务的意思, 所以一般接的都是人.而serve as 是作为的意思 ,即这些严格自律的学生,作为一个范例,提醒人们,孩子们可以既被给予自由,又同时保持整齐有序.

汝韩18841729605问: serve的用法具体 -
尖草坪区西拉回答: serve as 担任…,充当…;起…的作用 serve for 充当;被用作;起…的作用 serve with 向……提供 serve the people 为人民服务 serve under someone 在某人部下服役,在某人麾下

汝韩18841729605问: 用 serve as造句起...作用 -
尖草坪区西拉回答: serve as: vt. 担任(充当,起...的作用) 例句与用法: 1. In a way, I'm glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as warning to you. 在某种意义上来说,你犯那个错误我倒很高兴,因为那个错误会对你起警告作用. 2. These philosophical views ...

汝韩18841729605问: serve的用法有哪些? -
尖草坪区西拉回答: vt. & vi. 1. (为…)服务; 任(职)2. 提供, 端上vt. 1. 向…供应2. 度过(某段时间)3. 接待;服务4. 对…有用;能满足…的需要5. 可用作,可当…使(尤指别无选择时)6. 产生…的效果(或结果)7. (为…)工作,服务,履行义务,尽职责8. ...

汝韩18841729605问: 单词后缀serve有哪些 -
尖草坪区西拉回答: -serve:保存 conserve preserve reserve observe deserve

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