
作者&投稿:帅勤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

If I can face all the things seriously,success is not very far away from me.

seriously sorry,i can't attend the scheduled company-meeting because of my health problem

“遗憾的是”在英语中有很多种说法,下面介绍几种比较常见的:1、Unfortunately 例句:Unfortunately, no one took my messages seriously.遗憾的是,没人把我提供的信息当回事。2、It is regretful that…例句:It is regretful that strike leaders seem intent on spoiling holidays.遗憾的是罢工领导人...


急!!take it seriously什么意思?
1. 别着急;别紧张翻下 2. 严肃对待 3. 这只是个玩笑,不必当真 4. 认真对待

通过调查,发现有很多人作息规律不合理,严重伤害了身体导致睡眠质量不好。英文翻译过来是:Through nvestigation, we found that many people have unreasonable work and rest, which seriously harms the body and leads to poor sleep quality.

seriously interferes with the normal economic order and damaged the national and social interests of the public. This article from bad accounting practices start with the motives and methods, the analysis of the bad accounting practices and the performance characteristics of the serious impl...

英语翻译 急急急!!!
According to the survey, about 50% of the person is like a computer to choose our computer this professional, as the saying goes: interest is the best teacher, the students will have more seriously, hobby more profoundly study.Most students like the computer, but in the ...

...too casually miss turn, will be tears read too seriously...

I think it needs is based on the situation.我认为这需要依情况而定.If staff have the experience was not able to, I couldn't have attached importance to Him. I have no working ability of people in the company. The contrary, if the staff do not have any work experience, but...

达奚霄17264688778问: seriously是什么意思 -
开平市福路回答: seriously[英][ˈsɪəriəsli][美][ˈsɪriəsli] adv.严重地; 认真地; 严肃地;例句: 1. Do you take any of this seriously? 你有没有认真对待这件事?2. Don't take it so seriously. 别把它看得这么严重.

达奚霄17264688778问: seriously的翻译
开平市福路回答: Seriously 本意的意思是“认真地、严肃的;严重的” 但分开成句时,就不能看本意,要看俚语意思: 加问号变问句 Seriously?? 真的假的?有没有搞错?不会吧? (暗含“这是认真的吗?不是在开玩笑吧?”的意思) 加叹号变惊叹句 Seriously!! 真是的! (暗含“认真态度!不要开玩笑!”的意思) 再有就是这句:But seriously, 这句的意思是“说真的,”引申的意思是“刚才算开玩笑了,现在严肃的说”

达奚霄17264688778问: 认真对待.的翻译 -
开平市福路回答:[答案] seriously

达奚霄17264688778问: 最近在看《六人行》,seriously的翻译都译成“ 褚的”,每次都是这样,应该不是笔误. -
开平市福路回答:[答案] Seriously 本意的意思是“认真地、严肃的;严重的”但分开成句时,就不能看本意,要看俚语意思:加问号变问句 Seriously?真的假的?有没有搞错?(暗含“这是认真的吗?不是在开玩笑吧?”的意思)加叹号变惊叹句 Seriousl...

达奚霄17264688778问: seriously怎么读 -
开平市福路回答:[答案] seriously 英[ˈsɪəriəsli] 美[ˈsɪriəsli ] adv.认真地;严肃地;严重地 [例句]Take your " image " seriously. 认真对待自己的“形象”.

达奚霄17264688778问: seriously的意思 -
开平市福路回答: 严肃地 认真地;当真地 严重地

达奚霄17264688778问: seriously是什么意思Some people .Some matters.Why takes seriously -
开平市福路回答:[答案] 一些人 一些事 为什么看不开 单词是“严重的”,副词,根据语境翻译就是说为什么想不开,把一些东西想的那么严重

达奚霄17264688778问: 英语翻译seriously的音标是什么? -
开平市福路回答:[答案] seriously英音:['siriəsli]美音:['sɪrɪəslɪ] 副词 ad.1.严肃地2.认真地;当真地They take their responsibilities seriously.他们认真对待自己的职责.3.严重地She was seriously injured....

达奚霄17264688778问: serious什么意思中文翻译 -
开平市福路回答: serious作形容词意思是严肃的;严重的;认真的;危急的;庄重的.它的英式读法是['sɪəriəs];美式读法是['sɪriəs].一、相关例句:用作形容词 (adj.)1、Do not treat this serious matter as a joke.不要把这件严肃的事情当作笑料.2、A ...

达奚霄17264688778问: seriously 的音标
开平市福路回答: seriously ['siəriəsli, 'si:r-] 基本翻译 adv. 认真地;严重地,严肃地 网络释义 seriously:严重地 | 严肃地 | 认真地

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