
作者&投稿:鲍趴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

ADODB.Field '800a0bcd' BOF 或 EOF 中有一个是“真”,或者当前的记录...
end if End if set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")sql="select * from mail" sql,conn,1,1 if not rs.eof then rs.PageSize=1 rs.AbsolutePage=page for k=1 to rs.PageSize email=rs("email")name=rs("user")rec=""&page&"--->"&email&"--->"&name&""Resp...

In fact, probably the quickest way to end a friendship is to neglect it and sever contact. Yet it is hard to make time in a busy day and...Send frequent email. Email is a boon for a quick note. Call once a week. Telephone calls do not take long. Keep in touch through brief ...

This assignment is due on 3rd July, 2009. The electronic cope should be sent to the email address: XXXXXXX。no later than 10:00 am on the same day.Please make sure that you have received a confirmation of receiving your assignment within 24 hours after submission. Failing to ...

假设你是李红,你的一位美国笔友Robert写E-mail问及你高考后暑假的安排,请根据以下要点,写一封100词左右的email回复他, 可以适当增加细节。 1. 学开车 2. 参加英语培训课程 3. 去北京看奥运会 4. 游览北京的名胜 注意:1.根据以上内容写一篇短文,不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。 2.要准确使用语法...

求电气工程及其自动化英文论文一篇 内容不限 题目要翻译好 谢谢_百度...
Spain. Email: .. Departament #Enginyeria Electrbnica. Universitat Polit6cnica de CatalunyaAV. Victor BaLguer s\/n. 08...limitations, we propose a novel control scheme, endowing to theparalleled-UPS system a proper transient response, strictlyfrequency and phase ...

举例说明:Pirates.Of.The.Caribbean.At.Worlds.End.PROPER.DVDRip.XviD-HooKah-CD1.avi(加勒比海盗3世界尽头proper版本)19.Director's Cut——导演剪辑版...举例说明:[email=Le.Fabuleux.Destin.d]Le.Fabuleux.Destin.d'Amélie.Poulain.2001.Blu-ray.720p.x264.DD51-HiS@SiLUHD.mkv[\/email](天使爱美丽720P...

My favourite holiday Easter is my favourite holiday. It is on a Sunday in March or April.Colourful eggs are its sign. People usually go on an egg hunt. Someone hides a lot of eggs and the others must find them. Then they can eat eggs. These eggs are not the real eggs, ...

Hello,你好 Thank you for your email, and I'll be happy to confirm that your order was canceled once more.谢谢你的回邮!我很抱歉地说,又一次取消你的订单!I have notation that your order was canceled on July 15th, 2010 at 5:21pm Eastern Standard Time, and at that point, ...

End WithEmail.Send12.VBS结束进程 程序代码strComputer = "."Set objWMIService = GetObject _ ("winmgmts:\\\\" & strComputer & "\\root\\cimv2")Set colProcessList = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = 'Rar.exe'")For Each objProcess in colProcessList objProcess...

include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>const unsigned MAXSTUDS = 150; \/\/ 学生人数const unsigned MAXITEMS = 4; \/\/ 课程数目struct student {unsigned id; \/\/ 学号char name[16];double scores[MAXITEMS + 2]; \/\/ 增加平均成绩和总成绩}stus[MAXSTUDS];int num_stus ...

冀贫19818505414问: 第一行send e―mail为什么要加s -
迁安市醋酸回答: send a email, send emails.是两种表达方式,都是可以的.如果EMAIL前没有A, 那就得用复数形式 亲,请采纳,谢谢·!~~

冀贫19818505414问: I send email to my friends.其中,email为什么不加s?这是外研版初一英语课本上的一句话,请问这儿的email为什么不加s.如果加上s这句话还对吗? -
迁安市醋酸回答:[答案] e-mail可以做不可数名词,也可以做可数名词 当表示电子邮件这个整体的统称时,为不可数的 E-mail is a good communication tool. 电子邮件是一种好的交流工具. 当表示一封电子邮件时,为可数的 an e-mail e-mails 来自译苦思甜

冀贫19818505414问: 英语:是send email还是send emails -
迁安市醋酸回答: send an email 或者send emails发一封就要加a,发好多封就用复数

冀贫19818505414问: e - mail有复数形式吗?message是可数名词吗?news可数码? -
迁安市醋酸回答: e_mail一般不用复数,但是可以说send sb.a e -mail .也就是说,通常是用单数.message应该可数.news是不可数名词,后面的s是本身就有的.但是有个时候,在news前面加形容词时,也说an exciting news.一个令人兴奋的消息. 一条消息是a piece of news

冀贫19818505414问: e - mail可不可数? -
迁安市醋酸回答: 名词中有些是双性词,e-mail就是这样的例子.作专属名词时,e-mail是一个专业术语,不可数.如:You can contact me by email.作为我们实际所发送或者收到的一封封的邮件,是可数的.如:Can you send me an email?另外,email有动词用法,如: Email me, please!

冀贫19818505414问: e - mail用不用加s -
迁安市醋酸回答:[答案] 不用

冀贫19818505414问: He often send me email.这句话对不? -
迁安市醋酸回答: he often sends me email.

冀贫19818505414问: I send email to my friends.其中,email为什么不加s? -
迁安市醋酸回答: 希望您能采纳 e-mail可以做不可数名词,也可以做可数名词 当表示电子邮件这个整体的统称时,为不可数的 E-mail is a good communication tool. 电子邮件是一种好的交流工具. 当表示一封电子邮件时,为可数的 an e-mail e-mails 来自译苦思甜

冀贫19818505414问: email的英文单词复数形式要加s吗? -
迁安市醋酸回答: 个人认为,e-mail就是electrici mail,既然mail有复数形式,email同样有. 查字典结论如下: e-mail or e·mail also E-mail (ē'māl') Pronunciation Key n. A system for sending and receiving messages electronically over a computer network, as ...

冀贫19818505414问: 为什么I send email to my friends and play computer games.中的email(它是可数名词啊!)没加s? -
迁安市醋酸回答:[答案] e-mail可以做不可数名词,也可以做可数名词 当表示电子邮件这个整体的统称时,为不可数的 E-mail is a good communication tool. 电子邮件是一种好的交流工具. 当表示一封电子邮件时,为可数的 an e-mail e-mails

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