
作者&投稿:乜径 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

但是也有例外,比如meadow,看着有三个音节但是ea发音在一起,就只有两个音节。4 浏览4932016-10-08英语诗歌怎么写啊?《The dirge of heart》 How are you I want to ask you Looking through the window Can I find something new So many hours and so many days I hope to be with you The more I miss...

功夫不负有心人 Everything comes to him who waits. 好了伤疤忘了疼 once on shore, one prays no more 好事不出门,恶事传千里 Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide. 和气生财 Harmony brings wealth 活到老,学到老 One is never too old to learn. ...

古城旅游景点介绍文案英语 古城旅游景点介绍文案英语版

近义词:beach海滩;shore岸;seashore海滨;water's edge水边;coastline海岸线;oceanfront海滨。临近单词:Shorea;shoreshoreline;sandbody;shore-connectionshore;beach;supply;Shore;support;Baseshore-base;radar;shore-based;radarShorea;wantianshuea;shore;wave;recordershore;podgrass;herb;sh...

and head east past the FORT MOONMOTH---然后往东,过了FORT MOONMOTH and across the FOYADA MAMAEA on the road to PELAGIAD.---再穿过FOYADA MAMAEA,踏上去PELAGIAD的路 after leaving the FOYADA,I should take the road to SURAN which runs along the north shore of LAKE AMAYA--...

ey : money honey y: Nancy happy Lucy lily [i:]ee : meet feed need see bee tree sweet beef Ea: eat tea meat teach teacher peach ey: Key [e]e: let bed lesson pet wet ferry strawberry blueberry ea: ready dead head sweater [æ]a: apple sad ...

coastal waters、offshore waters、inshore waters各是什么意思,有何分...
老美常用offshore(离岸)表示国外、出国等,就是这个意思的引申。再补充一句:coastal current是指平行海岸水流(“沿岸流”)所以这三个放在一起就应该很明白了。你可以参考这个地方:http:\/\/\/c?m=9d78d513d9d431ac4f9993690c66c0176f43f7632bd6a0020ea4843be4732d405012e3af6062...

雨的印记 http:\/\/\/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=%D3%EA%B5%C4%D3%A1%BC%C7

eat英音:[i:t]美音:[it]及物动词 vt.1.吃;喝 He ate his breakfast quickly.他匆匆地吃了早餐。2.腐蚀(金属等);蛀;耗完;毁坏[O]The sea had eaten away much of the shore.海水浸蚀了大片海岸。3.【口】使烦恼;使不安 Could you tell me what is eating her?你能告诉我她为什么烦恼...

掌送19468543317问: bank coast beach seashore 有什么区别 -
汉阳区伤科回答: bank:河岸(两边比水面高)coast:地理意义上的海岸线, 感觉旁边是岩石,很陡峭beach:海滩;海滨度假地;海滨的砂石 seashore:海岸(为了游玩的)

掌送19468543317问: BEACH翻译成中文是什么意思? -
汉阳区伤科回答: 1、名词:海滩;沙滩;海滨;湖滨 Why not go to the beach? 为什么不到海边走走? 2、动词:(使)上岸;把…拖上岸 He beached the boat and lifted the boy onto the shore. 他把小船拖上岸,把男孩抱到岸上. 扩展资料 其他海滩的表达方...

掌送19468543317问: seashore和coast的区别是什么 -
汉阳区伤科回答: coast的用法 coast 指“海岸”、“海岸线”等,属地理用词,它主要指远处看到的海洋与陆地的分界线,或把这一分界线当作一个整体来看待(通常只能指“海岸”,不指湖岸或河岸).如: They lived about 20 miles from the coast. 他们住在...

掌送19468543317问: 海滨用英文怎么写 -
汉阳区伤科回答: “海滨”英文写法:shore 读法:英 [ʃɔː] 美 [ʃɔr] 释义: 1、vt.支撑,使稳住;用支柱撑住 2、n.海滨;支柱 3、n. (Shore)人名;(英)肖尔 例句: 1、Their ship is bearing down on the shore. 他们的船正向河岸疾驶. 2、Then, after the ...

掌送19468543317问: 描写大海的英文语句加急! -
汉阳区伤科回答:[答案] Walk along the Seashore-海滨漫步 A Walk along the Seashore There is much enjoyment to be gained by strolling along the seashore.Many people who live far away from the sea envy those who live near it.They sometimes form excursion parties and go ...

掌送19468543317问: 英语海边怎麽说 -
汉阳区伤科回答: seasid 希望对你有帮助!

掌送19468543317问: 美丽的海湾用英语怎 -
汉阳区伤科回答: beautiful bay “bay”为港湾 beautiful seashore "seashore"为沙滩 修饰时可把"like a paradise"加在后面(paradise为天堂) 例如:The seashore is like a paradise 阔句变成场景:I step on the seashore.Soft wind blows over my face.Sea water flushed up to my ankles.I have a feeling like I'm in a paradise.我踏上了沙滩,轻风拂过我的脸庞,海水冲过了我的脚踝,我有一种感觉就是我在天堂.望采纳,谢谢

掌送19468543317问: seashore和shore有区别麽 -
汉阳区伤科回答: 前者是海滨,只有一个意思.后者有海岸的意思,但同时可以做动词,意为: 拥护#支撑 支起

掌送19468543317问: 关于sea 和sea shore的英语绕口令 -
汉阳区伤科回答: She sells sea shells by the sea shore.The shells she sell are surely seashells.So if she sells shells on the seashore, I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

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